Side Character in gaming
You create a custom side character taking place in a popular video game of your choosing.
Ended December 13, 2024 • 2 Entries • Created by Schattenjager in Fiction
Community Story
I have a very unfinished project that is pretty much throw away material at this point and think it would be fun to just have other writers just add one or two chapters right after another until it comes to a conclusion. I will add the first entry.
Ended December 11, 2024 • 2 Entries • Created by Schattenjager in Fiction
Mysterious delivery
A strange package arrives at your door with no return address. Inside is a journal filled with entries written by someone you've never met, yet they seem to know everything about you. Write the first few entries and explore the mystery of the writer and why is it they are writing you.
Ended December 1, 2024 • 5 Entries • Created by Schattenjager in Fiction
Legacy character tie in ...
Pull a famous character from any media of your choosing and put them in your own fictional story.
Ended December 31, 2024 • 7 Entries • Created by Schattenjager in Fiction
Crazies Raising Crazies
In my first spoopy challenge, write about an occult member raising a member from a different occult. The weirder, the better! Any style works.
Monthly Fiction Challenge for April.
Write a story about running from the police to escape arrest, finally finding an open door on the sidewalk, and you've done it. They blow by, oblivious, but as you stand from under the window, turn around and see the room, at what is looking back at you, jail is starting to look pretty good. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Give us the situation.
Monthly Fiction Challenge for March.
Write a story about nothing, about going through a day where nothing extraordinary happens, but make us feel. Humane, evil, humorous, sad, satirical: Just make us feel. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Show the method in monotony.
The Perfect Kiss
You're out on a first date set up from a dating Ap that's going alarmingly well at a fabulously posh restaurant that your date is footing the bill for. Your date tells you during the course of this lavish meal that she or he or they would like to commit a crime with you following your expensive dinner. The prospect excites you tremendously. Do you go through with it? Document the results starting from the restaurant. Winner determined by most wickedly fun.
As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti
Using lyrics from the classic song by Toto, "Africa," give me a short story of less than 1000 words. You aint gotta use ALL the lyrics, but somewhere in the prose, slide in some recognizable references. Any topic. Go with prose using standard accepted spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Poetry will be mocked and set afire.
Feather Project VI
We are back for the sixth publication of the Feather Project.
Now then, the rules:
Write what you'd like so long as it is fiction (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dystopian, etc.). Word count between 3500 and 7000 words. The only no-no is graphic sex scenes; everything else is fair game. The selected winner will receive a $60 reward and a copy of the anthology in which their work is featured. However, great work still must be seen. Should you not be chosen as the ultimate winner, but your work is still able to beat out the others to make it into the Anthology, you will receive a $25 reward along with a copy of the anthology in which your work is featured. (We hope to have a top four) Please provide your author's name. We look forward to seeing those that participate.
Ended October 20, 2023 • 11 Entries • Created by IbisPublishing in Fiction
Feather Project VI
We are back for the sixth publication of the Feather Project.
Now then, the rules:
Write what you'd like so long as it is fiction (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dystopian, etc.). Word count between 3500 and 7000 words. The only no-no is graphic sex scenes; everything else is fair game. The selected winner will receive a $60 reward and a copy of the anthology in which their work is featured. However, great work still must be seen. Should you not be chosen as the ultimate winner, but your work is still able to beat out the others to make it into the Anthology, you will receive a $25 reward along with a copy of the anthology in which your work is featured. (We hope to have a top four) Please provide your author's name. We look forward to seeing those that participate.
Ended October 20, 2023 • 1 Entry • Created by IbisPublishing in Fiction
Tomato Sandwich
Over the summer I threw up a post titled 'tomato sandwich' My challenge is for someone to write the first part to what I posted. Tag me if you like, but I will get to reading them all by Halloween for your $20 treat. I will take likes into consideration, but will ultimately choose the person who sets the stage best. Should be a fun one.
Ended October 31, 2023 • 1 Entry • Created by Plexiglassfruit in Fiction
Lima Syndrome
Always a twist when it comes to these types of stories, where we expect Stockholm but get something a little more-- maybe?-- wholesome? The only guideline, let's keep romantic love out of it, show some rep for the other types of love out there too however brief or however intimate(lotta times people end up released when Lima Syndrome takes effect).
Ended October 2, 2023 • 2 Entries • Created by DanPhantom123 in Fiction
Just write something with zombies I'm just curious what I'll read.
Ended September 20, 2023 • 9 Entries • Created by Buck_Ripper in Fiction
The Adults
Write a short story. Nothing too long, 1500 words will be the limit, about that child character. The one who hates grown-ups. Why? And let's keep it to slice-of-life.
Ended September 14, 2023 • 4 Entries • Created by DanPhantom123 in Fiction
Kelpie POV & nickname
Come up with a hilariously insulting nickname for a kelpie. Use this as the title of your piece. It can be anything as long as it's not profane or sexual. If getting inspired by fish, remember that kelpies live in freshwater lakes.
Then, write a POV from this kelpie about how they feel having to drown people for dinner. Winner decided by me, and gets bragging rights!