One beautiful spring day you wake up and find around you hundreds of possibilities. I took a dandelion in my hands and made a wish on the dandelion, that is roughly 54 wishes. If one dandelion makes 54 wishes and a single individual makes a wish, imagine what would happen if we all made the same wish? One dandelion holds the seeds of roughly 54 to 130. With that one single wish, it would duplicate roughly 54 times. That wish then blooms in a flower and into existence. I wished for Peace on all levels through the entire multiverse. Take a moment and think about the ripple effect if we all took a dandelion and blew out with our precious breath the intention of this beautiful notion. The seeds of creation made from you, then become reality. As you were the one who blew the seeds into the air so they may fall in perfect place so it may grow and become. Infinite possibilities exist in a moment. Take a moment and wish upon the dandelion, wish upon with all your love the world you wish to see. Do not doubt that wish, do not doubt your own divinity. Bring back the magic that exists, as a child, you wished upon the dandelions and you believed. Bring back the child that believes in magic and believes in yourself. The inner child in you is now waiting for their wish to come true and that is to believe again in the magic and possibilities of the world. We are the dandelions, now go make your wish. We are ONE and you are loved more than any word could ever define.
We will not back down
Light Warriors, have compassion on yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself and release anything that no longer serves your highest good. You are the change, we are the change. The energies have been a ride, hold on tight. Embrace the changes, embrace the ascension symptons. We hold the seed that we need to nurture, rebirthing into our higher self and rebirthing of new earth. You are so strong and so very loved. Do not let anything keep you from your path. Stop watching TV, be the observer in all situations. See the world as black and white, use discernment with energy. Everything is energy, trust your intiution, watch for the signs, patterns. Everything is working towards your highest good. The time now is to release, go inward and clear out patterns, people, places, jobs. Meditate, drink clean spring water, eat high vibrational food, connect with nature, soak up the sun. Most importantly, laugh and love. Be the LOVE you are and listen to your body. We are going through a lot a lot of changes. If you need to rest, rest! Listen to your body it truly knows what you need. Remember, you are not alone, ever. I love you all unconditionally as I love myself. We got this! It is done! Victory of the light! We march on!
With a smile and a tear, I said “Yes, I fell in love with myself.
https://themindsjournal.com/with-a-smile-and-a-tear-i-said-yes-i-fell-in-love-with-myself/ I will not allow anyone to get in my way, This is my creed, this is the fulfillment of my soul contract. Everything that I have been through as led up to this point in the NOW. It has been beautifully orchestrated for me to be here at this moment and this is just the beginning. I am now taking control of my own destiny and will achieve my dreams and my mission for World Peace, bringing heaven to earth. You have seen my decent now watch me rise. I beat the rhythm of the collective drums, with a torch in our hands we forge through the path for all follow. Take my hand, we march on.
I AM in awe of the MOMENT. I AM in awe of the KNOWing. I AM in awe of the magic and alchemy of life. I AM in awe of AMAZE-MENT. I AM in awe of the future. I AM in awe of the DIVINE LOVE that pours through my entire being. I AM in awe of the MIRACLES. I AM in awe of the FUTURE. I AM in awe of your existence. I AM honored with your presence as you read these words. YOU are my AWE. YOU are ALL. WE ARE ONE. I see You beautiful soul and I LOVE YOU!
Divine Union awaits you all.
I reached into infinity and saw the true me starring back at me. To my humble surprise, I was so divine. She whispered in my ear "Welcome home", and this is was she said, I know you would have followed the signs, the patterns of life, I knew you would follow the beat of the drums. I knew you would realize there was more to this world than what meets the eye and what you were taught as a child. I know you had no idea what you wanted to do in life and knew you were meant for something greater. I knew you that you would overcome the challenges, the heartaches, and losses that fueled the fire in your soul. The lessons that you wanted to learn here and would guide you back home. I know the darkness and demons that you fought and the lightning in your veins that lite up the night and came out victorious. We have been watching you and waiting for the divine timing. We heard your cries for mother earth and saw the vast ocean you filled with the weeping of your tears watching the suffering of mother earth and humanity. We saw your heart still beating and loving everything anyways. We held your hands and kept you safe through the darkest nights of your soul. You reflected, redirected like a bird taking flight, trying to stay in the rhythm of the tides. You found the perfect balance for your wings to take flight. You came across the stepping stones and crossed the bridge to meet your own shadow. You faced yourself, controlled your ego and bowed down and with love and compassion, you let your shadow shed its skin. You burned in the fires and like the phoenix you rose from your ashes and became reborn. You went through the ancient pillars and down into the core of the earth. Step by step you went down into the unknown, alone but yet you followed the beats of the drums. You sat in the temple and in darkness you had no fear. You reached into yourself and lifted your hands, and you danced in the rhythm of the universe. You danced and became one with the earth, air, fire, and water. You reached into yourself and lifted your hands and lite up each candle in the temple with your breath. We lifted you up and in the perfect divine union, you became one and remembered who you were and the interconnection and ancient wisdom bestowed. We softly landed you back down to earth to tell this story of your rebirth to help reawaken humanity and bring peace and love back to this world.
$1 for World Peace yes it is possible explore it yourself!
One dollar a month could bring world peace! I have already pledged and this is not a fiction, it can and will happen. If we got 1 million indivduals to donate $1 a month we could change society. At minumum we could feed every child, woman and man and shelter them. What is a $1 a month to you? My question to you is why would you not donate a dollar to at least feed the children? If you are interested, I invite you to explore what a true dollar could do.
You are invited to discover a Scientifically Irrefutable Push Button World Peace Formula, in the form of the Greatest Agreement.
2. www.Patreon.com/PLI
3. www.WorldPeaceDisclosure.com
4. www.TheEarthCooperative.com
5. www.TheFutureNow.org
6. www.Paypal.me/WorldPeaceNow
7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MichaelsAlliance
8. https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnifiedIntent
Message to Humanity
Something is calling me and coming through wants a message to come through. I open up the cracks letting the light shine through, for you to be reminded what is in you too. Letting go of my old self, replacing me with my higher self. Walking, talking, breathing the divine, nothing will stop me from reaching, uplifting, awakening the masses. Creating, manifesting with my third eye. I am a pioneer of forgotten ancient times. Yet someday, somehow I knew we would remember who we are and what our purpose is. Reactivation, Re-Awakening from our hypersleep. We are awake and nothing will stop us, we are the divine, evil on the path will bow down to our light. With my will, I will shine my light so bright for you through your darkest nights. Together we are rising back to our forgotten ways. Rising higher with each sunrise so come on brothers and sisters lets fly together into eternity as we co-create the new world peace for our children's sake. Revolution is here, revolution is now, evolution is the mission and now we remember how to escape from these fictitious, unrealistic expectations of this false world that was created. The Secret is out and we will succeed and we will fight for this dream until we die. We are the light warriors of the world and we will bring World Peace. -Jaimie Mazzone 3/10/18
Why are you we so serious? When all this is a cosmic joke, so smile and laugh at yourself. We are multi-dimensial beings having a human experience and we are just here to learn. So, learn from your mistakes as they are only lessons. Smile and enjoy the little things in life and do not be hard or serious, let your inner child out to play. Your soul will thank you.
So this 30
I remember watching 13 going on 30 back in 2004 when it came out! I loved that movie, remember her wish? 30 flirty and thriving! Well…In 10 days from now I will be 30 and I am not flirty and thus far not thriving. You have to laugh because when we are young we think 20 is old, 30 is old, 40 is old…. We also do not believe time can touch us, as a youth we feel invisible to time, we will be young forever! Time does catch up and in each stage of our life, we have to stop and reflect. I am honored if you are reading this, I know a part of you will feel connected to my story and that is why I am shaking off the dust of my past, breaking free from my cocoon, rolling up my sleeves and reaching for the stars in hopes my dreams will come true. So, at 30, what were your dreams? What have you learned? How have you grown into the person you are now? Reflection is neccessary for us to evolve and become ourselves, without the daily influences that seem to bleed into our conciousness. If you are a writer, I ask for feedback, if you are a reader, I ask for your feedback, thoughts, experience. We are all connected, a part of my words resonates with you and if it does and this helps you then apart of me has been fullified. More than ever we have to break down the barriers and speak out, be raw, let your true self talk! My dreams is to be a writer, they say it is never too late to achieve your goals. This is my first step and to be honest, I am terrified. I told my ego to step aside and I leaped into the unkown. My wish at 30 is to keep writing and be raw and honest about my experiences in hopes it will help others. More to come and more to share. For now, I say I am very happy to be 30 and am very excited for the future! Originally published on https://themindsjournal.com/so-this-is-30/