She is my poetry
She is my poetry in the flesh
Beautiful lines with curves that flow
My perfect page to write my words
With my tongue and my quill
Letters spill upon her from my lips
Withe each kiss
Then I write my sonnets of passion
On her secret garden so sweet
Hearing the poems of her lust
She then takes the quill
And writes her own song
Beautiful mind
"The winner of the year 2018 Nobel Prize in mathematics is...
Benjamin .J. Nikola."
Yes! That's me, the guy on the newspapers, Tele, YouTube, Instagram, twitter, Facebook. Dem! All over the globe. I'm loving the paparazzi, from my house of residence, to the labs all over the world. The ladies flirty scream, when I pop up around the corner. The refreshing salutes from many well wishers is overwhelming.
Everyone wants my signature or a hug and oh! My handshakes, don't go there. Study shows that I have shake the equivalent of a third of China's population in less than three years. Seriously! I'm a feature of statistics, that's crazy. Shoulders high, Johnny Depp's smile, joker's eye and Batman's confidence, all in one large scoop. I flaunt everyday.
"Mr J what does it feels like to win three Nobel Prize in a role?"
"I don't know, if I say on top of the world, that would be an understatement, the feeling is indescribable. I'm happy because, I made a difference and there is lot more to be done and I need not to drown myself with such pride. "
" Why Benjamin. J. Nikola?"
"Well, as you may know many call me James or, 'J' for short. My name is the sandwich of two mighty giants in the history of electricity and modern day possibility to access the internet and much more. Benjamin Franklin and Nikola Tesla. "
"So you prefer their first names? "
"Yes, I do. It symbolizes the number '1'. Nothing is as important as being number one. In any competition or whatsoever, all that matters most is, who succeeded? This men to me are number one. Someone has to carry on their legacy, right?!"
"What can you tell us briefly about counter physics?"
" Well, the law of opposite motion or counter physics states that an actions reaction opposes. I mean when an heating element such as a boiler, instead of boiling water from normal temperature 25•C to 100•C. It takes the degrees to 0•C and beyond. By beyond, I mean lower.
The big picture is that, the increase in infrared rays towards the earth surface due to opposite motion the earth cools. Instead of the North Pole's ice glaciers melting down due to global warming. Opposite motion makes it possible to reduce the rate at which ice glaciers dissolves into the sea bodies. More light is shed on this matter in the text with bulk load of calculations. "
Wait, you might be wondering, how did it happen. Let take a step backwards in time to where it all began.
Like everyone I was born in a modest family and I had my equal share of life threatening challenges. I found it hard to cope with the pace in college, so I dropped out, but I hung around the school library. It felt like the universe was calling me.
After complete isolation from the world except my family, who were fully in charge of my well being. To a degree, I kept my adventure of soul searching a secret. I sugar coated my progress in college to keep them in loop. Those years I felt completely miserable at most times regretting my choice of career pathway. I spent a total of twelve hours everyday except on Sundays in the school library Burrowed in thoughts. When that was not enough, I switched to adventurous imaginations. At those moments, I was asleep. Since I did not participate in any curricular activities or whatsoever. I was fixed to a point.
One-day after so many, the yield of my silence exploded. I woke from my dreams of thoughts and gave birth to the foundation of opposite motion.
This simple incident brought me to where I'm today.
"So, Mr J, what are you going to do with the prize money, considering this happens to be the third installation you have received this year."
"Hmm! I intend to start my own company, mainly based on agricultural farm produce. With the constant increase in the world population, someone has to feed those hungry mouths."
" What, are you? Single, engaged or at the registry "
"For now still single, A right woman will come in due time, but that is not a priority."
Hold that thought, who said I'm not into ladies. I might be wearing the Sylvester Stallone soldier look, inside, I'm desperately searching
"But Mr J it is said that, 'to every successful man, there is a strong woman.' Did you fly solo all the way to three Nobel prizes and who were those responsible?"
"Okay! That's a big one. My strong woman was God almighty. It took a great amount of discipline to be able to set my life on track. That level of encouragement, no one I knew could provide such. I thought of committing suicide so many times. God made it clear, that, it was not an option. This very factor limited the cycle of friends I had. My daily devotion opened my eyes wide, it was like I could see through everyone. In fact, trying to explain how God enlightened me, its a book I intend to publish in the nearest future."
"So you are saying there was no one in particular that stood out."
"Yes no one, except God."
"God is the reason you are here today."
" He certainly is."
Wait a minute, I did say I'm desperately searching for a woman in my life. It's better I open a can of worms from my past.
Before I slept, as in gave in to deep thinking, there was a mountain I needed to bring down. My father is one of his mother seven children who were from two separate men. His father (my grandfather) had three wives. His first wife had three children, the second (my father's mother) had four children, and the third had three children. You want to know the best part, my own mother's mom (my grandmother from my mother's side) had twelve children for three separate men. My mother's dad was the third man. Her father married three wives. Shoot! Something with these guys and three women.
my mom's mother was the second. My mom's father had a total of ten children.
That was definitely a mouth full of relation, form your nearest origin.
The next biggie, was how my mom and dad met. My mom was in her final year as a senior in high school when her story took a rapid turn in tide. She had a friend who was my father's girl friend. My Dad was a rookie engineer who had just got his degree in England. Now back in Nigeria, he was full of life. One sorry day, my mom went looking for her friend in my dad's place. Seriously! That's the version she told me. When she got to his house, her friend was not around. But my smoke smart Dad, locked the door immediately my mom stepped into the house. My dad, blah! Blah! Blah! That is classified, strictly above your clearance. That incident will forever change my mother's life. My mom had four children for my dad, I happen to be the last. Three boys and a girl. The girl was the ribbon that tied mom to my dad.
Now imagine the jolt of insurgence bolting in my blood. I had serious cravings for a woman's touch. Many sleepless nights of prayer and constant discipline made me overcome my family gene pool. Although, now I reap the fruit of my labor, the temptation is well alive. 'God have mercy on me.'
"Can you shed more light on how you were able to cure cancer"
"Yes, cancerous tissue as we know is due to mutation that means somewhere or somehow the body got its generic coding wrong. My little time in the research laboratory in Manchester. I was able to program genetic strands to fin a loop. That loop I created through synthesis reminds the genetic material of living organism to do what it is meant to do, therefore avoiding mutation. Without mutation no cancerous tissue, without cancerous tissue nothing for you to worry about. Like polio, everyone receives a vaccine for that."
"Thank you Mr J. How were you able to expand your horizon into all these fields?"
"I love nature. If you ask me what is my occupation? I will tell you, a scientist. Not a physicist or chemist or a mathematician. Science is the origin of these subjects. So, when I slept. One of the first lesson I learned, was to appreciate nature as a whole. How it was necessary to understand where they intertwine. The differences, sometimes is not black and white. I found myself comfortable dealing with these subjects as one. "
"What made you embark on these journey? Not so many people who dream of winning a Nobel prize get nominated, and in its history no one as won more than two prizes. You have won three prizes in three absolutely different fields and yet nominated for another prize in another field different from the ones you have won... What are the odds? To be frank sir, you're something else."
"After I gave my life to Christ in senior high school, my entire programming was rewired. Everything about me changed, I suddenly realized that, I had the potential for greatness, but I struggled in believing any of it will come to pass. Everyone around me, behaved different. They were all saying the same thing, but what my heart was saying, was in no way close to what they discussed. For years, I was drowning at that crossroad, it was not clear to me were I should take, everyone or my heart. When I finally got admission into university the winner of the tug of war was finally decided. During lecture, I simulate every expression made by the lecturer in my mind, and try to fit the puzzle with what is going on in our basic reality. I observe that they didn't fit. After over fifty years of independence, my country in those time have produced outstanding scholars, but the country economy is drowning in corruption. What happened to those beautiful minds? No research of ground breaking importance is being carried out and the lecture is not hand in hand with such problems. What we are studying is unrealistic to our level of technology. In the United States, you see textbooks made from a particular State based on the resources they have and how to apply them. For example, Lecturers in Ohio write text based on Ohio industries and how they get raw materials to make finished goods. Such text starve in Nigeria. That's why an undergraduate after obtaining his certificate, does not have a proper guide on how to use what he learned. Instead they continue piling up certificates, with unrealistic relevance. In time, the more class I attended the more my mind was struggling for air. It felt like my mind was in a prison wall. After much deliberation, I embarked on the journey that changed my life. "
"Wow! That's extraordinary, lots of mind buzzing facts there, Mr Benjamin J. Franklin, It as been a great experience having you in our midst."
"Thank you, the pleasure is mine"
" Folks, stay tuned for more updates coming your way, do not touch that dial. Until next time, thank you."
I'm sorry to tell you. This interview was two years ago. If you were wondering what happened to the Nobel prize I was nominated for, I won it. The announcement of the prize winner when this peep at my world started came from my television.
I and some experts built
To Prosers
You write about a trip you had
Reality is all we have
You meet the poets joining Prose
Even if nobody knows
Friendships form and you belong
You pray this isn't bullshits' song
I click the funny heart beat sign
And hope anothers' beats like mine
For poets, writers, wanting to
Feel love and comfort others who
Might need to know they're not alone
Prose is like a poets' home
My metaphor for life.
A blooming rose, each petal constructed by grand design, felt as soft as velvet, if not better, seen by all, admired by all. Every summer, a new blossom, regarded as the prettiest in the world, cut too early for the pleasure of others. So early, it never has the chance to become a rose hip, the seed of a nation, the multiplier of millions; which it will never be. Constantly, the life goal is cut short, cut down, destroyed, every time the plant takes a step, for those who conjured it up believe it too pretty to let have it's own way. Yes, in fact, it is so beautiful, jealousy causes others to turn into weeds, trying to choke it to death, or make sure that all it wants, for that one rose hip to be made, the dream to be achieved, is never reached. But, they are not bad for what they do; after all, everyone needs to be noticed, to have attention, in order to thrive. Alas, who can know how to break the endless cycle, of the millions of roses that hide the pain behind the petals? Who can see within the person, to help, to heal?
Who can know the rose?
A Grim Sovereignty
I kissed your lips and whispered to your soul,
"Midst this dark and decay, we shall reign."
I raised you, my king, from that darkened grave,
Decomposing, rancid, and bloodstained.
But have no fear, my darling, for the rot that clings.
I am a witch of the finest making.
A necromancer's breath and a gamble with death
Will diminish your undertaking.
Now, restored, you are quite the sight to behold,
A monster of my finest creation.
"My Queen.."you whisper to my blackened heart.
For you, I embrace this damnation.
And I'll kiss your lips and whisper to your soul,
"Midst this dark and decay, we shall reign."
You are my abominable king of this putrid throne--
And, together, we shall rule the profane...