The Crack In The Ceiling
My first memories of conscientiousness are of being laid down in my crib for an afternoon nap, clothed only in my diaper it was so very warm.
These are my feelings engendered by the separation from my mother, and a lack of visual input from the world of wonder and discovery.
There was a jagged crack in the plaster ceiling above my head that was the only image I could focus on
The crack had many crooked legs, some sorter others longer leading to a central hub, the lines of striation, no real form but abstract.
I kept trying to make some sort of sense, some symmetry to the crack to give it form in my imagination.
Each successive time I was laid down for a nap, my mind wandered back to the crack in the ceiling.
There it was again, challenging my mind to make some form of it, to give it meaning and beauty.
Try as I could to make something wonderful out it, it resisted all efforts and imagination I could muster.
It had become an anathema to all my efforts, like trying to make sense out of a reflection across two parallel mirrors.
Then one day the riddle of the crack took on a more sinister guise, one that began to form into a threat of malevolence.
In my desire to make sense out of the crack, it grew into the only shape it could assume, having no beauty or symmetry.
My restless inquiring mind made its formlessness into the one thing left to my imagination, it made a void of chaos into an ugly monstrosity.
As this darkness grew in my mind, so too did its threat in nature, filling me with a nameless dread
Soon I was crying my eyes out for mother reassuring arms, though its newly perceived menace seemed to loom ever larger in my mind.
My mother came to my rescue eventually quelling my overactive imagination, but this will remain my first memory of consciousness.
More primly though, having only known my mother’s love, it was my first known notion of the emotion called fear.
In Your Hands
Thank you for being such a good friend to me
For believing when everyone else gave up on me
For being there when I had no where else to turn
For accepting me with all my warts
For loving me unconditionally
For those small and insignificant things
That make up a world of difference
In a life of service to you, and all others
Thank you for allowing me to accept myself
For allowing me to forgive myself again
For making it possible to forgive all things
In this field of all possibilities
Island Of Circe
If I told you I was desperate and you were in a position to make me a king
Would you make me a fool for you, and make my brethren serve you as have so many others before me?
Could you cut from divine cloth, a garment so plane so honest, as to the hide the shame of this humble beggar before you?
Would you care if I went on living without sleep, nothing more than feeling my weakness of wanting you, though my whole being cries out to end this sorcery?
How can I be free, if my brother’s only freedom is to serve you?
If I gambled for their lives, the stakes of defeat too terrible to realize
Could I trust you to do what’s most noble, and let us leave this island of iniquity now?
Or must a kill you and return the roses, now dead in the vase, and no other option foreseen?
How could we mortals reconcile this dilemma and hope to win?
If the gods favored my every action as a warrior, renowned as a leader among men, yet cast me adrift on my ponderous journey back home.
Would you lament for my desolation, my hopeless wreckage washed up, and abandon to this purgatory.
Those who have delivered my company and I, to one who drinks from souls of men
What kind bride would you have become, to make for your groom?
Eternally you
There is tearing in the fabric of your being, you cannot utter the expression of your pain
There is chaos that rages inside your spirit, that drives you to the brick of madness
A duality of light and darkness, and a tempest of wrath most terrible
There is a lamb of love that dwells deep within that chaos, in the eye of that storm of misunderstood feelings, of all emotions rationalized by art, intellect, and symmetry
A poetry of motion, drama and intrigue
An individual crowned with splendor, clothed in a gown of sunlight waiting to be freed
Knowing liberty and justice, nurturing and maternal, and eternally you
Creation Burns Here
This is your comfort zone that one you made to slip away to
That one you needed to be in so desperately
I needed someone I could talk to, you needed someone you could love
So we met here and now, so close to the end
You and your special interests, and me so into you
For creation burns here, my hopes and dreams
My dharma, my ecstasy, my lost and lament
Your recognition your struggle and your pain
A new day, and new night, by light of the reluctant stars
For the seed of creation exits beyond the mortal mind of men
I see life as an illusion, a projection...and yes a deception, but who can deny that it is our reality as we perceive it, real or imagined...lies are truth and truth are lies, as we cannot discern between the two...it is our faith that separates us from our deceivers
The burning love of flames, cries out to my heart
And I feel this earth shaking, pulse pounding in my veins
I realize I am insignificant, only my art and creation
My hope and love will sustain me
Your belief in me, my devotion to you
How can I make you understand how hard it will be to live without your presence?
Without your loving loyalty shining through all the corners of your love for me
Your adoration no matter how ill you felt that day, how you always put me first
And I can never repay for you undying devotion my loving pet
And when I was ill or agitated your eternal empathy always shone through my clouded mind
You were always there for me and give me reason to smile, to love like no other before you
You could always make me feel so happy about my life, so long as you were there for me
And throughout the years we lived together I would never have turn back the page never having knowing your sweet love
And though you only departed from me scant hours ago
I feel your presence here still tonight, and the ghost of your remnant
For months and years to come I see you and hear you all around me
Not because you haunt me, but because your friendship and love will never leave me
You will always be with me now and forever
The Blue Avian Orb
It is gathering dust outside the home I grew up in, and several of us are hunting small uplands game birds with shotguns.
Behind my house is a steep gullied depression that leads on down the “wagon trail” to the river below.
Where we hunters are kindred spirits, we don’t necessarily know each other, and are spread out as if in an armed man hunt.
As we descend into the smallish gorge, it is a steep decline to a rounded triangular plateau, before a further descent below.
As we climb down to the plateau, the bowl is covered in a thick fog, at which there appears to be a bright glowing, orb that can be vaguely made out at the bottom.
Apprehension grips at our senses, as we get closer to the circular disc, glowing first dimly, then more clearly as we pass through the obscuring blanket in front of us.
We stop our decent hoping time would help us discern, what truly lay beneath the fog, in time the air currents caused the sheen to lessen in obscurity, and allowed me to peer behind the veil.
What I saw next decimated my concept of reality, and shook me to my very foundation, as a tremor crippled my heart, turning it to ice.
Out my mouth came the baleful quavering of a lost and tortured soul, and I heard my own voice gasp out incredulously, “I…I can see your face”.
Two ominous shadows back lit by the radiance of the orb behind them, emerged from out of the mists that had been previously shrouding them, to reveal an entity with a terrifying larger than human, elongated shaped cranium, accompanied by an equally long protruding chin, not unlike a beak.
If this wasn’t enough to make your blood run cold, the face was without doubt the horror of it all, resembling a shriveled prune, deeply etched with jagged fissures running the length of its face in broken oblique equilateral striations.
Its eyes were wide and oblong like its head, glazed, darkened with the absence of any eye lids, nose or mouth of sort. The whole visage was completely emotionally disturbing, and unnerving, to the point of total panic.
These other world beings were extremely tall, eight feet or more, the first of which was covered in what appeared to be long blue feathers, the length of his stature, the second one with the robes of a priest or shaman.
After my initial verbal outburst of fear, it was obvious that they were aware of my presence now, and in my most horrifying moment of discovery, they immediately approached my location.
Feral panic gripped me and the flight or fight instinct caused me to try and scramble up the steep incline below my mother’s rock garden above, only to find its slope had turned to mud, as I slid down the slope to the lower plateau again.
Next the inevitable happened, as I saw the blue avian and his shaman speeding up to me, rolling like on a train track, their approach far too swift and menacing for me not to misinterpret their intention.
Again the feral fight or flight adrenaline rush consumed me, as I lashed out at the shaman who was encroaching and within striking difference, I cried out “you’re a fucking witch doctor”.
My hand met the wooden wall behind my lower bunk, and not the shaman’s beak, and I realized it was just another night terror, as my heart pounded wildly subsiding into laughter.
I realized in my mad fear and misinterpretation of an alien contact, I had robbed myself of the understanding, and maybe the making of a lasting friendship of two star brothers.
My Manorial Garden
I love to walk in my manorial garden, at dawning of a new day
Where the lime yellow sunshine streams through, the living green foliage
Where it ripples and scatters shadows and light
All about me, in the simplicity of its silent embrace
I love to walk in my manorial garden, under the noon day sun
And appreciate the abundance of life that grows all around me
To feel only like another of his most wondrous world of creations
Not better nor less important, to those whose eyes watch over us
I love to walk in my manorial garden, under the silence of the stars above
Where the evening breeze has the gentle touch, of a lovers caress
Where time strands still, and there is apple reason to reflect
And the clarity to see the path that lays open before me
I love to walk in my manorial garden, in my hopes and dreams
Where each step I take brings me nearer to your precious love
Where we are reborn as one, and never separated again
And learn to love, and be loved, perhaps for first time
Always My Loss
It's not that I miss you
Fighting through all these lies
Your chuckle and your smile
The twinkle in your eyes
It's not that I feel your absence
Your love of country times
Your boot heels on my couch
Your spirit in my life
It’s the reason that I messed up
And drove you so far away
When I should have kept you close to us
And always here to stay
But it’s too late to tell you now
How much you meant to me
But I’ll just have to settle on
Your precious memory to me
But it’s not for your loss
Nor the ashes in my mouth
But can’t escape your memory
It’s your birthday again today
Take Away the Night
Come on baby, take away the night
Come to me now, make yourself right for me baby
Turn out the light
Ever since the first time we met
You've been a gamble, you've been a bet for me baby
Of this I've no regret
'Cause you know the truth, how I really feel
I'd do anything for you, 'cause you're love is real
You say the word, and I'll come runnin' home
There ain't no reason I can see for you to be alone
Drowning in silence, here without you
Nothing has meaning, there's nothing that true for me baby
What can I do?
Well don't want to hurt you, but I can’t understand
What it is that I've done wrong that makes me just a man, oh darlin’
Keep me in your plan
'Cause you know the truth, how I really feel
I'd do anything for you, 'cause you're love is real
You say the word, and I'll come runnin' home
There ain't no reason I can see for you to be alone
Baby, baby don't you see what I mean?
Give me half a chance, and I'll make you my queen, oh baby
Realize my dream
Come on baby, take away the night
Come to me now, make yourself right for me baby
Turn out the light
'Cause you know the truth, how I really feel
I'd do anything for you, 'cause you're love is real
You say the word, and I'll come runnin' home
There ain’t no reason I can see for you to be alone