the dying sun watches over his shadow
stretch across the sand
he turns back and sees that red boat capsized
slowly sinking in a sea of blood
with no sound tethered to it
just the thin whistle of the wind
and the occasional mew of buzzards circling overhead
his legs trudges on,
chasing his shadow the way a dog does his tail
all the while his skull echoes
what he reckons the scream from a god's mouth
should be
The grasping vacuum of space surrounding the place where there is not air to carry sound.
Here and now.
Of the
Sudden cacophony your heart beat has
The low bellowed hum of the combustion that makes the sun.
Told mostly in sunburns and freckles on the cheeks of loved ones where you come from. Not in this sonorous instinct, abnormal and distinct.
This combination is overlooked sounds waves piercing the numb of your ear drums and
That pace is what sets your breaths heaves;
your rhythmn of your lung.
Move on,
Still and unchanging as the surface of a placid puddle
Platicene reflections of our world
Slightly ripple and the
View in your minds eye receives it.
Sinking to these depths
Breath in and out in circles
And release it.
Life, As Told by Laundry
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, dress
Tank tops, shorts, dress, silk robe, panties, bedsheets
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, slacks, button-down shirt, boxers
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, slacks, hoodie, burp cloths, onesies
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, slacks, hoodie, princess costume
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, slacks, hoodie, jeans, crop tops
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, jeans, crop tops
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, pantsuits
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts
T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, sweatpants, camis, onesies, burp cloths
Slacks, blouse, jeans, T-shirts, fireman costume
Black dress, small suit
Hunger of the Seraphim
The Ortolan is a French songbird. It must be captured at the perfect time, blinded, forcefully fattened, and drowned in brandy. Those who choose to indulge must do so wholly. Bones, feet, head. All but the beak. The diner must veil their head. Some say it is to savor the aroma. Tradition says it is to hide from the piercing eyes of the savior.
The birds are dead. They do not feel the cracking structures between the teeth of their masters, hollow bones pricking gums and scraping teeth. I will not be as fortunate once I am plucked from this gilded room. I will feel the cracking of my bones. The piercing of my flesh. Ground between molar and canine, my fear-soaked fat will burst through my skin, bringing forth a sinful ecstasy that cycles for eternity. They feast as we feast, maddening further with each bite, insatiable greed for forbidden delicacies.
Saturn devouring his son. Jupiter has better luck than I.
Do they dare shield their eyes from God? Perfect faces free from shame, crafted by the astuteness of divinity. They act in His command. They act outside of it as it suits them.
Truth. Speculation. Pessimism? Prophecy.
They are older, more powerful.
Purgatorio. The fated shall always be.
I thought about sex yesterday
At first i felt guilty
Then i felt fine
And then i prayed
And changed my mind
I thought about his hand
And me shivering at his touch
But when does this thinking become
A thought too much?
I smiled at his smile
And the sound of his voice
Low and soft, and gentle in a way
Then i felt bad
Because what would my parents say?
I got in his car
Dark trap music blasting
Kept glancing over at him
My soul was asking
No, begging I suppose
He almost obliged
But i decided a kiss would do
Drunken Regret
The only regret I have at this point is that I am alive,
how could I feel any disdain for the ambrosia that
made me my own god.
I said being drunk was as close to being dead as I could get
and I meant it
and it was glorious.
There is bile crusting my carpet
I could never be bothered to clean and it has
eaten through my floor like
the booze through my liver.
I wish my liver had failed faster than the floorboards,
I wish I kept my acid in my gut
but I burned a hole through my facade.
You sent me away
and locked the liquor up.
The sober set into my veins like lead,
the poison didn't leave my blood for months.
Vision finally clear
the regret hits like shards of amber glass.
Haibun Yang
Forgiving, cleansing, no. Instead, regretful musing toward an immovable frame, cloudy skies lingering beneath our feet, feasting upon mournful rays, the intention to illuminate, to unbury oozing, weeping, rotting, to pull despair from its hallowed ground- forcing currency from weakened, bankrupt, infantile souls, your thorn-prick unpaid.
Forget, forgot. Pause.
Resurrection drains you, too.
Let the dead grow weeds.
Triggers and spirals go hand in hand.
Like Daytime and Nighttime, can't have one without the other.
Triggers are in your face all day everyday.
Some are a dud, while others blow your world to pieces.
Like watching a favorite TV show and there is the death of a child, triggered.
Spiral takes the led.
Next thing you know you spend hours, days, weeks obsessing about where the child predators are.
How many assaults' happen every year?
Where are all the sex offenders in my 1 mile radius.
How do I know my kids are safe?
I obsess over the fact that in 1970 there were 3.6 billion of people on earth and the number is higher than 8 billion people in the year 2023.
How many are pedophiles?
Growing up it felt like I was constantly surrounded by men who liked to touch little girls.
There was only 3.6 billion people then. Minus the Children, Minus the Women.
8 billion people today. How am I supposed to protect my two daughters?
My Grandmother used to nail the doors and windows shut every evening.
As soon as the sun went down I knew to be inside and grab the hammer.
I happily hammered the nails firmly into the windows and blocking the doors.
This was my bedtime routine. No brushing my hair, no brushing my teeth even.
We just hammered the windows and doors shut nightly to be protected, From what? I was never aware. Most of my own predators were already inside.
This was just life for me up until the age of 5.
I figured out quickly why my grandmother nailed the windows and doors shut.
My mothers new friends were very nice to me but then they started to crawl into my twin sized bed on occasion.
I would lay in bed at night terrified.
I remember always being so scared.
Scared of being alone. Scared of not being alone. Scared of who was waiting in the dark.
I am in my thirties now.
I still scream every time I am woken up.
New and Old fans of Tainted Sky; Rei’s Playlist
[Brand New Instagram page. Behold: https://www.instagram.com/taitaisensei/ ]
But also:
My friends—my motivation! My inspiration; and whoever else got caught in the compilation! I'd just like to say a super mega ultra: 'I'm sooorrrrrrry! >__<' it shouldn't have taken me this long to reach out to you again. I'm sure I've lost followers and fans but I am still and always will be eternally grateful to everyone who took the time to read Tainted Sky! To all the fans I didn't lose yet, THANK YOU FOR STANDING STRONG! I promise you I never stopped writing and editing and I am definitely a heck of a lot closer to getting this thing published and on our bookshelves than when you last heard from me!!! (I should invest in a proper bookshelf... *TaiSensei glances at her piles of books on the floor)
[To those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to the original story: https://www.theprose.com/book/1219/tainted-sky-reis-playlist ]
The reason you haven't heard from me:
I've been writing like crazy, making music like crazy, learning how to navigate Kickstarter like crazy, learning how to make a trailer like crazy, and being crazy as usual. I basically went full hermit mode. Picture a ninja under a turtle's shell with a robe, a cup of tea, and a strong aversion to the sun.
I can guarantee you that the quality of the story you read years ago vs now are completely different. New content, new backstories, new jokes, new and improved vocabulary (wow so smart, TaiSensei >:D ), and hopefully, if things go as planned, then new updates!
I finally caved to the social norms and unlocked an Instagram page. Or at least I'm trying to. I don't know what the humans put on these sites these days so "Ima do my own thing." (*coughcough*Spiderverse reference*cough*). But I mainly want a consistent place where fans can see where I'm at.
The end goal: Kickstarter!
I will be igniting a Kickstarter campaign (or 2) in hopes of being able to provide a full soundtrack for you guys to enjoy alongside your wacky physical copy of Tainted Sky!
With that said, the soundtrack is looking like it might still be a little ways off but if all goes well. The campaign would ensure that the book itself will look much cooler than your average book, with some custom pages, musical symbols, and fun speech bubbles decorating the margins. But more on that with the Instagram updates.
However, none of this will be possible without support, so please, plzplzplz, spread the word! Even if you're not interested, share this, or better yet, share the story with someone who might be interested. Doesn't even have to be prosers, I'm going meta, so you should too! break the fourth wall and share it with friends/family/and those not tied to this dimension.
I will also be doing my best to make this little fanvillage of ours into a whole fandom and then into a FANDOMINATION! BWAHAHA!
Don't have Instagram:
Don't worry. I'm accumulating an email list so feel free to put your email here: https://artisanal-pioneer-5844.ck.page/8f212835bb
Alternatively, you may DM me through the prose with your email (or a list of emails +___+)
Either way you'll only be subjected to the major updates. I promise not to spam your inbox. I'm too anti-social for that anyway.
Zedge, on the other hand.... >:)
(no I'm kidding, I'll keep my characters under control)
Fun Bonus note:
Any and all fans who had given any of my trackters a like and/or a comment before this post will get a special discount (I kept track) so I really hope you all take advantage of that.
To summarize:
Instagram here:
Email drop-off corner, here:
Mostly abandoned twitter attempt... is unfortunately here: https://twitter.com/TaijaSensei
The original (unedited) story here:
And finally: