The past doesn't end but gets longer.
It's the manifestation of the statement saying that the time never stops, the past is like the fire that never stops eating the plants when it is launched. Like that, the past eats the present. Every moment you are having now is the present. But every second from that moment is part of the past, as soon as it is passed. Just in a blink of an eye.
The past and present are two sides of one coin, and that coin is in harmony to make the future shorter and shorter and to make us explain that time moves and never waits.
The present is the bridge between the past and future.
Source of comfort
I don't know if I am truly good at it, but it just happens. When my friends want to talk about a problem they come to me. In the dorm, when one of them wants help, she asks me. When someone wants just to talk, they were doing it with me. They told me secrets I have never asked them to tell me.
And now the university is over. Still, my friend had an interview, so she wanted to talk to me about it before it happens. My other friend, two days ago, asked my help through Facebook because she was going to have a test for a job, and she forgot many things, and she needed a fresh up.
The funny thing, I forgot most of the things too, but I could help. Sometimes, they ask me about things I have no clue about them. Sometimes, they talk and I don't say really a big thing. But in the end every time I help, sometimes I have no clue how I did it.
I think the conclusion, maybe they just needed me to be there. I am happy anyways, I just love those cray ones haha.
The phoenix is not a legend, it can be you
Seeing you asking about advice and seeing this strength, the desire of yours to stop this before it gets worse and deeper shows me how much you are strong-willed and how your heart is shining with hope. Yes, you may think about how this is possible, but I know what I say, hope.
Start from there. If you were convinced that the heart is all dark, you wouldn't have asked for help. So, keep it up and don't give up on these ideas.
Fist, I think you should understand and admit the situation you are in very well. This is the hardest part but you already did it. You see? you are doing great.
Second, look for counterexamples. Your thoughts tell you that everything is dark, the world is doomed and done, but, hey, how can that be true, when you find a lot of strangers writing hundreds of words to advice you and help you. Look around you, and you will see how much there are nice things. They sometimes just don't show up a lot because bad things tend to get our attention faster.
Third, you have to know that, for example, when your dad or mother or anyone beloved worry about you or care bout you, that's not pity, that's love and caring, and this is one of the examples of the beautiful things in our world. So don't be afraid of this side because you wouldn't open up to someone who isn't trustworthy. But yes, of course, this is not easy, always. So why don't you use writing? Not just one paragraph to explain your feelings, but make a collection, some poems, and some paragraphs and give it to your parents. If they read it, they will see what you feel and what you think, and that's a good start.
After that, things hopefully will become easier. When your parents understand everything well, they will know how to act, especially that they know you. And in ultimate cases, you may see the advice of a professional person. But I think that you will be fine before that.
Fourth, use writing not just for that but also to release these bad ideas and feelings. It can be drawing too. Let it be like it comes naturally, even they turned t be te darkest drawings or writing. If they go out, they are no longer in your head. They would be lost between your pen and papers, and that's what they deserve, to leave you alone and become a beautiful creation of yours. That's how we turn our problems into a push forward. I had an experience with this. I remember, a long time ago, I had something that annoyed me. I was little then. I remember that I was crying and I was so angry. I took a paper and made two or three drawings. It was a dark forest with trees having opened mouths and eyes, haha. But I remember well how much I was surprised when I calmed down totally after doing that.
Fifth, read inspirational poems, writings, real stories of people who beat such situations. So you get more ideas, more reliable devices, and a beautiful push of hope.
Is it a breakup?
We have been close friends. but now I will write about that time, that time when he said: "My emotions became so strong for you, I have to stop talking to you until I can see you as a friend again."
Yes, this is the weirdest breakup you hear about, a breakup from a relationship that didn't start.
He is not bad; he did the right thing. He stepped back because I am full of constraints.
No, I am impossible for him to reach, that's why I wish that it wasn't a breakup from a relationship that has never started, but instead, I wish that it was a love that never started.
Falling like a star
You like space, and I like the stars. So I thought for some second, maybe I can be a special star in your Space. That was a pleasing thought shining like a beautiful dream. But, there was no chance for such a dream. You know it, and I know it, but you keep trying to fly to reach the star. You are strong-willed, but because of this, I am falling like a star. I am falling to the unknown. Will I become your shooting star, or will I just fall to the deep ocean without any sign?
I think the answer is in the sky. So I will just close my eyes and fall like the stars.
My country is Tunisia
Here they changed work times to one period. The coffee shops stopped using cups made from glass. Instead, they use plastic or paper ones to throw them after being used.
Last time they checked my temperature when I was getting in a central tram station.
For schools and universities, they are closed, but hopefully, this came along with the spring holiday here. They just made it one week earlier and like that, so far students are like in the ordinary holidays.
People are more serious about the virus, so they try to apply the precautions they told them about on tv and radio. In public places, there are sterilizations and cleanings. Last night the president made an announcement; there is a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am.
People are not happy with the situation, of course, but not panicking.