$5.00 Prize
Write an Obituary for someone you love.
My mom died recently, and I wrote her obituary. I knew the day was coming, and I already had some ideas, so I didn't worry about untimely writer's block. This month's challenge isn't a drabble, instead, I want you to rough-draft an obituary for someone you love. The no-parents-left club is one we all have to join some day, and the membership dues kinda suck. Keep this project under a couple thousand words, just like most obituaries need to be (otherwise they cost a shit-load of money to publish). Brevity is almost always better. Please use standard prose and normal grammar and punctuation. Winner gets a prize, and I'll pick the entry I like best in early March.
Ends March 1, 2025 • 2 Entries • Created by Ferryman