No Boundaries
She struggled so hard to leave
To wander about. To travel the world. To be free.
I never allowed it. I couldn't.
She reminded me of all the places I couldn't be.
Things I couldn't do.
The adventures I couldn't have.
I was jealous.
Today I finally let her go
I allowed her see outside the walls
I let her enjoy what I couldn't.
She helped me experience what I didn't.
It was amazing to finally set my mind free.
She had lost count. Was it the 152nd day? Everyday, she came out to stare at the sea hoping that help would come. She was quick becoming one of them. One of the termite-eaten woods, wilted leaves and withered grasses with her clothes becoming more of rags as the days passed. Today, as she stood there the whole scene flashed before her mind again, causing her heart to ache as always, wondering when her parents would come for her. She didn't have to be a princess. She didn't even want to be one but here she was, suffering on a lone cliff with little or nothing to eat because she wasn't going to be the first princess with a deformed face. She remembered the terrifying look of hate on the king's face when he saw her after the accident. She could still hear him as he gave the orders to hide her from the world forever. She could still hear her mother's sobs unable to argue with the king as the shipped her off to this abandoned house on the lone cliff. "When would this end?" She thought. "When would I..." Her thoughts were cut short by the sight of a ship drawing closer to the cliff. "Help! Help!!" She screamed. "Diana!!!" What? Her name? She knew that voice anywhere. "Motherrrrrrrr!!!!"
Only a coward
My gaze met another when I looked up
"Hello..." She said, smiling wickedly
I thought about her a lot
But I sure didn't want to see her
I so hated her gut
But she was really a mind filler
I knew today would come
Just not so fast
What was I thinking? Was I dumb?
Why did I ever make her last?
Maybe I knew
Maybe I didn't
But here she was and I needed a plan
"Hello..." She said again in her piercing shriek-like voice
Jerking me from my reverie
"Who are you?" I asked
A weak attempt to stall a little more.
"I'm that bridge you said you'd cross when you got to it".