Little Lamb
Nature is an artistic expression and reflection of it's loving creator and savior. The rocks silently cry out when I am at the bottom with them, "all is grace. The lilies of the field sing, "you created me as an object of your gaze". A newborn child is cradled with affection, not because of good deeds done, but because of a parent's love undone. My Savior, Jesus Christ, loves me as I am not as I should be. He loves you as you are, not as you should be. He is your defender. When religious institutions require you to meet a certain standard in order to be used and acceptable, do a 180 and fall into the arms of the One who hates their rigid requirements as much as you do. His sheep hear His voice, and they know it's Him. May you hear His voice, sweet little lamb. To Him, your face is beautiful, and your voice is sweet.
The Promise
Number the stars
I dare you to try
Each one a promise
A symbol of life
Radiance advanced
Through light years it sailed
To a foreigner in a land
The promise prevailed
Fast forward through time
City scape hugs the sky
Two towers give way
Steel-beamed cross still did rise
For in the darkness
The light still did shine
A heavenly country
All pilgrims will find
Before Earth’s creation
Til the end of all time
The promise goes on
So let hope like steam riserise
#spirituality #existence #hope #poetry #meaningoflife #philosophy