Gratitude Journal For The Week of 6/28/2021
A Church I follow has an app (Crossroads Anywhere) where we journal together as a community, and one of the things we journal about are things we are thankful for. I wrote these for this week’s prompts from the app....
“What are you looking forward to this week?"
- My daughter’s birthday.
- A short work week.
- Although I really enjoyed my mini-vacation, I am looking forward to a return to normal, with everyone back under the same roof again.
“What are you grateful for today?”
I am grateful for having a nice trip in my hometown with family and friends, and being back home to enjoy my daughter’s birthday today.
“How did someone help you this week?”
My employer approving the time off I had earlier this week, which not only gave me a mini-vacation, but a short work week too.
“God had me in mind before I was born.”
“Is there anything you would like to thank God for this week?”
I am thankful for being able to sleep in this morning. I can’t remember the last time I have been able to do so.
I am thankful for my partner because there is no one I would rather start or end my day with than her.
A True Story
A close friend, Michael is his name, died from ingesting too many pills at one time in 1991.
I was asked by his family, as his closest friend to say a few words. As he was Catholic, the priest wouldn't, as in his eyes and the eyes of the church, taking one's own life was considered a sin. This is roughly what I said.
It's good to see so many of you here. I'm sure Mike would have been not only pleased, but surprised to see so many people here to pay their respects.
We all know Mike was far from the perfect person. He tried, but he did do one thing right, and that was raise three daughters to be independant, and to never back down when right. Stand your ground, he would often say.
I've know Mike the better part of twenty years and never once did I not see him try to help someone if they needed help. The old give the shirt off his back, Mike. He would give money when he could to those in need and never look for that to come back to him.
We also know how much Mike liked his weed. I stopped by a friend's house one day and Mike was sitting in the middle of the living room, toking away and he had that glazed, kicked back happy look in his eyes. He had smoked at least half a dozen joints while I was there and to be honest, I thought I was getting a contact high.
I looked at him and said, You know something, Mike, you could own a marijuana field, acres and acres of the stuff and smoke all of it and then later say, wow! I could have been rich!
You know what he said?
He said, Yeah, but where I end up going one day I can't take it with me, so might as well enjoy it while I can.
And that's about the best takeaway I can give all of you. Enjoy what you have now. Mike did.
I won't swear to this, but if he's looking down at us, or, looking up, he's in a place he feels comfortable, and probably smoking his ass off right now.
But he left a piece of himself with all of us. He touched so many lives, never once asking for anythiung in return. If it came back to him, so be it. If it didn't, then it didn't.
Mike, the father, Mike, the friend, and Mike, if you are listening, damn you for leaving us the way you did, but you did so on your terms and for that I can't fault you.
But buddy, you will be missed.
** Photo is 35 years old
Psalms 136:1 - Analyzing A Classic (Bible Journal)
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever (Psalms 136:1 NLT)."
Growing up as a Catholic, I have definitely heard this verse plenty of times over the years. But when I think deeper about this familiar piece of Scripture, it hits much differently. God is good and His love will last forever. His love was there for people that lived before me and you. His love is here for me and you right now. His love will continue for those that live in generations long after me and you. Thank You Lord for this opportunity to analyze a familiar verse. Please help me to continue to pay attention to what You have to tell me, and thank You for allowing me to be one of many people that Your everlasting love impacts. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Airy Anna
An Autumn Afternoon: Anna ascended Alberta Avenue. Anna’s airy aura almost agitated aggressive Adienne, always attacking anyone as appealing and aspirational as Alex; an acquaintance ages ago. As Anna approached, Adienne automatically abandoned all agitation, and admittedly adored Anna.
“An Angel?” Adienne Asked as Anna Allured and ascended aimlessly and airily, atop an autumn adorn avenue.
-2017 repost