The quote made my brain spin just trying to understand and process how it read, let alone understand what it means...
It's an interesting quote, although I'm not sure how to utilize this new piece of data. I like the idea of knowing what the signs are when they reveal their presence, but I have a hard time "trusting the process" so to speak. I find it difficult to trust my judgement when it comes to anticipating something because of my fear of misunderstanding situations. This is what I get for being hyper aware of everything. :P I do believe there is some truth to the idea of being able to detect and recognize signs, whether they be tied to faith or even a shot in the dark. I am reminded of this documentary I saw on Amazon Prime Video called Hellier and a recurring theme was that of synchronicities, which are interpreted as coincidences that are so specific they can't be just a coincidence. The main idea behind synchronicities is that they seem to manifest themselves more and more often as you dig deeper into something, especially something that cannot be easily explained without touching into higher entities, divine beings and the supernatural world, hence why they are often interpreted as signs from the universe that are guiding you closer and closer to the answers you seek.
The Last Sunrise
The cold steel penetrates my armor, my skin, and my flesh.
I fall to the ground… finally.
Tranquility engulfs me and I can finally rest.
And in that tranquility, I remember her…
I watched her as the ship slowly sailed away from the port.
She stood there in her white dress and watched me as I went off to war.
Tears were spilled on that beautiful day: so many you could’ve drowned in them.
Thousands of our loved ones cried in symphony as we sailed away toward an uncertain future.
She was amongst them: standing out in the crowd.
She seemed like an angel… my angel.
Her last words to me were full of kindness and compassion, love and admiration. – “My love…” – she started. – “…return to me safely. I know you are afraid, and so am I. The thought of you going over there… Just know that I love you… now and forever.”
My last words to her were a lie. – “Don’t you worry, my only love. I’ll return to you even if I have to swim across that sea. I promise. I love you and only you… now and forever.”
I think of those words now as I lie on this field of sorrow and observe the rising sun… my last sunrise.
I won’t return to her, and she waits for me across the sea.
She waits for me to return and hug her, kiss her, whisper into her ear words of comfort…
I won’t be able to do any of that.
And I promised her that I would return…
This story is written in cripto-form: an invention of my own.
It is meant to make reading easier and more appealing to the eyes because each sentence is written in a separate line: except for the dialogue, of course.
The main reason I invented this is that many people don’t read nowadays, which is a shame.
They don’t have the time or they simply lack the will to read.
Also, when they see the words all crowded together, they immediately stop reading.
Let’s not mention how many people hate when something is over-described.
Most people just want to read simple stories and nothing else.
Well, whether you’ll like cripto-form of writing or not, I hope you’ll enjoy the stories.
The sound of the knock at the door startled me. I slowly walked toward it and opened the door only allowing a slight opening for me to see who it was.
Ah, it was only Mrs. Grendor. Now what did she want and at such a late hour.
She squinted her eyes and tried pushing the door. What in the world was her problem? Why did she always try to “check” on what all of her neighbors were upto even past midnight?
I shook my head and asked, ‘To what do I owe the pleasure of this late visit, Mrs. Grendor?’ I stared at the old lady as she tried to take a better peek through the door and see what was behind me.
‘I thought I heard someone screaming in your home, Jason.’ The way she said this as if she was able to have seen exactly what happened a few hours ago right before the stroke of midnight.
Mrs. Grendor continued to push the front door. Did she really think she would be able to move past me? Uh, she needed to get back to her own place before....well...then again~ maybe I should just let her in.
I stepped to the side and opened the door to let her in. ‘Thank you, Jason.’ She said with a look of triumph in her eyes. ‘The pleaure is all mine,’ said I.
As soon as she walked right in front of me- I slammed my right fist at the base of her head. This sent the senior citizen tumbling onto the floor.
I bent closer to the ground and whispered to her, ‘You seem to like sticking your nose in my business, Mrs. Grendor. I guess I’ll let my friends from the other side deal with you.’
A portal opened below the old woman’s still body. She heard the sound of voices screaming, ringing, in her ears.
But she had been knocked out & as much as she wanted to open her eyes to fight Jason, she couldn’t. It was as if he had managed to stop the flow of her power through her body.
Mrs. Grendor fell through the portal. It was so dark, her spirit could tell because it still had some fight left. This was not over. She would find a way to get back to Irpth.
Meanwhile, Jason laughed and rose to his feet. He whistled as he went back to his kitchen. There he placed his hands on a thick book that had a cover made out of bones.
He closed his eyes and thought to himself, ‘It was time that he paid a visit to the Shadow Man.’
15th May, 2021. sat’rday
The Journey aka Be Yourself
The journey is about being comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your unique and beautiful self. Be who you truelly are. There should not be some pre conceived notion that everyone should be a certain way, live a certain way, look a certain way or the list goes on. If you have been knocked down by others views of who you should be that is not ok. Like the saying goes opinions are like assholes everyone has one. When you have gone through some shit in life, it takes you some time be be comfortable with who you are and love yourself. You may never fully understand how or why people do the hurtful things they do. I am here to tell you, it can be done and it is a journey. The end result of being comfortable with yourself is glorious.
From a very early age I had the misfortune of experiencing this crap. So I can tell you full well that it is not a picnic. It takes a long time to pick yourself up off the floor. Once I got there if someone said you can’t do that, well damn it I was sure going to try. When someone said you are not good enough, not fit enough, not pretty, not doing what some societal norm thinks you should do. Well to those people I think up yours and move on. Why give their narrow minded perceptions any power. People only understand from their own view of what they think things should be.
Do what is good for you & be yourself, love yourself. I have met some very unique and genuine souls. These are the people that some would judge for not being normal. I ask what is your idea of normal, what is normal? Is a degree, a 8-5 job, married with kids, go to church, no tattoo, no piercing, etc. While there is nothing wrong with that, it sounds so vanilla so boring.
Some of the coolest people I have come across have tattoos. If you get to talk to them you find out the tattoos usually have a story to tell. To people that call others granola eaters & hippie. Some people work and live in a way many judge as not normal. Well I know people that live and work in non traditional ways. They are some of the kindest people I have come across. They teach others the old ways. I am referencing Herbalist, Shamans and crafters of natural healing. There are those that judge others for their way of living or lifestyle. Well hello they are still a person and who are you to judge them. So many people live in different ways and are the kindest least judgemental people I know. Maybe it is because they have been through all the bullshit thrown at them, & decided to just be happy & live life. Be patient with your journey it takes time.
When I look at how other people treat people, I wish they could just look in a mirror. I also think of the song by Lady GaGa “Born This Way”.
As the lyrics go:
No matter gay, straight, or bi
Lesbian, transgendered life
I’m on the right track baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made
I’m on the right track baby
I was born to be brave
So to get back to the journey. I can empathize with others who have been through some shit. I finally got to a place that I love myself and all that I am. So here goes: I am a Herbalist, earthmuffin, nature is my church, hiker, empath, poet, spiritual soul.
Peace Out ✌️❤️
My Top 3
"A Brave New World" - Shows the dangerous side of pleasure.
"To Have and To Have Not" - Shows how desperate times can push anyone to their limit.
"Homage to Catalonia" - Shows how quickly a Just Cause can turn evil and those you thought were your allies. Can be a bigger threat than the enemy.