Writer. 'Nuff said. If you'd like to read more, www.nataliefaulk.com and now sincitystories.com.
I just discovered a poetic style called the haiku sonnet. It is comprised of four haiku followed by a couplet of either five or seven syllables. Let's give it a try. Please tag me!
Ended November 15, 2016 • 20 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
What is your most prized possession? How did you acquire it? Why is it so valuable to you?. Poetry or prose.
Ended October 15, 2016 • 25 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Stream of Consciousness
If you could be any animal, which would you choose? Why? Poetry, please. Any style. Don't forget to tag me!
Ended October 31, 2016 • 32 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
Imagine you have the opportunity to meet a famous person (living or dead) who you truly admire(d). How would this meeting go? Would you invite him/her over for dinner? Take a walk? Catch a movie? Poetry or prose welcome. Please tag me!!
Ended October 15, 2016 • 16 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Stream of Consciousness
Here's a timely topic in a troubled time. If you could do one thing to fix the world, what would it be? In haiku form, please. And please tag me!!
Ended October 15, 2016 • 52 Entries • Created by nfaulk6
Everyone has a deep, dark secret (or ten). Write about (one of) yours in any poetic style. You can be as specific (or as vague) as you want. Please tag me.
Ended September 30, 2016 • 46 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
If you were going to be executed, what would your last meal be? Poetry or prose. Please tag me.
Ended September 30, 2016 • 27 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Stream of Consciousness
Pen a piece of micropoetry about some literary masterpiece, be it a novel, play, poem, etc. Please tag me!
Ended September 17, 2016 • 26 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
Write the saddest sentence ever.
Ended August 15, 2016 • 71 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Stream of Consciousness
How do you define hate? Do you hate? Or is hate too strong a word?
Ended August 15, 2016 • 20 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
Pick a sport, any sport. Write a poem, any poem.
Ended July 31, 2016 • 12 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a haiku about food. Please tag me so I can read your entries.
Ended June 30, 2016 • 46 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse
Select one of your favorite genres of music and write a poem, of any form, about it. I will do the same. Please tag me with your entries.
Ended June 30, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by nfaulk6 in Poetry & Free Verse