bring the need
Sunlight bright
like white sharp
rays made by squinting eye
greet me through
shower window
beyond words
impossible to express
even via compressed
download files
are the thoughts
feelings of
he runs the universe
and all things in it
every atom
every sub atomic particle
muons, lepiquarks
and deeper still
beyond imagination
i kneel
the superficial
the digestion of food
all functions
i worship
i see him
the simplicity
of the human will
shop til you drop
today and tomorrow
LA burns
the east Freezes
volcanoes erupt
the sea rages
man sleeps
until calamity strikes
his own backyard
and even then
as he should,
and then
rinse repeat
please place
in our hearts
a need for you
mid page
the page i've written about,
it has turned
after it,
many more are to come
but first the nightmare
following then the good
the exposures
will be seen worldwide
the disclosures
of those who have manipulated
behind the scenes
controlling our mind
there has been a victory
like a freight train
has descended
here come de judge,
from a celestial throne
the eating of cake
will not last long
the twilight night
is to come
the remaining reptilians,
swamp creatures,
in the shadows of our political buildings,
our institutions
in secret myriad dens,
though many inhabited
by many righteous ones,
who support the love of children
and humanity,
all over the world,
those in mind control,
these types,
the swamp creatures,
will meet their demise
by the hand of mighty warriors . . .
we will see it,
both physical land ones,
and invisible mighty ones
at the behest
of the captain of the host
the Lord himself
a red sea moment,
the world,
land sea and air
will see it,
pillars of fire
ice wind
fire and quake
kingdom come . . .
this page will fully turn,
along with others
to the ending chapter
of this era
we have sweet respite
even in the midst of hidden dangers
for now . . .
brief /
/ / / be on the alert fellow righteous ones
friends of truth,
equity honesty and love
the hidden ones who crossed borders
they are still here and about
both sea coasts . . .
in the sky
look up
look to the one who has rescued
and will rescue us
when the curtain falls
the night will not last long,
this mid page will too turn,
at its end,
there is a wondrous epilogue
Could be chocolate,
Maybe looks
Might be something simple,
Maybe catches your eye:
“Oh damn, so pretty!”
Like someone a rival took
You want it too
You need it back
Maybe you never had it
So you just want it
Something trivial
Maybe turned to something big
Makes no matter what it is
Nothing’s hid from temptation’s
If it’s small it can change
Turn to big and appear
As she or he
Disappear and reappear
In your feet, or in your hands
In your loins or
In your heart
Temptation fills the earth
And sky
Fills all minds and
All living thing’s reality
Common to all humanity
Works with good
Works with gold and silver
Even dirt,
Wood or junk
Even dreams
Temptation overruns
Small minds, big minds
Brave and coward
It breeds with everyone
Little boys
Little girls
Men and women
Follows all to the grave
There’s no limit what it can do
Temptation hides when you’re awake
Growls when you’re afraid
Lulls you in your sleep
Robs you of your worth
Making you its slave
Whips you with what you crave
Rapes you repeatedly
Then mocks you with its sneer
Temptation shames you before a lover
Then entices you with her nakedness
Burns you with her scent
Tantalizes you with her lust
Pulls you with her claws
Tortures you with your own eye
Temptation catches you
With your own snare
Humiliates you
With your own pride
She will kill your family with extortion
Enslave your thoughts
Swamp mud suckin’ at your feet
Lookin’ like a clown in defeat
Thrown out into the street
For all to see your nakedness
Skeletons dancing
Leaving your closets bare
Temptation has you blushing
To the devil’ din
Pulling, tearing
Ripping, shredding
Parasitic, parallactic you
Sucks your blood
Sucks your groin
Stains you with her bile
Perfumes you with her smile
Caresses you will her silken skin
Climaxes you with her guile
Then you vomit the next day
As you reach for her another way
You stagger and you swim
In desperate efforts to win
Over her
She drags you down again
And again
She holds you there
You don’t care
You let her,
You’ve said you won’t a million times
And yet you push in again
Again and again . . . and sin
Enticed again by her naked grin
violins' echoing
dreamlike in my spirit
they cry
they moan
they wail
stirs my soul to pain
tearing my beating heart
a voice sings
it floats with the music
like a specter,
a liquid like
now it swoons my heart
to melting
of its beating exudes,
a yearning
a haunting love
unbridgeable by unfathomable
the voice as it softly wails
in song,
overwhelms my soul,
it floats with the tune
it merges with melody,
this voice
and music,
to the strum
of mexican bass guitar
captivates me in chorus . . .
". . . take flowers, . . ."
his voice gently
with violins' cries
". . . to my tomb
take, . . .
i gently request,
your flowers,
that you
my beloved,
be sure they're violets,
a wreath of roses
and gardenias"
how i love you
my dear,
please do not forget me,
you and your flowers
and nothing more"
if you go to that remote,
the lonely,
that country place,
to the remote,
wherein lies my grave
where now,
the dead reside,"
"i say,
if perchance
you go to that,
in that lonely place,
my solitary tomb,"
"take there
gardenias, . . .
and a wreath of roses,
made by your own hands,
your flower gifts
with you,
and nothing more
and do not forget me"
" . . . oh,
how i love you,"
echo in the distance
their subtle muffled trumpets,
softly sound
to wistful accompaniment,
of rhymical bass guitar
his voice
it wails pure,
swirling flows hypnotic
streams of a love
. . . your voice,
my sweet friend,
i hear from your tomb,
your strong passion
resounds, . . .
"i love you,
if you go to the remote lands
if you go to the place
where i reside
therein in repose
lies my grave"
global reset
the saucers
are real
the drones are real
and the lies are real
the cia
the fbi
the deepest of state,
are really deceptive
they have tesla's
joe public,
you and me
don't believe,
their lies
there are no aliens
only humans
created by
and they have tesla's
in a vault
due their greed
don't buy the false,
it will all be disclosed
the manipulators will stumble,
we will see,
and the hidden technology
will be ours
away with
the internal combustion engine,
in with electromagnetic energy
the ether
free energy
a new economy
a new world
though brief
a new world
renewed freedom
thank you Lord
your global reset is,
right around the corner
a face
the eyebrows
spaced vertically
and horizontally
in perfectly
geometric symmetry
no random chance
no supposed millennia
of supposed evolution
the skin
a marvel
the human body's
largest biological organ
the face
a nose positioned
just right
just above
beautiful lips
gorgeously formed
marvelous muscles beneath
sculpting the beauty
of woman
the eyes
another marvel
exquisite too
especially contrasted
and mascara on
the face of woman
cheeks of face
oh, stunning hair
so many textures
so many colors
so many scents
scents of woman
her chin
her dimple thereon
or not
sometimes a mole
on her upper lip
or elsewhere
her ivory
or ebony
or any in between shade
of skin
oh how i love
oh how i love God
who formed us
in his image
the making of
a human face
is not easy
what's easy,
is a monstrous
requiring no mind
of what is good
a thing we know
inside each of us
defining beautiful
we all know beauty
we all know chaos
the so called theory
of evolution
leads to chaos
a beguiling
and vexation
and insult
to the creator
who is Love
to hell
with the theory
of evolution
and its manifold
thank you Father
for your Creation
remorse divine
a shot
with a boy's bb gun
into the air
betwixt the astringent,
dust encrusted foliage,
of the tamarisk tree
what for?
why did the pellet
find its mark?
into a heart,
of sweet sparrow
made by God,
who knows all things,
from the hairs
on the crown
of each of our heads
as in,
where the word says,
He knows all things,
even when
a sparrow
to the ground falls
the steel,
copper coated
mini ball,
through the still
summer air
at 30 feet per second
in rapid
slow motion frames,
of sight, . . .
it first touched
his tender
feathered breast
a frozen image
in time
little bird was still,
alive . . .
until a micro second later,
its sweet dark skin,
to violence . . .
in another
in sequenced sight
of frames,
he saw how,
the entrance of
said steel,
sweet capillaries,
and veins,
though delicate tissues
comprised of
myriad cells,
flowed in a jet
of internally ruptured
pressures of,
living blood
into the beating heart,
of sparrow's precious
he fell to the dirty,
dusty ground
the boy lifted him
with no remorse,
no understanding,
and tossed him
onto the ground
years later,
he sighted a singing,
yellow breasted meadow lark,
took aim of precision
from 300 yards,
.22 caliber marksman
the meadow lark,
his singing stopped
the young man
strode to the felled,
picked him up
onto the palm his hand,
its limp head,
once erect
and filled
with life,
praising the Father,
who made him
to sing forth with voice,
on a western knoll.
of remote and barren hill
to dead still
by a missile of lead
oh, . . .
to turn back time,
to stop
and reverse,
back to the gun
with no shot fired
but no,
time is irreversible . . .
on his hand
deepest red
a droplet of blood
he peered
transfixed upon,
a reflection of sunlit
his own face reflected
like the clearest
of mirror,
on this precious
bead of blood,
a bubble,
a tiny sphere,
a quantum world
of pensive,
celestial reflection
a conviction of,
why? . . .
why, . . .
did i kill this bird?
oh, . . .
to turn back time,
to stop
and reverse,
back to the gun
with no shot fired
but no,
time is irreversible . . .
swept with understanding,
he wept
and vowed,
never again will i
mindlessly destroy,
what God
has wrought
/ / / and now,
years later
he knows . . .
as the Word states,
it certainly is,
only by the Power
of His own
Blood / / /
there are no aliens,
as in ufology,
as in non human,
other than,
who are,
invisible beings,
just like the air,
we breathe
surrounding us
like a plane there
like the movement
of things called feelings,
axioms of truth,
like love
or hate,
accepted or dismissed,
yet true
we are,
in reality,
aware of,
truth and lie,
good and evil,
axioms of,
and physicality,
one is pleasure,
the other pain, . . .
and complicated,
all in one,
of the ages . . .
. . . one burns your feet,
and corrupts your soul,
the other,
the holy one,
peter's friend,
washes your feet
and cleanses your soul
the holy one
whose word is truth,
knows and makes,
the rotation
of galaxies,
and even the universe,
. . . yet,
he chose
to die for you . . . ,
and me, . . . ,
if one is willing,
this great Lord,
and yet humble,
will wash your feet
it is the night
Cold hard heart
it was,
cold and solid set
in me . . .
and frozen it was,
with no rest,
this very morning
as i went about,
here and there,
body hard and tense,
the toil
the pain
no place
no time
to rest
upsetting pace
at each turn
to face
yet another
and test
to overcome
yet trip and fall
i did
to pull and rip
of my weary heart
to the boggling
seeming endless
routines vain
repeat refrain
myriad pains
. . .
. . . and then subtly,
with no sudden notice,
like a child's hand,
as with a prodigy,
he touching ivory keys
white and black
piano's voice
in the spirit wind,
i heard,
in my heart
at first,
in its strings
as it were,
in its blood filled beats,
slightly tugging
ever so gently,
like the wisp of a breath
. . . it moved into my veins
and then my mind
into my very soul
the tone of this
a child's piano keys,
every so beautifully played,
its wordless song,
perfectly tuned and timed,
oh so divine,
the melody's keys tapped
in synchronous symphony,
burst like a star,
and lit my heart back to life
Oh, holy night / / /
. . . i had stumbled
and tumbled,
and grieved,
and pained,
in complaint's
despicable plight,
tainted soul,
from world torn . . .
like so many
countless times
countless, i say . . .
/ / /
and now,
to the music,
the tune,
oh , . . .
so divine
Oh holy night / / /
i went from cynical,
in a moment,
to love, . . .
into my blood
into my mind,
to my soul
and made it soar
with sobbing tears
i fell
into the comforting arms
of invisible love
/ / /
oh, . . .
holy night,
the stars are brightly shining,
it is the night,
of our dear savior's birth,
for yonder breaks
a new and glorious morn'
great quake
i made my self soar
high above the plains
an' looked down below,
to view the pinpoint,
blue mixed crimson,
yellow lights,
flickering like
fiery sparks of,
red spawn
like the dust of struck torches
and canvas soaked
kerosine . . .
an' saw swirling spirits,
those left alive
though walking
like the specters of
yellowed newspaper,
an' still pungent
like it's aged inked cellulose,
from repetitious,
not doing . . .
the dusty ground
i lost the balance of
my mind
voices screamed
cars careened
chaotic scene
an' those
who still walked
came alive
at his glorious
whilst time,
exists . . .
to escape,
the great quake