I’m Debt Free.
I have come to realize that im no longer in debt to the unsolicited gift that i've recieved. This so called "gift" of life has cost me so much, yet I know for a fact that every penny that was once owed, has been paid.
I know this because life has been, and always will be this extremely costly and emotionally taxing thing. The thing that drains my shiny pink piggy bank of things like joy and innocence.
I guess I couldn't recognize how much I owed on a gift that was given to me, and not asked for.
But at least I know that my debt is paid because there is this lingering feeling that maybe, or surely...
life could be a poor investment after all.
Life is a bowl of fruit
I used to pucker up like fruit that had rotted to its core, too late to save from dying. My coping mechanisms involved how I could shrink my body to fit the mold of society, her words following me. I dropped out of college and she asked me how it felt, to throw my life away like that. Now, I would rip that sentiment to shreds; I would spew confidence. Lips curled, I can spit fire language like a rapper who's career needs lifting.
I'm no victim, and I'm not sorry about anything.
I think of my past in snippets, like a black and white, old movie that cuts to new scenes rather haphazardly. I struggled with being myself - the girl who cut herself down so frequently couldn't really, surely, at her core, also be me?
So I picked up a pen and cut deeper than I ever had before. On the page, I could be free to be just myself, in its entirety.
But now, it's holding me back - this feeling of over-sharing. I struggle with transparency. I was shut down for so long, both physically and mentally.
I needed to scream, the pain seeping out of me. Writing has offered me an outlet I never knew I needed.
Everything I do, everything I write, I do in spite of my upbringing.
But I struggle with the fear of someone watching. I can't keep recklessly airing my dirty laundry.
At my core, I am a writer. Sharing my experiences, or at least writing about them, may have saved my sanity. It has also made me better. I can organize my thoughts, make them easier to comprehend for others. I just hope it's not too much information.
I have come a long way. I think of my old therapist, her office. How there was a watercolor painting of a bowl of fruit. I thought - is this supposed to represent life? How, when we preserve ourselves, we don't die?
Rotten fruit doesn't survive, but I sure as hell willed myself back from certain demise.
The challenges of life
Right now my own personal challenges are to de clutter my tiny little house so that I can focus more on my art and work instead of worrying about what needs to be accomplished before I get to my art work. What hinders me now isn’t mental issues on letting go of things, now I’m ready to let go, but physically I’m not able to move about anymore. The challenges I faced when I was young were about handling the lives of sweet little ones, but that came easy as time moved forward.
Now after kids and dogs and horses, my body has decided to stiffen up and shut down on me. Pain is a constant reminder of my rough and tumble cowboy days, but I don’t regret them. It just gives me fond memories of all I went through to get here. I went through a lot.
I used to think I couldn’t handle having more than one child at a time.
Then I had two!
I used to think I couldn’t handle more than two children at a time, God laughed and gave me another so I had three.
Then I thought Lord I couldn’t handle anymore children!
In Gods infinite humor and wisdom he smiled and gave me one more, number four!
Four sons all in a row, all good boys how I love them so!
If only God had seen fit to give me a horse before he gave me children, maybe I would’ve been a better mother. Everything I ever learned about being a better mother, I learned from my horses. If more people took lessons from horses, I guarantee there would be much more harmony in the world!
Our beginning was tough, life wasn’t easy, but lessons learned.
Silent Reverie
Loneliness, a mysterious companion, walks beside me, its shadow stretching across my emotions. It's a paradox, suffocating yet oddly comforting. It whispers like a haunting melody, weaving tales of isolation, leaving an ache within.
In its presence, the world feels distant, veiled by mist, and the weight of emptiness is overwhelming. Loneliness is an echo that reverberates through the heart, a yearning for connection.
But amid the darkness, it teaches. It compels introspection, forcing me to confront myself. It is a crucible of self-discovery, where solitude fosters growth, unlocking hidden strengths.
Physically alone, emotionally entangled, loneliness is transformative. It's a dance with solitude, a struggle for equilibrium. In these moments, I learn self-compassion, a balm for wounds.
Loneliness weaves its narrative uniquely. It is both burden and gift, an invitation to embrace the human experience in all its shades. Within this vast emotion lies the promise of connection, like stars shining in the darkest night.
Woke up in a Mini Cooper
Pondering the night's regret
Feeling guilty, feeling super
Strung-out drinking... Walker, wet
Pitiful and drunken stupor
But the girl I can’t forget
I think her name was something with a...
Maybe it was Juliette
I'd seen her in her satin shirt
This young, petite, long-haired brunette
Sprayed on denim jeans overt
My eyes to something less a threat
But when her eyes found mine to flirt
I know I broke out in a sweat
I introduced myself and she said...
Perhaps it was Bernadette
Drinking, dancing, flirting, glancing
At her slender silhouette
I'd considered refinancing
Going deeper into debt
For such a beauty so entrancing
Eyes like none I'd ever met
I'd watched her lips as she revealed
I'm positive it was Jeanette
We drank a toast and danced engrossed
And I would make a bet
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Would pine for this coquette
She would banter, I'd riposte
Each other we'd abet
No question, I would not forget her
I think her name was Antoinette?
The fire alarm caught someone chancing
Careless with a cigarette
And sprinklers rained on our romancing
We stayed there while others set
To dash away while we kept dancing
Silky smooth and soaking wet
In her hand a Johnny Walker
In my arms I held... Paulette?
Ushers ushered us outside
Breaking up our sweet duet
Her rushing friends rushed in and pried
Our hands apart and seemed upset
That we would stop and stay inside
And cause their blushing cheeks to fret
And so without a goodnight kiss
I said a sweet goodbye to umm... Collette?
With nothing left for me to do
I wandered, pondered, wondered yet
I strove to know the name I knew
The girl I know I’ll not forget
Sweet Antoijeanbernacolljuliorpaulette
I ordered a drink at the bar I'd come to
Only name I recalled: Johnny Walker... wet
And wound up in a Mini Cooper
Thinking ’bout the girl I can’t forget
Ah! It's Amy! Ha! 100% positive! It was Amy. Definitely Amy.
94% positive.
Sunlight, Sugar, and Love
Memories are only sad when I let myself forget the joy.
There's a strange kind of envy felt for the person who I used to be---
The one who burst with energy and wrote of hope for life to come
And spent her days in trees and books and laughed through all the pains of life.
It's easy for me now to pity the person I've become
Because my space is a mess, my mind's even messier, and in general I've thrown myself into chaos.
And I'm up at night convincing myself that I need to be that kid again
Because kids don't worry about these things, they just want sunlight and sugar and love.
But lying there just hating myself and staining my memories grey with regret,
I'd forgotten that kid who just wanted a life where loving was all she needed to do.
I'd forgotten I can still climb trees and lie in the sun and eat sprinkles on their own,
Even when my mind tells my heart that the things it loves are no longer possible.
And memories are only sad if I let myself forget the joy.
And life is only pointless if I let myself forget that kid.
Now I just want to tell her that she's going to become a big, hot mess.
But her heart goes right on loving even when she feels it least.
Shadows swimming at the corners of my vision,
Ghosts taunting me from every angle of what I could have been.
There's a sunrise, a moon at night,
But somehow shadows find their way to light.
For every possibility unfurling before me,
There's a thousand more I never stopped to see.
And it's those that haunt me in the middle of the night,
While I plow along the path I decided was right.
Nothing but ghosts, never to be realized.
I keep them in a quill pen I've long coveted and prized,
So ghosts can keep living in lives that aren't mine,
And the path I chose gives them life in the lines.
another song (Video Games)
I cried last night, you didn't bat an eye
Told all my friends, you weren't like other guys
When I think about it, Lucas was right
“You’re a good person” doesn’t change the hurt
And you promised me you would think about your words
I don’t see the asteroids but it feels like the end of the world
One year of chasing
One year of nice
One year of thinking about you almost every single night
One year of hoping
One year of shutting it all out
And when I mustered up the strength you let me down
What would my parents say?
We only talk about video games
You think I would’ve gotten somewhere by now
And what would your parents think
If they saw you together with me?
I really loved you, but I can’t see a way to now
I sifted through every possibility
And came to the conclusion you didn’t love me
Is that why you can’t see when I'm hurting?
My father told me “One thing at a time”
But what do I have to do for me to cross your mind
Would some empathy be really that hard to find
One year of chasing
One year of nice
One year of thinking about you almost every single night
One year of hoping
One year of shutting it all out
And when I mustered up the strength you let me down
What would my parents say?
We only talk about video games
You think I would’ve gotten somewhere by now
And what would your parents think
If they saw you together with me?
I really loved you, but I can’t see a way to now
You held my hands, thought we gonna kiss
But you left me in the dirt, that’s how this shit is
I really thought that you could make me happy
I guess its naive thinking you could fix me
Now I’m fighting the fact, I think that you hate me
What did I do?
One year of chasing
One year of nice
One year of thinking about you almost every single night
One year of hoping
One year of shutting it all out
And when I mustered up the strength you let me down
One year of you
Rent free in my mind
I think it’s empty up there
So tell me what you find