a man with hair
almost as wild as him.
long, blonde curls
that he’ll try to tame in a ponytail.
I love them when they’re free.
when the breeze blows them to his face,
and I tuck them behind his ear.
as if its the most natural thing in the world
for him to talk so freely to me.
and I’ll always listen
and I’ll always insist he leaves his hair free
and I’ll always love him most untamed.
Asynchronous love
"Why do you keep on reading the same chapter?"
This question always surrounded me,
Engulfing me like an old dear friend.
A small smile tugged at my lips,
And I replied to the cold wintery wind,
"Because I'm hoping and praying that maybe,
Just maybe this time the ending would be a bit different."
Sunflowers and Love
My lovely friends haven't read this yet as I'm not quite sure it's ready yet but this will be my present for them and I wish them all the happiness in the world
A beautiful bride with a handsome groom,
Smiles, laughter and tears throughout the room,
People came together to help celebrate,
The 11th of June, now forever a special date.
Beautiful words spoken,
Vows forever unbroken,
A look of love and admiration,
Feelings throughout the room of love and elation.
Speeches from the heart that brought tears to eyes,
The thought and preparation for guests a wonderful surprise,
An opportunity for friendships and love to bloom,
Lavender floating through the air as a gentle perfume.
Chances to see love of a different kind,
As the dances took place and were truly sublime,
Looks of pure happiness all around,
As people were dancing and enjoying the bands wonderful sound.
Thank you for such a magical day and night,
In a venue that held so many wonderful sights,
For including me in what was such a special day,
With a chance to catch that lovely bouquet.
You're perfect for one another everyone would agree,
The love you both hold plain for all to see.
May you spend this life and the next falling in love with each other again, again and again,
Congratulations Alex and Elaine.
By Any Name
Dick Cavett described it best.
He said at its worst,
if there was a cure for it on your bedside table
and you simply had to reach out and take it,
it would require a strength you did not have.
Others afflicted have weighted in.
To Sylvia Plath it felt like a bell jar.
Black dogs is popular but not mean enough.
The dogs would have to be rabid, loose,
Slough of despond from a Welsh pundit sounds almost like
a poetic interlude.
The mean reds was Billie Holiday’s but sorry, Lady Day,
too pretty.
Country singers tell us time and again about
their plain old blues.
From William Styron came
Darkness Visible. And he should
For me it is
A thief, the sorriest kind.
Wilier than me, and
It steals my wit, my smile,
my every trace of ease,
my very heart.
Then it turns out my lightsbefore it leaves.
I'm too much in my head. Alone, the thoughts are uncontrollable. They fly at me in thick heavy swarms, unable to be brushed away... easily.
It takes some time and copious amounts of energy to do the slightest of tasks. The first being to simply get up. I am charged with the care of this house, this family?! I can barely care for myself. Exhausted is my name. Exhausted at hearing my name.
Leave me alone. Stop coming at me. Too many people! It is utter frustration, trying to figure out which is the better option for me. With people, I'm drained, I'm on stage. Alone, the thick heavy swarms attack.
Alone. No support. Alone. Nothing getting done. Alone. I think I'd prefer to be... sometimes.
Air, Water, Food, & Love
Deep breath in;
Deep breath out.
Through yer lungs,
Then all about:
To yer heart,
Feet & hair.
We need Air.
Splish-splash in;
Splish-splash out.
Swallow some;
Twist & shout.
Swim around
Like an Otter.
We need Water.
Stir it up;
Take a munch:
Some for breakfast;
Some for lunch.
Chew it well;
Swallow good.
We need Food.
Nestle down
On your bed.
Rest your body,
Arms & head.
Say yer prayers.
(“My soul to keep”)
We need Sleep.
Hug yer Mama
& yer Dad.
Grandma, Grandpa,
Friends you’ve had.
Re-connect with
Birds & Blokes.
We need Folks.
Ponder fondness
& affection;
Hugs & Kisses,
Deep emotions
Soar above:
We need Love.
I wish everyone knew, the beauty of the city.
We all rush through its streets and dream of natures trails,
we look upon and climb towers and yet we dream of trees,
we pass humans of all type and still we dream of animals.
We dream of passing time in nature yet we let time pass us in the city.
I wish everyone knew, the beauty of the city.