if only you hadn't left your drink
sitting there on the balcony
in hot, carolina heat
sweating, swirling with the pulp,
beads of perspiration
counting the seconds
like a clock -
then maybe
when you lost it
and your temper finally snapped
and your hand slipped and
the knife thudded to the deck,
the drops of blood
wouldn't have dripped
right into the glass
with the striped paper straw
and the long-melted ice
and I would not have looked down
and seen my own life
blossom and bloom in the glass
and I would not have
any reason to hate
pink lemonade
or any lemonade,
the way that I do now.
"so why does your doctor think you have cancer?"
news to me, but I answered the lab technician anyway. it's not real - can't be. I won't research. who, me? me, pull up Jstor and my alumni library database to pull the latest research? me, print it out at the public library, paperclip each one together, and label it with a blue sticky note with 'neuroendocrine/carcinoid tumors' in Sharpie to add to the piles of research that I have *not* done to figure out What Is Wrong With Me, because no one else cares to? Never.
I already read them all. I read them twice each. probably more. I've sat on them for days, all three. I ignore the symptoms part. can't go down that rabbit hole - I'm looking for something else. I want facts. I want statistics.
How long do they take to grow? (9 years). How long do people live if you catch them early enough? (perfectly fine long lives). How often are they caught early enough? (Not nearly as often as they should be). What are the odds of development in the pelvis, not the abdomen?
too slim, according to my specialist, to be worth another scan. she originally ordered me a Full-Body PET. My insurance denied it. It was amended to a triple phase abdominal CT (contrast). Now, my flare is easing up. I look "better." I sound "better." there is no need to push insurance for that scan, now. its so rare, anyway.
That word builds a whole world in my head, though. its latched onto me, to the depths of my soul, and not in the special-snowflake-syndrome pleasant way, but in the severely unpleasant one which makes you wish you had been born as anyone else. "Rare." carcinoid tumors in the pelvis are rare.
it's rare. okay, like POTS? like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? or rare like Mast Cell Activate Syndrome? like red hair, or amoxicillin allergies, and ambidexterity, and perfect pitch? rare like the worst case of domestic abuse & violence seen in the state of New York in someone's four decade career? rare like losing three friends before we were even 18?
tell me, Doctor, because I have been extremely unlucky in my life. do you mean to say that the odds are so low - that it is rare like all of that? because if so, given my track record, it seems like this is a risk I cannot take.
so I leave the appointment and drop the façade and sleep for the next three hours, because that's what clinic does to you - wipes you out. and I spend my day nauseous, hoping not to throw up, aware of the fact that yes, I have the weight back, and yes, I feel pretty good lately if we're gonna compare, but it isn't going to last. I know this cycle. I know what comes next. soon everything will change and nothing I eat will digest properly. I'll lose 20 pounds in two weeks, and it won't be a good thing, and I will once again feel like I am dying. on the third week, just as quickly, it'll stop. the weight will come back in two to three more. I'll be "stable" for maybe a month, if I'm lucky. any longer is rare.
rare, like neuroendocrine tumors in the pelvis - apparently not worth assessing for.
words have fled my tongue
because while I have been home,
ostensibly 'healing', all i can think
is that once again
i am receiver of an unjust universal balance,
righteousness for those crimes
i cannot remember, far before
I was me.
i'm suspended in time
too far from the past
and yet fingers just missing
the latest future as it barely slips by
escaping the grasp of this creature
I Am.
is rebellion,
in a universe that bids me
to surrender to bitter nothing.
attempts to push me further past the edge
of empathy
taunts me to my limit with each miss of new time-spun futures I glimpse,
glowing and warming my skin in this void
each one netted together, bound tightly
(don't let it get out - it's worth more than you are!)
and the worst are the ones
where the buzz is alive;
energy dancing, drawing me in,
only to glance off the pads of my fingers, leaving me
Desperate with a taste of possibility
then drawing away in a mico-second.
this endless prison that binds me with infinitesimal new threads
that emanate from every angle,
(or rather, non-angles of timeless, shapeless void)
but will not allow me to move forward or back--
this, I think, is true hell.
please pardon my silence.
speaking is pain
that I cannot endure
without compromise.
‘alive’ is good enough
everyone is always
so scared
of a suicide note
but they don't think
about how
paper, and letters,
words in
pen or graphite, or
typed and printed out
typed out and
in ink,
they are all
words are just words.
they cannot end a life.
so better to write
letter after letter -
dozens of them,
if that's what you need.
because in the end
writing a letter
or two
might just be
the one thing
that keeps you
for long enough to
why it is
you ~should~ be.
your suicide note
might just
be what
saves you.
wash it off
I must have been young
when I learned
the proper steps
how to wash my hands
to keep clean from germs.
in pre-school theey said,
"sing your ABCs"
"Happy Birthday twice"
but it wasn't anyone's birthday,
and ABCs were boring.
i sang twinkle, twinkle
little star
how i wondered
where and why and how -
can't the universe
know better
than to punish children
who are innocent
by giving them to parents
who hurt them?
twinkle, twinkle
little star
children only go so far
little hearts and little minds
cannot handle cruelty's lies
twinkle, twinkle
little star
what would punished parents fix?
my siblings never
saw the pain
the need for staying clean
i protected still
kept them neat so
he'd not scream
they never saw him
touch my mother
i would reassure
that the noises in the
room next door
were nothing of concern
and even after everything
he let the virus grow
he'd planted so early that
I'd failed to even notice
never stood a chance
never had a moment to
recant the tales that
he told to them.
horrid deeds, feed them poison
break the things
they work to gain
break their will
manipulate, take everything
to make them change
behavior to behave your way
and all the while
lay the blame on
someone else,
talk and train their tiny brains
to hate, repeat
the things you say
play the game
dissociate the damage
from the virus, take
the keys from the ignition
put them in the hands of
the main victim
of your violence.
this is how he did it.
never *had* to buy their silence.
put a gun up to their heads
spit the hatred and the filth
tell them line by line
lies and stories that you built.
and in the end it worked.
it works, I should say.
but no one else could see it.
no one knew he hurt
her in that way but
me. so they believed the words.
Viruses are dangerous.
but people?
we're far more so.
we get power to decide
to protect or let die
and even with the former
we can doom a person's soul.
because I protected them
i didn't let them see it
how he'd hit her and beat
how he'd yell and he'd scream
i kept them in a bubble,
and I thought it made me good
as a six year old big sister
like age-six big sisters should
and instead, you wanna know?
wanna hear what happened?
with no memories of him
as bad guy, mom the victim
he hijacked the habits
he got through the firewalls
undeveloped mainframes
easily bypassed and hacked
straight into their brains,
turning perpetrator 'victim'
and innocent to 'cruel'
he brainwashed with accompanying actions, words, and tools
results forever devastating
"mom" now equals "fear"
it equals memories of
threats in harm and violence
and years of childhood trauma,
two decades each of pain
he flipped the script
made "mom" a word
synonymous with "witch."
if only it were easy
to wash our hands of sin
and our brains of the hurt
that takes control of the center
a virus in motion, growing
spreading, resistant to
nothing to do
but manage
the symptoms
and hope
(and pray)
that one day
they will wake.
daylight robbery
why is everything you write
every line, word, and phrase
crafted oh so terribly and grimly?
don't worry yourself about
my melancholy words
and the shifts in my mood
chasing dopamine tricks, no,
I write love letters to death
at least twice a week
although, sometimes more,
see, last night I wrote three -
but the thing about letters and paper
is that they always will be
the best of two choices.
(i flirt with Death, while
you steal from the hearse.)
"hey," I hear the voice whisper,
one time I laid down
as the static in my brain grew louder
and louder
and instead of fighting the nausea
instead of fighting my brain
to pop the pills keeping me alive, or
take the chemicals into my veins
instead of measuring the dosages
and mixing liquid hydrogen bonds
flavored with grief
of a life that keeps on *changing*,
"want to be a child? never.
grow up to escape? not realistic.
athlete, soldier? stolen dream.
teacher, writer? next to scene -
scientist, researcher, even?
don't think you can pretend you didn't hope for happiness. but darling, let's be real -
dreams like these weren't made for you."
and so when the whispers stopped I realized I was crying
and yet I hadn't moved
just me, still, plugged into the earth
remove my tired veins.
please. please. I beg you. please, just let me be.
my throat and voice are raw
from choking down my screams
and i'd like to say i want to fight
it might have been true once
but i no longer have it in me
to lie
so please
let me die.
because i don't want to
fall through the cracks
of this system
the same one that put me
to live with my abuser
so that i cannot even rest
in peace
at night
all I know is fear,
and you can tell me
that I sleep
but the things that I see
at night say otherwise
and this vessel isn't one I want any more,
see I prayed my whole life to know why I was born into the place
that I was
my existence a punishment
and me and God
have beef, cause
i'm pretty sure he made
certain to create me
only as a means
of torture, because
how else could I have come out of my childhood alive
except for as I am?
broken in mind
incapable of trusting
with a body shutting down
betraying me since 14
i cannot do three more decades of this hell
(and I'm certain that it is.)
let me wake up, or sleep
I don't care which
I cant breathe
I cant breathe
let me be
I just want peace
I just want to be at peace
and I think I've earned that much
i'm ready. please, let me leave.
self destruction of the year
feel the shift, zapping
short circuits in my brain
ringing ears are flashing
pulling me between dimensions
where glass grits
between gears
glitches slash
tears into the fabric
and reality, its
fingers, the shards,
slivers of the crystalline
micro-needles stitching
zig zag patterns
in erratic
hold it together,
not psychotic
not physic[al]
eclectic and epileptic
look the same
but one dose less
of doses better
left un-skipped
and I no longer
know fear
self- hatred
or neglect
and when nothing
feels real
let me be
first to say
i apologize
i didn't mean
for things to
go this way
my skin
let me back
i cannot control
but maybe I
can turn this life
to dust instead,
around me
if nothing left
to fear
at least nothing
worse here could
come than that
i forced from
of clarity where if
i had known
exactly what it was
that i'd been
I may have been
able to put it to
a stop. but
in the end it
falls on me
the fault
the break in
my world
plates shifted
i caused it, now
i'm sure, because
it's easier to
sew up hurt
when you know
the pain is coming
and the dust
that settles
on ashes
ive burnt
is mine alone
to choke on
no return
gotta feel something, right?
punch. keep going. again. again. again.
don't stop. don't you *ever* fucking stop. even when your body betrays you, don't you dare stop the assault, keep punching through to feel something, to feel anything, to feel the
not at them. it's not their fault, after all, that you're gullible, soft, easy to manipulate; not anyone else's fault that you're a whiny piece of shit. you won't last much longer anyway. but it's not their fault. not the world's. not anyone else's
but yours.
it's yours.
feel that rage that takes form in stinging on your skin, warm, hot blood dripping in rivulets down knuckles, lusting for the floor. might as well, at least. while you still can.