The Mirror The Bridge
Parallel means constantly beside at a consistent distance unless you have a mirror. Right beside you all of your life there has been your parallel universe. Parallel universe implies double the hugeness. Considering a parallel universe encourages the mind boggling notion there is plenty of space. If a mirror is correct, you have a twin. Another world exists as yours does, having exactly the same considerations, feelings and experiences.
Is the mirror wrong? Does my reflection have the same car?
Why is it somehow intimidating to look at yourself eye to eye in the mirror? The other side is just like you in its own world and it is awkward for you both to realize that. I'm going to go to the mirror and say, "Hello." We are all guaranteed at least one friend or the mirror could be reminding us how much we do not like ourselves and that now there are two of us in the universe with a negative energy!
What happens when a disco ball is around! OMG!
Brown Eyed Girl
There is more than one way to lose someone. For instance, gradually over time their behavior changes until they ultimately leave you, the person who would lay their own life down for them. I think this type of loss is the most painful. It is not like sudden death or a natural expected loss. What is worse, they are still alive making it their priority to avoid you (sucker punch #2).
This happened to me and I have never "come back." You never do. You cannot control the pain at Christmas or birthdays. Periodically you still cry like you did when it became a reality. The rejection sits inside you coddling with self doubt, taking up "happy space" in your heart. You become grateful for the days you are happy, pushing back the loss into short term "forget" until that song plays on the radio.
You live in fear of hearing that they have passed which would end all hope of holding them again. There is no way you can stop loving them. Nope, no coming back from this, there is nothing one can do but pray.
Not what we need right now
This sucks so bad my vacuum cleaner is jealous.
Is a matter of fact, lawyer up. I have been traumatized.
Best advice, go to sleep and dream about being published. It is the only way.
Use this submission for kindling, then it will be worth something!
You may consider submitting to "Shit Magazine."
Please send any future submissions in a green envelope.
States App!
Introducing the new "States App!" You must have the States App to decide your very future. Open the App, choose a state (of the United States of America), then see if it is a fit for you! Is it a "red" state? Is it "blue?" Do you have to wear face diapers or not? Are there state taxes? Do they teach Critical Race Theory? Do they focus on global warming? Get all your info. here on the "States App!"
It has a percentage ratio based on age to show you in each state who has the most purple and green hair (and at what age), piercings, gang relationships, etc, for each state! Most popular religion practiced, college information, prominent gangs, average family income, dance moves and popular local bands. It informs you on basic cultural ways and so much more!
This new App will help you see if you fit in where you want to go.
Before you move, check it out!
"States App" can save your life. Minimal fee. Just pay us enough to do the research to inform you.
Della Metcalf, Palestine Texas.
Poor Little Tittie Babies
If you do not go along with the narrative, you are ousted. Anyone who supports you is also ousted. Cancel Culture intimidates and blackmails you by holding your livelihood hostage. Sometimes your social life is held hostage. Sometimes your legal situation is held hostage. Cancel Culture attempts to squelch free speech by causing people who would ordinarily say what they think to keep silent (the blackmail: If you speak out against their thoughts, you lose your job or you're out of the club or you will be attacked).
Cancel Culture is evil, hostile, rude and fueled by the insatiable urge to control. Tyrants, Communists and general idiots practice Cancel Culture. They cannot have what they think questioned! Poor little tittie babies.
My opinion is clear. Cancel Culture is what assholes participate in.
Man or Mouse?
This is a test of how much courage you have. Hold your head up, display good posture and carry on as usual. An intimidator feels threatened by you. He/She will eventually stop the behavior or get even more aggressive which is where they make their most critical mistakes. You may have to bring out the "mama bear." It is difficult to do for us mild natured people. As the country song goes, "Sometimes you got to fight to be a man."