Thank Goodness
Without a doubt, I have been bestowed with one of life’s most underrated blessings:
Getting home safe.
It doesn’t seem like much, but after the longest days I spend my train ride home manifesting a comforting shower followed by a light book read with the sound of the turtles filter lulling my subconscious to rest.
I am grateful to be here.
A Perfectly Good Screwup
“You’re a screwup”
My mother yells at me as I’m backed into my corner
“You were a mistake, a fate I’m unable to escape”
I’ll sit in my corner
Looking down at my chewed up nails
And my imperfect messed up screwed up hands.
I’ll sit in my corner
As I let my mother scratch her claws
And snap her jaws
Like a wild animal attacking its prey.
I’m nothing more then a fucked up little girl
To my perfect, strong, hard-working mother.
I’m a screwup because my floor looks like a world war,
And my war leaves socks and muddy footprints in her perfectly trimmed house.
I’m a screwup because like my room
My head is a disaster
Inadequately organized
explosions of stress wrecking the perfect harmony of my family.
I’m a screwup to my mom
Because instead of touching land mines of broken promises
I took a pencil and a paper and wrote “no”.
But writing is a disaster,
An invaluable art of destruction
Bringing nothing but chaos to a life my mother has so carefully granted me.
I’m a screwup
Not worthy of this life of ease
Of perfection.
And yet
The only mess I’m living in
Is this corner
Caged by a roof forced over my head.
It’s a constant war
In which I never fight back
A war that leaves me bruised and bloody
From words of insufficient care.
How can I be a screwup
When I cook up love for my siblings
And serve them nothing but a good life?
How can I be a screwup
When my room overflows with words and knowledge
Like my “A+” brain?
How can I be a screwup
When the life I’ve chosen
Is the one that puts a smile on not only my face but others?
So mother,
Now that I’m out of my corner
And living my life as a perfectly good screwup,
Let me ask you this:
How can I be a screwup
When you screwed up way more than me?
“Friends never change”
The biggest lie i've ever been told was that my best friend would never change in high schoo. We would watch those cheesy teen movies where one of the friends changed and started to leave the other behind due to popularity or whatever. We would tell each other that we would always be this close and that its ridiculous that these kids would ever do that to their best friend. Well years went by and surprise surprise, we woke up in a cheesy teen movie. I however was the friend that was left behind. Oh we still talk, but its not the same, and it never will be. Our talks are never about our dreams or fears or wedding plans, but homework, and school things. So now I lay in bed at night wondering what I did wrong, and why I was told this lie.
snork, snuffle
the furry creature snuffles in the damp and rich soil for roots, its creamy tusks digging in the ground.
its snout begins to tingle and it sniffs slowly in the air.
it follows the sweetly delicious scent and behold!
the forest jewels gleaming in the bush like rubies.
grunting in satisfaction, the creature enjoys its snack of forest berries.
it saunters of with a happy sensation, tail bouncing in the air.
If you can guess the animal, comment down below! :)