I'm here to share & write & make friends
down the mountain
"She slung her bag over her shoulder and took off down the mountainside" -- This popped into my head today, and I thought it would make a god prompt! Use this sentence somewhere in your write. Poetry or prose, whatever comes to you :)
Ended June 16, 2023 • 8 Entries • Created by HandsOfFire
glass jar
no rules, just write :) whatever comes to mind, poetry or prose
Ended June 12, 2022 • 26 Entries • Created by HandsOfFire
Write about your vices in metaphors
We all have weaknesses, a dark side, vices. Write about it as metaphors. What do they feel like to you? Drowning? Falling? Locked in chains? Try to represent these feelings in the physical world. Any format of writing & please tag me. And remember that no suffering has to happen alone. We're here for you. <3
Ended February 23, 2020 • 10 Entries • Created by HandsOfFire
You're a 1920's Journalist...
Write an article or an ad for a 1920s newspaper. It can be historical, fictional, funny, whatever you want!
(An event that I'm helping with at my school is set in the 1920s and we're making fake newspaper props, so I'm hoping you guys can help! If you enter in this contest, I'll add your writing to my newspaper, and the I'll print the winner's entry on the front page!) Have fun!!
Ended January 3, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by HandsOfFire