All you saw for miles was sand. Lots and Lots of sand. The desert is the only land I've known for a month. I'm on my way to Pica to join the reinforcements to beat the Indians. Carmeron Gold is my partner, and has been since my last three missions, which have been over the past two years. I've never been so close to someone that knows all my secrets. I don't trust very well. But there was something about Cameron that just pulled me toward him. He's trustworthy, loyal, dependable, and dang is he beautiful. His eyes look as blue as the ocean, his blonde sun streaked hair shading his beautiful face.
I took a look ahead to make sure I was keeping up with his pace. His eyes were squinted as he looked up into the sun, pouring the last little drips of water into his mouth. The heat was excruciating. I was about to go and talk to Cameron about taking a brake, but there was a blow of a horn over the mounds of sand. We both turned towards the sound and saw the omahawks riding their horses toward us with spears soaring.
Cameron ran towards me and took my hand, and we started running away from the Indians. We knew what would happen if they caught us. They would scalp us, burn us, kill our families. We were wearing down. We couldn't out run the horses, so we ran into a cave that was just small enough for us to crawl into. No way would they be able to catch us unless they crawled in.
Outside the cave we heard them shouting, "Stay away from cave! Sapa shall kill them! Sacrifice to Sapa!" What the heck was Sapa, but i'm afraid we would soon find out.
Daniel had to get to her. She was the last person he loved that was still alive. Caleb would never break the love between them he would have to kill him first, but that's just what Caleb planned to do.
Daniel flew through the door of the trailer ready for anything coming his way...but no one was there to defend the lady sitting in the chair, hands tied behind her back, blindfolded, and mouth taped shut. Daniel yelled Taylor's name and ran to her but it hadn't been 4 steps and he heard a click noise below his feet. Then a man stepped out behind a wall and started laughing. Caleb started to stop laughing and become serious when he pulled a gun on Daniel. Daniel couldn't do anything. He was gunna die right there by the woman he loved. Then he knew what he needed to do.
Daniel pulled the gun out of his jacket, fired it at Caleb then flew off the pressure plate and threw his arms around Taylor and out the window behind them.
Once Daniel untied Taylor and laid on the ground resting before the cops showed up, Daniel took Taylor's hand and slid a ring on her finger and she started crying and threw her arms around him. They both could not stop smiling! Once they could hear the sirens in down the street they dashed for the woods. Ready to begin a new life.
The country life
Laying on the sleeping bag in the bed of his truck, wrapped up in his arms. The midnight sky is filled with shinning stars. His breath is warm on my skin, which now causes goosebumps to crawl on my skin. Hopping off the bed of the truck I go and grab the 22 rifle, and give him a sly smile. Then we go off into the woods to hunt.
The End is the Beginning
Chapter 1
“Mom...mommy!” My voice trailed off into the darkness of the closet. Mommy told me not to move until she came and got me, but it’s been two days since I last saw her, two days that I was alone...is she coming back for me?
The creaking of the door was the only sound that filled the empty space. My heart started racing as I peeked through the small crack to see if anything waited for me...nothing. Taking a step out of the closet, I tried to turn the lights on by clapping...no lights. Then I started wandering through the house to see if any of my family was still here. My house was destroyed. Glass is everywhere. My mothers china demolished. It looks like King Kong came and had his way with my home. I want to know what is happening, mom wouldn’t tell me. I walk over to the window to open the curtains my Omima made us before she passed. I slowly opened the curtains, then with one swift jerk I saw everything my mom was worried about. Ash, it’s everywhere. It made the world look cold. It covered the ground like a blanket. The air is filled with it. Reminds me of snow falling, but this was no happy time to go and rejoice that there was no school. So many things were scrambling through my brain, but I needed to start by going to my room and change out of my pajamas i’ve been in for two days, hopefully my clothes are fully in tact.
I got dressed in an old longsleeve shirt, and I put a t-shirt over it. I don’t know what to expect when I step out in the world I call my home, not sure if that’s what to call it anymore. My jeans I slipped on were torn in the thighs and shins, I finally found a pair of tennis shoes to put on that weren’t scorched with burnt holes. What happened here?
I made my way down the stairs of the apartment. I walk to the door, and when I open it, I am alarmed by what I see through frightened eyes. I realize now what the ash is from...bodies! There are charred bodies up and down the streets of Missouri. There is barely an open spot that wasn’t covered in the gray flakes of ash. I feel a scream in the back of my throat, but who do I scream to? There is no one around, not a soul. My face is wet with tears, that are now running down my neck soaking my deep red shirt. I have to find out if anybody else is alive, is the rest of the world like this? I have to find out what happened to my home, my family.
Taking my first step off the apartment step, I hear the crunching sound of bones underneath my heavy step. My body started to ache, just like the bones would if the person was still alive. Then a chi-chuck sound caught my breath.
“Stop right there! Not another step!” My heart stopped, my eyes went wide as I slowly put my hands up, and turned around. Who I saw filled my stomach with hope. I know this boy, who is now pointing a shotgun at me, finger on the trigger.
“Romeo? Is...is that you?” I couldn’t help but stutter.
“Elizabeth? Oh my gosh I thought you were...oh my gosh.” Romeo ran up wrapping welcoming arms around me. I’m so glad he’s not gone! My best friend. “I came looking for you. I couldn’t find you, I thought you were gone. I’m so glad you’re safe. Come with me, please. I’m with this group out hiding. We found this spot just out of the city. Come with me please. It’ll be safer than in the city. We...” Then he stopped talking. I think he finally realized I was a mess.
“Romeo, what happened? Where is my family?” My eyes starting to pool with another round of tears at the mention of my family I haven’t seen in two days, but I refuse to let them slip.
“You should come back with me to camp, then we can talk. There’s a lot you don’t know about.”
On the way back to camp Romeo told me there's an area for everyone to sleep in and have their own privacy space, even me. We took a back road behind the city. There weren’t many bodies here, but there were still quite a few.
“This way.” Romeo showed me behind some vines that lead into a cave. We walked a little ways into the cave until we heard water dripping. Then Romeo said we were close. There was a Y in the cave, and he told me to remember that camp was left. Once we went left I could hear giggling, it filled me with hope that it would be my sister, but as we walked into the opening area, I could feel my heart sink to my stomach with disappointment. When I looked around the cave, any talking became a whisper, so many unfamiliar faces, judging eyes giving me an eerie feeling.
“Guys this is my friend Elizabeth from school. I found her on the street alone. She’s a friend.” I raised my hand and waved at all the unfamiliar faces.
“Ok Romeo, what do you want us to do, introduce ourselves?” A young man spoke up with a smart aleck tone. His hair was black as coal, but his eyes...unique. His eyes were bright blue, tan skin. He was beautiful.
“Well, that would be pretty nice. Why don’t you start since you gave the spectacular idea.” Romeo said this with a smirk on his face.
Standing up with a grin he started to speak, “Hello, I’m Bradley.” I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded a little and gave a little smile.
After Bradley sat down a girl stood up. She looked about sixteen years old. “Hey! I’m Jennifer Anthony. Nice to have you here.” Then she sat down. Jennifer was a short girl with long brown hair, and freckles all over her face. She looked like someone I’d like. After her a few other people introduced themselves. There were a few more boys, Chris, Brett, Jackson, Hunter, and Kenny. Then two other girls, Sunny, and Kiley. The girls seemed really sweet.
After everyone introduced themselves Romeo showed me to the area where i’d sleep. It wasn’t very big, but it was better than being alone in the apartment. The area had a sleeping bag in it, and a hydro powered lamp. The place was all I needed, but one thing still bugged me.
“Romeo? What’s happening?” I asked slowly, and quietly so I wouldn’t start to cry again.
“Elizabeth, what do you remember? I think that’s the best place to start.”
“I remember my mom telling my sisters to go hide, then she grabbed me by the
shoulder, she pulled me to her room and put me in the closet. She started crying and told me she loved me over and over, then she told me she’d come for me soon. Next there was a crashing sound, and a sound that I’ve never heard before, a painful screeching sound that made my ears ache. Then my mom kissed my forehead and slammed the door closed. There was more screaming, then...it went quiet. I sat in the closet for two days, then I found you.” My heart was racing, I wanna know what happened to my family.
“Well, these creatures came to Earth. They look freaky Elizabeth. They breathe fire and they can crawl like spiders, but they speak english. I’m guessing that the spider form is their true form, they can look like us though, like humans. It’s scary. I don’t know why they're here, but we all got away while they were burning people in the streets.” Romeo’s face was without expression. I wonder if he saw his dad die, but I wouldn’t dare ask.
“Romeo we’ll get through this together. We have each others back.”
Romeo laughed a little then looked at me, “nice to have you here Liz.”
That was it, then he left. I was alone again. I laid out my sleeping bag then said my prayer and laid down. If only this was a nightmare that I wake up from in the morning, but something in me says it’s absolutely real.
Chapter 2
“Elizabeth! Elizabeth! WAKE UP! Elizabeth!” I was jarred out of my dream that felt so real. My face was wet and I had beads of sweat all over my body. When everything finally came into focus I found everyone staring at me.
“Elizabeth are you ok? You were screaming.” Romeo asked with worry in his voice.
“Ya ya. Just a bad dream.” It felt so real though. It was all in my head nothing more.
“That was not just a dream, you were screaming bloody murder. What was in your head?” Chris started interrogating me. His face was getting so red, I can’t help but think he’s going to hurt me.
“Leave me alone. I don’t know what the dream was about. I...I don’t remember.” But I did. I saw my sister in chains, ankles bloody surrounded by strange creatures. It couldn’t be real though.
“No! I don’t…” Then Sunny cut him off and told him to shut up and leave her alone. I think i’m going to like this girl. Then Romeo gave her a sly smile and a wink then got serious again.
“Ok well i’ll stay in here incase you start to have a nightmare again.” Romeo was to nice, I couldn’t let him stay up in my room and not get any sleep.
“Oh no, no you don’t have to! I’ll be fine.”
“Romeo I’ll stay, I’ve been up all night because of insomnia. I’ll watch her.” Kiley spoke up and offered. I was ok with her staying here since she said she has been up all night. It’d also be nice to have a girlfriend around here, so I didn’t argue.
“Ok then. Everyone back to bed. Goodnight Elizabeth, sweet dreams.” I smiled at him and mouthed goodnight, he smiled back. His smile was beautiful, his teeth were perfect, white as snow, and so straight. My best friend since fourth grade. I was a junior, but I don’t think school is in session anymore.
I was slowly awoken by some arguing in the gathering room, so I got up and followed the voices. Once I found the room everyone was in, I peeked around the corner to see what the hot topic was. To my surprise, I didn’t like it. They were talking about...me.
“We don’t trust her!”
“What if she’s one of them in disguise?”
“Stop! Just stop! Listen to yourselves. You're trying to get rid of another human that survived, after the whole city was burned as well with our families. Guys I know this girl, so trust me when I say she is not a Maa.”
“A Maa? Is that what we are going to call them? That’s freaking stupid Romeo.” Kenny stood up and said with a hateful tone.
“Yes. I thought about it last night. M for man, A for and, A for alien. Maa. Now, Elizabeth is not one of them and that’s the end of discussion.” Romeo said this with a stern voice and turned his back and started to walk out when he saw me. He paused for a moment, then walked out of the room without looking back at me. I was left in the room with everyone else who just stared at me. I couldn’t handle this. I need fresh air, I need to get out of here, I need to leave.
Running as fast as I could to get out of here, I tripped over a rock that I didn’t see appear. Although that could be because of my tears blurring my vision. I could feel the my arm slice open immediately as I hit the ground. Pain raced up her arm like a lightning bolt. Crying out I sat there holding my arm close to my shirt that was now stained with a salty smell of my blood.
Once my senses came back to me, I got up and suddenly tasting a metallic flavor in my mouth. Wiping my mouth with the top of my shirt, I got up and started jogging to the vines. I was about to pull the vines aside and dash out of the cave, but someone grabbed my arm and covered my mouth with their hand.
“Don’t make a sound.” I recognized the voice as soon as he spoke. Bradley slowly released me and pointed through the cracks of the vines. I looked through the deep green dangling plants. There they were, tall, lean, bare. No eyes? How?
“Do they know where we are?” My voice is shaking with fear.
“No. The vines have a smell on them that throws off their senses, I think” His hand was still on my arm, holding me close to him.
“That’s good, really good.”
The Maas were marching in single file lines. Each group was 4x5. There were tons of them. Then a group of humans passed between one of the groups. It was full of woman. They had chains on their feet that were rubbing their skin raw, and blood covered the rusty metal. There wrist were handcuffed together also. What were the Maas doing with woman? Why wouldn’t they just kill them also?
There was one girl that caught my eye. She looked about nineteen years old, dark brown hair, a scar on her forehead...Ashton! My sister, they have her.
“They have my sister! I have to get her back from them!” My heart is racing. My dream was real! No, this can’t be happening.
There right before my eyes, my sister’s chains fell and she started in a sprint away from the cave, away from the Maas. My sister was always good at picking locks, no doubt that’s how she got loose.
“Go Ashton, please get away. Go.” I started whispering with a cry in my voice.
One of the Maas saw her stat to run, and it ran and jumped in front of her. Oh wow can they jump high.
Ashton gasped, she went to turn around and run the other way, but the Maa caught her by her neck. She started scratching at it’s hand, but it was no use. she was turning blue in the face.
A scream started to be let out, but Bradley grabbed me and spun me into his chest before anyone or thing could hear me.
He put his hands on my head and held me close. He kept telling me it’s not my fault and that he’s sorry. I couldn’t stop crying so Bradley carried me back to my area, cleaned up my wound, and put me in my sleeping bag. I did not want to be alone tonight after I saw my sister be burned in front of me. Now I really see with my own eyes what these beast are capable of.
Chapter 3
“Elizabeth, you need to talk about this, it will let some pressure off of you.” Romeo was so kind to me, so helpful. But what happened to my sister was just the beginning.
“He grabbed her by the neck, strangled her! Then he burned my sister. I could hear her painful scream while she was hanging there burning, then he threw her black charcoal body against a tree. I could hear her bones break as soon as she hit the tree” I didn’t realize until the silence washed over us, that i’ve been yelling the whole time and I had an audience in the doorway of my area. I guess this will now be my new bedroom, since I have no where else to go.
“We get it. This is going to be hard for you. We are all hurting right now, not knowing if our family made it out alive or if they were murdered. But we have each other now and we have to watch each others backs’ and protect each other. We have no idea if the rest of the world is like this or not. The whole world may be doomed, ended.” Chris had a sympathetic tone with every word that he spoke.
This was our world. I will not stand here and watch our world be took over by creatures who kill the ones I love right in front of my eyes.
“No! The world is not doomed. We were here first. This is my home, our home. We should stand and fight, take back what is ours. We can learn there weakness. Please. Stand with me. We can be a team.” How I came up with that speech off the top of my head, no idea, but it was good.
Everyone stood there looking at each other, thinking, debating. Then Hunter stepped forward.
“I don’t know you very well, and I definitely don’t trust anything you say, but you sure do have a point, and i’m all for it.”
What happened next made my heart jump with glee. Everyone else took a step forward with a smile on their face, except for Brett who stood in the back. Romeo stood by Sunny, an arm wrapped around her shoulder holding her close, and both of her arms wrapped around his waist. Who knew? These two may actually be something great one day.
“But how do we fight without weapons? Without guns, or knives they’ll make the dinner out of us. I don’t think we can do it. This is the end.” Brett was being such a negative nancy. But I had something to tell him.
“Oh my friend, what a fool you are right now. Don’t you see, the end is just the beginning.”