"Please, please stop writing terrible limericks," they all begged, tears streaming down their cheeks.
Write about the worst place you've ever lived
I'm apartment hunting, so I'm in need of some cautionary tales. Preferably true stories, but go crazy if you're inspired.
Ended August 7, 2021 • 6 Entries • Created by fabulous
Pick someone else's "keep it clean challenge" ...and make it dirty
I'm not sure if this is a new trend, but lots of challenges over the past month or two have had a "keep it clean" requirement in the description. Pick one of those challenges and enter the dirty version of your work here. Mwahahahaha!
(Seriously though, I think there's value in thought-out dirty writing, whether it be sexy, gory, or downright objectionable. Why exclude something you're uncomfortable with when you could expand your repertoire as a reader?)
Ended June 30, 2021 • 2 Entries • Created by fabulous
First Kiss
Tell me about your first kiss. Poetry, prose, nonfiction, imaginary, all welcome.
Ended April 21, 2021 • 10 Entries • Created by fabulous in Romance & Erotica
Random Fear Generator
Go to feargenerator.org and hit "Generate Fear." Find one you like, and write me a poem or short story about that fear. [If you like, you can even add your own fears to the site!]
Ended February 7, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by fabulous in Horror & Thriller
Write the longest sentence possible
I'll declare the winner based on word count. [Note Well: Punctuation counts! I will disqualify run-ons. If you'd like to know whether I consider your work properly-punctuated, tag me in the comments with that request.] [EDIT: Though I've received many creative entries, this challenge is meant to be taken in a literal sense!! Give me a beast of a sentence that goes on for as long as you can draw it out.]
Ended January 17, 2020 • 13 Entries • Created by fabulous
The New Years goal you're definitely not going to keep
Ended January 7, 2020 • 12 Entries • Created by fabulous
So there I was...
Give me the greatest first-person hook of all time, starting with "So there I was..." Three sentences maximum.
Ended November 19, 2019 • 77 Entries • Created by fabulous
7 reasons you can't sleep
Ended November 2, 2019 • 37 Entries • Created by fabulous
Cure for the Hiccups
This afternoon I contracted a terrible, horrible case of the hiccups. Please send me your most creative hiccup-cures! Poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, all welcome.
Ended October 13, 2019 • 7 Entries • Created by fabulous
Smash two idioms or cliches together to get something new (Famous example: "We'll burn that bridge when we get there.") May be funny, thought-provoking, odd...
Ended October 13, 2019 • 23 Entries • Created by fabulous
A long-winded title
Only rule: the title itself must be longer than the actual writing. [If Prose still forces the 15-word minimum, you can bold the title and make it part of the body of the text, or place a bracketed nonsense filibuster at the bottom.]
Ended September 29, 2019 • 25 Entries • Created by fabulous
Prisoner's Dilemma
Ever heard of it? Two criminals are caught together. They are put in separate interrogation rooms. Each is told that they can either keep quiet or rat out their partner; if both keep quiet, they'll get a mild 5 year sentence. If both rat each other out, they'll each get 10 years. Here's the kicker: if one stays silent and protects his partner, but the other turns and betrays the loyal one, the snitch walks away free and the one who kept quiet gets a life sentence.
Write a prisoner's dilemma story- is there a way for everyone to walk away free? Poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, all good.
Ended September 21, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by fabulous
Oh, dear, it seems I have mixed up my homophones again! Write something that incorporates at least two of the above words. You may mention the words explicitly, or incorporate them in a more implicit, thematic way. As always, be unexpected!
Ended September 15, 2019 • 10 Entries • Created by fabulous
The lamest superpower ever
Be unexpected! Poetry or prose, all good.
Ended September 8, 2019 • 18 Entries • Created by fabulous
The Morning Paper
Give me the biggest, boldest headline to ever grace the top of a newspaper. Like any good reporter, get an interesting angle and a few killer quotes. I'm looking for excellent dialogue, however you choose to incorporate it. Tag me in the comments so I get a notification when you post!
Ended September 2, 2019 • 6 Entries • Created by fabulous
Tell me about an object you've lost
Will you have to replace it? Are you going to forget about it by tomorrow night? Is it living a better life elsewhere? Give me a physical object that I can picture; no abstract fluff. Preferably nonfiction; poetry or prose all welcome. Tag me in the comments so I get a notification when you post!
Ended August 26, 2019 • 10 Entries • Created by fabulous
Write me a Fairy Tale
Must be short fiction (no poetry), and please keep it PG.
Want to enter your short story in an actual contest (with a monetary prize and everything)?
Visit https://fsftshop.com/epages/7d6bd554-8c50-40dd-8033-0f378cf9fc9a.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/7d6bd554-8c50-40dd-8033-0f378cf9fc9a/Categories/Summer_Contest
Ended July 31, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by fabulous