Hello Me
Hello You
Hello Exactly what I deserve
Hello What was already mine but it was just a matter of linear time
Hello Big dream that is my alive reality now
Hello Beautiful experience that I am walking through with open, receiving arms
Hello Sun inside of me that was merely obscured by some clouds
Hello Light all around me
Hello True Self,
you are naked and free
Thank You
I was always You
Thank You for the whispers in my ears and the messages from my heart
Thanks me, for connecting with Light until it shined so bright that it dissolved all patterns
And set me free
Until I realized that I was never me, that I was You, and You were Me
A New Insight Into My Sleep Paralysis: My Shadow visits me
This night I met my shadow. A dark energy of "You do not deserve this".
The heavy entity inside of me that wants to keeps me low, in the unconscious. It pulls me back down in the dark when it senses that I am evolving. The dense energetic mass resides in my body, is rooted in anxiety and feeds on anxiety. It is the source of all my limiting thoughts ~ that I often believe to be true.
Meeting my own shadow was insightful and immediately scary. I felt intimidated, and suppressed by its heavy and coercive weight. I reacted with resistance: "I will not let you have me. You will not control me". I tried to break through the dark energy that embraced my being by connecting to the vibrations of my spirit. And then I realized, that I was stuck. For the umpteenth time, I was stuck, in sleep paralysis.
I do not know which was most problematic. The gloomy energy of my shadow, or the anxious fight against it.
Fight and flight are fear responses. It is mainly the fear of the fear that creates the sleep paralysis. I realize that these types of dreams always go as following: I am confronted with a darkness that somehow wants to possess me. Then I fight with the dark. As that clearly never works, I run. From the moment I attempt my escapism, I notice that there is nowhere to go.
Being afraid and fighting against your own darkness is once again, your shadow, in disguise.
If you truly want to wake up to the light after this long unconscious dream, you actually have to be brave and walk the walk through the dark forest. Until you no longer feel brave, but rather calm. Because you realized that the darkness isn't really you. So there is ultimately nothing to be afraid of. For you were the light that was guiding you all along. If you know you are the light, then why would you fight?
When darkness visits me now, I am in total and complete surrender. I have come to love it. For it is this contrast inherent in the human experience that enables this grand opportunity for my soul to grow deeply.
Next time in my sleep paralysis, I might give thanks to my darkness, giving it a gentle smile. For one does not conquer darkness by fighting, one conquers it, by loving.
The wounded healer
The wounded healer believes
"I do not deserve to be happy, while the rest is suffering"
"I do not deserve to be in the light, while others are in darkness"
"I do not deserve to become conscious, while others are unconscious"
"I do not deserve to wake up, while others are still asleep"
The wounded healer chooses the healing of others above their own
Pure love
It is pure love
A love that does not need to be proven
Every few years when we look each other in the eyes, we see the same love that was always there
It is love that does not need to be contained within a delineated relation
It is the love that simply is
Under all conditions
We can love someone else
We can live something else
We can be the furthest away
We are the closest in heart
Maybe we see each other again
Maybe not
It is non-attached
It is free
An eternal energy
Strengthened through lives
I love you dear soul
More than I have ever loved
And the feeling
Makes me feel alive
And the freedom
Makes me feel
Even more alive
I am craving new smells
I am craving different smells
Different buildings and different church bells
I can't wait to look down on my feet
Looking at the new streets they meet
I want to look up, surprised by a stranger
Finally a human that interests me, what a game-changer
I want to be thrown out of my routine
Even tho I'm so autistic
It'll be relieving to my ADHD
Can someone please touch me?
Someone who tries to make us a "we"?
So I can be free
And say
Sorry, but that's not a game I play
Give me that new job
That bores me after some months
So I can then take off
So I have a reason to continue my journey
Where everything is new and worthy
Where life is flirting with me
So that I may again renew myself
And be 10% more free
A free soap bubble
I honestly just want to be alone
My consciousness, my human form and life
We are a wonderful team on an awe-inspiring journey
We are vibing and thriving in the world of contrast
We all love each other, and I think there is no deeper connection than this?
I don't want one of those human constructed relationships
One of those attachment-thingy things everyone talks about
I don't want to belong to a group, they call it communities or so?
I belong to life and life belongs to me
I want to be f r e e
"Being free"
It's the most attractive and delicious feeling and when I even just feel an inch of it, it feels like my feet are floating and my body is being lifted up into the sky
I would feel clean and spacious and strong and powerful
Not a grain of fear will be found over there
From there I can see all over the world
Finally "the outsider looking in" that I want to be
Truly, if I could acquire a superpower it would be invisibility
Have I come to my deepest desire?
To disappear
I will be like a soap bubble
So free
Floating very, very high
Cleared from all dense energies
Flying so lightly
Until she pops
And disappears
Poor entity transformed to peace amplifier
My thinking brain is racing
Why are you trying to make a problem out of everything? Why right now? Now that I am in peace
Are you afraid of peace?
Well dear friend
I am not even interested in "why" you want my attention
I know about the basic dysfunction of the mind
Poor enitity you
Poor you
Not getting attention
Not being identified with
I'll leave you alone in your darkness
Until you eventually starve and dissolve
And then dear friend, we will truly become friends
Because then I will use you instead of you using me
And then you'll be my partner
My peace amplifier
After an extroverted journey, the introvert finds home
How was life before the story of my life became so big? Before I started to figure out my personality?
These days I am reminded of when I was a kid. And it was just me and life.
When did opinions and views about my so called "self" start to attain significance?
Others were with others so I thougt I had to be too. And I am happy that I explored this socializing area of land. How else would I have become wise if I stayed alone in my room all my life?
But I cannot keep up with this extroverted game.
I have learned enough. About sharing emotions with other humans and about social ego. I have learned how to set myself free in the midst of being observed by eyes and labeled by minds.
Now I have come back to my true nature as a "human" being. It is me and life. Me and the cold floor that I am laying on, me and my journal, me and the sky, me and the music, me and the dishes.
Transcending this, something more remarkable than all of the above has arisen. Me and my true nature as a "being". The deepest connection possible has been found. One with what I am beyond all of that I am not.
So in actuality I have not merely come "back" to my introverted self.
I have finally come Home to my true self, in which I find you who is reading this, and all of life, and all that is.
Dissolving the story of me
I am sick of the "story of me"
The "I am this, I am that"
The purposing, analysing, categorizing and speculating
My past, my future, my personality
No matter how beautiful I create the story
The ego always finds a way to turn the coin around
Revealing its shadow side
I am letting go of the burden of personality
The illusion of human identity
Presence evaporates patterns
I am sick of the story of me
I dissolve it
In peace