Transfixed on the person sitting in front of me. The long white hair to match the length of the silk robe that ends at the ankles. A smile has formed on his face. A twinkle in his eyes of a never ending blue ocean of wisdom. The chance was here to ask all I waited for so long to ask. I had seeked for many years waiting for this moment. And today I would find all the answers to my questions, at least this was the hope. We both sat there on the wooden chairs and looked intently into each others eyes. I tried to speak but found my voice to not ring out. There was but a sigh of yearning to begin the questioning. It was just then with a smile and stretched out hand.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. I will be with you always, for you do not deny me, or the one who has sent me. It begins with the faith you have in your heart.
His voice was gentle and kind. The words were bold and resolute.
This is just how I imagined to have my conversation with God.
#challenge #coversation #fictional #historical #enlightenment
They stood there and waited professionally for the order to place him in military custody. The man stood to his feet and glared at the front of his office. The military officers did not salute; they stood with squared shoulders and a look on their faces of warning to not try anything shady. They waited for her voice to give the command.
All he could do was cross his arms in his routinely defiant posture with a black stone look in his eyes, I am innocent.
A voice behind the four military officers was the woman he despised more than himself. It was the legitimate President of the United States who won the election by the popular vote and was recently as of that morning proved to be the winner of the Electoral College.
It had been the most surreal and at times terrifying witness of a total 666 days of the invasion by a foreign enemy. In her first address to the country she shared with Americans that our country had been invaded by a real life Manchurian neo con that penetrated our country with the assistance of the most formidable enemy of the United States.
She was there to watch the communist narcissist be led away in hand cuffs. Her team would arrive within the next few moments. The impeachment trial would begin in forty eight hours from this moment. The reasons were listed individually by both chambers of government. The petitions of over three million signatures were attached to the document. The numeration was lengthy and precise and left no room for appeal.
Section 1
The Failure to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against foreign, domestic enemies.
Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of Office
Article. 3 Section 3
No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The two testimonies of the Witnesses were attactched to the document. The President finished reading the charges against Mr. Trump and signed off. It would not be a pleasant first moments as President.
Madam President let out a heavy sigh and sat in the chair. Her cabinet started to fill the room and the long days and weeks ahead weighed on each of their shoulders. The President looked into the faces of hopeful hearts and relief to finally begin working.
The schedules were created. The press release was written and re written. Madam President noticed a long list on the note book beside her of phone calls she needed to make each numbered by importance.
She looked up at her Chief of Staff and requested lunch. The Secretary of State would take her cues from the President and as the two women looked at each other they smiled a weary smile. The latest poll numbers would be updated every four hours and there was less than thirty minutes to go.
Her first order as President, she gave a brief news conference, gave the order to take into custody the imposter and summon her staff.
The expectation was to have a follow up news conference as soon as the results were known to the cabinet with the latest poll numbers and public reaction. Madam President picked strong and solid people to work on her staff. She had a collection of ideas from both sides of the political isles. It would be the next two years of undoing the damage that had been made and with the country united the future looked brighter and with a deep breath she moved onward with the monumental task.
#Impeachment #trump #MadamPresident #treason #challenge
I Give Thanks For
I give thanks for:
The times I needed to be alone
The times I needed to be held
The times I needed some space
Those times I really needed to see your face
The fun times, happy times
These times can't be replaced
Thank you for making me stronger
Thank you for making me think more clearly
Thank you for pushing me to the limit
Thank you for showing me it wasn't wasted time
Remember, I give thanks for all the glorious days when things worked out
The trips on the open road, where I needed to run
The days when the sleep really helped me to rest my mind
The activities that helped me re learn or take up new things
I Give Thanks For...
Life, Family, Friends and Faith
This year, I give thanks for Prose, to be here and meet new folks.
Happy ThanksGiving!! :-)
Light That Shines
We all have an inner light. Sometimes it is a flicker and sometimes it is bright.
We all struggle, worry and deal with self doubt, low self esteem.
We have moments when we can love so completly.
And other times, we hold back because we don't want to feel the pain of loss.
We have interactions within our social circles and sometimes it's good
Other times it's not so good. We learn, we create, we just be.
The light that is within each of us, is what makes us each so unique
Our dreams can be similiar, the paths sometimes hard to find
But if we hold on to our light. This will help us find the way.
Disagreements happen over the smallest of things
Friends come and leave our inner circles.
And hopefully when our light is bright,
They will carry some of the inner warmth with them.
And it will be a reminder of how your light made them feel.
So, it's important to keep the light shining.
And when ever you feel like it is just a flicker
Go to the person who you trust and love the most
Give them a hug and do something positive with the
Light That Shines...
This rock I must climb
It took years to get the nerve
Around in circles
My time ever purposeful
Scaling the features of regret
I must climb
For the moment is right
Push away the fear
Leave it over there
Once more around this rock
Not waiting one more second
Tick Tock
I begin the climb
And feel the earth in my hands
This journey is not simple
For this mortal man
Once I reach the summit
My future is revealed
Staring at the beauty
The successes I have created
The dreams that have come true
Standing and soaking in
The majestic view
The Thing I Want to Say
Trust in yourself, because this is what will allow you to grow
Believe that you have value, because this is what will allow you to help others
Feel every emotion, because this will show you that you are alive!
Don't sweat the small stuff, because there is plenty to really sweat over
Keep your values, You are part of this world.
When you dream, believe in yourself to see it become a reality
With every step, you will get closer to your destiny
Dare to explore your surroundings, for this brings you wisdom
Keep your Faith, for this helps during the trials
Speak Truth, for the world needs to hear truth
Imagine a world without Monday?
Sunday is great to rest and relax.
I need Monday more than anything.
I don't care if it rains or snow. Monday's don't bring me down.
I feel alive on Mondays. It's the first day of getting back into the working grind.
The community and the people come alive again.
All the complaining will someday be forgot.
Monday just feels like the "Go !"
The Sunday, is the "ready-get-set".
A day where I can get up early and after coffee, sit and explore my to do list.
Explore my creative side. Tackle the errands before lunch. I enjoy my routine with a
light salad and cookies. The third Monday of every month I go to a poetry reading at the local book and tea room.
I drink more coffee or this Monday I decided on a cup of sweet tea and a bagle with cream cheese. A sprinkle of cinnamon while I watch the flat screen over the bakery case.
The last Monday is where I need to sit and work on the next month's schedule.
My first two days of the month I make the 45 minute drive to a place where I volunteer and meet people who are interested in becoming a writer. We talk and sometimes play a quick game of scrabble at the comfortable tables and chairs inside the little quaint shop.
Althought the quick game turns into hours and before you know it, it's supper time.
The lightening is perfect. And the lamps that hang above each table give the perfect amount of light. I can read several of the books or see what I am writing.
The space has good vibes. It's cozy. And I really like the name.
"GG's Book & Tea Room"
I can't imagine a world withough Monday's.
Tuesday's a different story. The lightening and the music changes.
The atmosphere feels like it starts the wind down because hump day is knocking on the door.
I go to GG's the third and fourth Tuesday. Those days are sandwhich day with a muffin to boot. Home made muffins with three different varieties. And a good cup of java with whipped creme on top.
I would miss Monday's because it would feel off balanced to miss the brownies and fresh pastires on Mondays. The sun shines more on Mondays than not.
The bird's seem to sing with a refreshed song.
I am so glad the world has Monday to begin the journey through
#Monday #Creative #Writings #Challenge
I am a Wonder of Thoughts
Hello Again,
I am a wonder of thoughts. The here and now can sometimes be used for the beneift of
what am I doing at the moment that makes me feel alive? Am I using my purpose at this very second? Could it be possible that yesterday's choices is leading me through the door of today. Should I apply this knowledge with the interactions of those who are in my life.
Why are my reactions to dissapointments today and my mood feels somewhat hopeful?
ENERGY!! .......
Energy, Energy, energy!!
Did I make up my mind to really believe?
Self doubt is something that creeps in everytime, I attempt something really "bigly" in my life. Maybe it's visiting me again, because of the times, I didn't have any support from those who wanted my attention and company.
I am not going to waste any more time. Life is moving at faster speeds and when I see
what tomorrow can bring. I can't help to take a deep breath of the cool autumn air.
While the crispness fills my lungs and the wind nudges me in the back.
Tomorrow, is another day.
I will try to breath in and breath out.
Close my eyes as the energy feels my mind and spirit.
And allow the breeze to carry me to the place I see in my heart.
Am I just a Wonder of Thoughts?