The Fear
The fear
The undeniable fear
The lingering ever present fear
The shouldn’t be there fear
It’s okay but still the fear
Living in constant fear
The I’ll lose everyone fear
The I’ll lose everything fear
The burning my eyes in the light fear
The maybe I like it dark fear
The closing in fear
The wide open fear
The empty fear
The I don’t want live fear
It’s too overwhelming in the fear
But it seems like all I have is the fear
rose bush lungs
it's more often than not
and all it takes is a single thought
who woulda thought it'd be me
joining a march to the sea
the weight settles over heart
and the panic begins to start
rose bushes sprout in my lungs
all words sound from foreign tongues
the thorns dig in
the roses break through and burn my skin
my heart beat rapidly rising
my head i begin despising
but i'm okay
that's what they like to say
if they ignore my diagnoses it'll just go away right?
what do doctors know my brain is surly alright