Day One
I had to kill my neighbor today. I guess I am not alone in that, not today. What makes it so hard is that he was trying to help my family to escape. I had just gotten everyone in the car and he was holding off some dead heads so we could get past the gate of our complex. Suddenly he was overcome and one had bitten him. He quickly cut off its head, turned to me and the look in his eyes told me what I had to do. I had never shot a gun before but my aim was good.
Morning Prayer
I sometimes secretly resent being the caretaker
I do not want to solve the issues
I do not want to be the money maker
I do not want to give out tissues
I do not want to be the mother
I do not want to drive to work
I want to stay here undercover
I know I sound like such a jerk
But sometimes, sometimes I want to run
Away, away straight to the sun and stars
This world makes living not so fun
There's lots of pain and lots of scars
Help me God to live for them: Amen