Close-by and Far-away
One father had two sons – the youngest and the eldest, beloved and unloved, close-by and far-away one. The first, the youngest son, was somewhat silly, lazy, and careless, and the second had grown to be strict, responsible, and work-loving. And therefore, it often happened that the unloved brother worked for his beloved counterpart.
And the two brothers lived next to their father, for the time being, grieving from time to time about their mother, who went to God shortly after giving birth to them. Quarrels rarely happened between the brothers, and their harsh father often raised his heavy hand and gaze at the elder, and blamed him in the heat of anger for his intractable character and freedom-loving nature, yet often praised the younger son for agreeing with his father’s opinion.
And days, months, and years passed by in their native village. The elder brother used to wake up early in the morning, going out to the field for sowing, and the younger one was basking on the stove until lunch, but thanks to his accommodating and pleading nature, he often begged his elder brother to do his day’s work for him and at the same time did not contradict his father in anything, and therefore quickly became father’s favorite. To beg another to do your life’s work is not to cross the field or gather haystacks with pitchforks, aye.
And often it happened that the father shouted and swore at his elder son for not doing his own part of the daily work while helping the younger, yet he did not want to hear anything about the laziness and negligence of the younger brother. The affectionate calf feeds from two cows, and the non-affectionate one is left without love and care. And for many winters the brothers grew up together, under the roof of their common house. And thus, their father has aged over the years, and his vitality has noticeably diminished so that he gradually stopped shouting and swearing at his eldest son only thanks to that.
And the long-awaited time has come for the grown-up eldest son to travel to the capital city, to study hard and enter the royal service in due time. The father remained alone with his nearest and closest son, being separated from his distant son even further for many years to come. And a few years later, a letter came to the elder brother from the younger that their father was seriously ill and was already preparing to die. And soon the eldest son returned from the service of the tsar to come to visit his father, to support and care for him. And upon his return, he found their household unkempt and falling apart before his eyes, and his father lying on his deathbed with his eyes rolled up. Two brothers tried to nurse him, but the disease was fiercely strong, and the father was fading before their eyes day by day, and after two weeks or a little less, he gave his soul to God.
Two brothers buried him, trying not to show their grief outside, but wiping rare tears from their eyes. And soon the question of everyday life arose between them about what they needed to do with the farm for now – and it turned out that, according to their father’s will, their entire farm, including the house and cattle, should have gone to the younger brother, and the elder barely managed to scrape together a dozen ringing coins for the return journey. The younger was pleased with the decision of his deceased father, and the elder did not express his opinion about his father’s decision, looking at his younger brother reproachfully in the evenings. These brothers soon said goodbye, wishing each other good luck in life and strength, and again the elder returned to the capital, continuing his service, and the younger started to manage the household that had passed to him.
Many years have passed since then, and the elder brother went to a suddenly started war in order to defend his motherland – and died in a glorious battle, defending his comrades-in-arms from waves of enemies. And the younger one over the course of years has ruined his farm completely and become addicted to alcohol. And from the emotional shock of the war that had begun in the state, and the abundant libations, his heart one day stopped serving him any longer, and he went to God after his father and brother to face his eternal judgment.
And the souls of those brothers appeared before the Judgment of God, following the angels. And the far-away one suddenly became a close-by in an instant. God chose a distant and worthy one and gave him eternal life for the torments of the earthly one, passed with dignity. And the souls of that father and his younger son were exiled back to Earth by the Maker so that in the dirt and hardships of their ways they could truly become close ones – for it is not by distances that people’s closeness to God and to each other is to be measured.
With God
People kept coming to the countless-ages-wise gray-haired elder, one after another. They silently bowed their heads as a sign of reverence before him, in order to hear that long-awaited, sacred wish, “Go with God!”
An hour passed after an hour, time shrank and stretched straight into infinity, the procession of people who desired to receive his parting blessing still did not want to come to an end, but the elder seemed to feel no fatigue. He tenderly embraced each of those who approached, and then gazed intently into the eyes of the person who came to visit him, as if checking whether he had the strength of spirit to carry his own cross – traveling by the path intended for him – but regardless of what he saw there, in the bright peaks and dark depths of every human soul that trusted him, the elder’s answer was always the same, “Go with God!”
Someone, having received his blessing, was smiling happily – and another seemed to be slightly sad. Some people’s eyes were clearing up, while others had tears in theirs. Someone was joyfully jumping out of the hall as if he had just gained wings – however, there were also those who barely dragged their feet, as if their invisible cross was already pressing on their backs in advance. But there were none who would not bow down before him.
The elder knew beforehand what would happen to each of those who came to bow to him – who would return to his hall reborn, and who would throw their saving crosses halfway in the roadside mud or smear themselves with dirt. Who would reach the end of the journey, having honorably overcome all the hardships, and who would one day turn back. Who in the end would be grateful to him, and who would blaspheme for the severity of his own path. But the answer and blessing of the elder nevertheless stayed always the same, “Go with God!”
…Hour followed hour, day came after day, century after century. People kept coming to their Maker for a blessing, in order to go on a new life’s journey. Eternity was ready to wait for their arrival.
The young and the old man
Once upon a time – and for the first time it happened many years ago and since then it happens from time to time again and again – a young man was running along the road of his life, looking around with a joyful smile. He had a small hiking bag on his shoulders, shoes that had not yet had time to wear out were visible on his feet, his body was full of strength and vitality, and his soul had not yet experienced grief. The young man’s eyes sparkled with happiness from the feeling of freedom, and his feet easily, as if barely touching it, glided along the ground, not clinging to rocks and driftwood. His path was an easy one.
On the first day of his journey, he met an old man walking toward him along this road. Swaying slightly from side to side, leaning on the bent from the arduous journey crutch, this aged man barely moved his legs. The young man noticed a huge knapsack behind his shoulders – it was so big as if this elder was somehow strangely carrying a load for ten. The elder’s gaze was lowered down to the stones lying in his path, and his legs, bent from fatigue, carefully and unhurriedly stepped over them. Sweat was slowly trickling down from the elder’s forehead, and it was clearly obvious that the continuation of this path was costing him considerable effort. His path was difficult.
Surprised by what he was seeing, the young man called out to the elder coming towards him and asked where he was going on his earthly journey.
“I’m going to myself,” the elder calmly answered him. “And you’re going closer to me.”
“Do I know you?” the young man was surprised.
“Do you even know yourself?” the elder asked him questioningly in response.
“What awaits you at the end of your journey? What are you aiming for?” the young man asked him out of curiosity.
“The beginning of a new one,” the elder answered briefly, moving a stone that was hindering him with a stick.
“Isn’t it hard for you to keep walking? For some reason it seems to me that you are carrying not only your own but also someone else’s burden,” the young man seemed to have mercy on this stranger.
“Isn’t it easy for you to stand idly in one place and keep talking to me?” the elder raised his eyebrow as if in a gesture of amazement.
“Why are you traveling all alone?” the young man did not let up with questions.
“Because not everyone can be called a close one,” the elder sighed, wiping a tear from his eyes.
“May I help you at least a little?” suggested the young man.
“We are going by different roads towards each other. By helping yourself to become better, you will help me as well,” the elder replied with conviction.
“To tell the truth, I didn’t understand much of your strange speeches, stranger,” the young man threw up his hands. “But I wish you a safe journey!”
“And I wish you the same,” the bent elder answered him with a smile.
With these words, the young man and the wanderer he met started moving towards each other once again, but exactly at the moment when they finally caught up, the elder stepped right at him – and suddenly disappeared, as if he had vanished into the morning haze as if he had not yet existed. The dumbfounded young man rubbed his eyes for a long time and looked around again, hoping to see somewhere at least the receding silhouette of a mysterious stranger, but was unable to do so.
“I’m going to myself,” his inner voice whispered softly to the young man. “And you’re going closer to me…”
“And you won’t check my QR code, all right? I really don’t have one, truly, honestly! I am not marked, you know? We, the untagged, have become almost like outcasts now…”
Judging by the sour face of the guard standing with a rifle at the ready near the entrance to the shopping mall, it was clearly noticeable which great-grandfather and how courageously would strangle all these fascist innovations that have been showering on his nondescript descendant’s head and purse as of lately, almost like from a horn of plenty or some other horn, thereby giving him, the glorious successor of the family, an extremely instructive and very timely example. Shifting from one foot to the other for a long time, as if from internal cold and cautiously squinting at the video cameras hanging on the walls, after a while the guard, nevertheless, waved his hand in a sign of permission.
"Okay, come on in. At least show me the phone for the sake of formality. One way or another, you’re our first visitor today for the whole day. As if the whole city died out overnight, God save us! I’ll too be kicked out of here soon if there are no buyers going around…”
“Thank you, mister guardsman!” Alice exclaimed joyfully, almost clapping her hands. “I’ll run around here in a jiffy, just to take a peek, okay? I am very, very interested in what is going on here in the capital today! As well as to buy a gift."
Having never received an affirmative reply from the guardian of the new trade order, who suddenly started to diligently examine the tips of his polished shoes, Alice rushed headlong through the opened glass doors, intending if not to buy (she had almost no money for this course of action), then at least to admire from afar all those wonderful curiosities that this huge trading monster could offer to them, unwanted guests of the capital.
What kind of surprise that was when she discovered that there were no sellers at all standing behind the counters of the shops sparkling with Christmas lights and garlands! The glass doors stood wide open, the festive lights were still painting their unique patterns on the walls, reflecting from the mirrors fixed on the ceilings and floor, and around, as far as the eye could see, not a single living soul was visible. It was as if she, a new-found guest of the capital, suddenly found herself in her own mystical Looking Glass.
“Buy us!” a thin voice suddenly came out from somewhere in the distant depths of the boutique, into which Alice wandered in the shopping center.
“And me! Take me too!” a dozen new ones chattered back to it.
“And don’t you forget about me, I’m on sale now!” someone purred very closely.
“Who are you? Where are you hiding? Come on, show yourself immediately, or I’ll… well… call the police, right!” Alice shouted back at them, looking around in fear.
“It’s us, pretty things!” came a chorus of merry chuckles in response. “Buy us now!”
“Things? And where are all the people? Where are your sellers? Is this some new form of trading magic? I don’t understand anything!” Alice threw up her hands in surprise.
“People? Why people? Things!” a multi-voiced chorus of voices sang back to her.
“But surely there should be people around to make things right? People are not things, and what are things without people? You’ve got me completely confused right now!”
“Put us on!” shouted the red patent leather shoes that suddenly jumped out of the box, right in front of the stunned Alice, starting to dance some kind of weird unfamiliar dance right away.
“Try me on!” tenderly whispered a lilac dress with a large cutout on the back that started spinning on the mirrored floor, paired with shoes, now and then trying to drag Alice standing in the center of the hall, taking her by the arm with its sleeve.
“Breathe us in!” dozens of glass jars with perfumes rolled out on the counter with affectionate voices.
“Look at us!” sang the earrings decorated with large red rubies that fluttered out of the case in one go.
“How magnificently beautiful are all of you!” Alice gasped in amazement. “You are the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life!”
“We were made for each other!” the dress assured Alice, putting its arm around her waist.
“We were created only for you!” confirmed the shoes.
“Look in me!” demanded a mirror standing nearby in a beautiful gilded frame.
Coming closer to the mirror, Alice was surprised to find out that her reflection was dressed in the same lilac dress and red shoes, and she had gold ruby earrings in her ears.
“You’re making her look fat!” the mirror said to the dress with displeasure.
“And you’re making her underweight!” snapped back the dress.
“Try us on! Buy us! Take us with you!” the inhabitants of this store vied with each other, never giving Alice a single second to think it all over.
“But… how am I supposed to buy all of you?” Alice was confused. “You must be very, extremely expensive!”
“Loan… Loan! She doesn’t know about the loan?” pretty things started whispering among themselves in surprise. “She’s not local… Surely she doesn’t have a credit card? The bank! She needs to go all-in to the bank!”
“And what should I do with you then? I don’t have any of these loans, and no marks either. I have nothing to pay you with!” Alice sighed in distress.
“Squeak!” squeaked a huge rat, the size of several of Alice’s fists, that suddenly jumped out of the far corner of the room right under Alice’s feet.
“Aahhh! Mouse! I hate mice since my childhood!” Alice screamed, jumping up from fear and almost crushing the shoes spinning under her feet. “Go away!”
“Squeak!” repeated the huge black rat, standing up on his hind legs and absurdly waving front paws in front of him, as if introducing himself.
“This is our friend, Squeak!" things began to reassure Alice soothingly.
“He’s decent!”
“Yes, he helped many of our kind find their new homes!”
“Find their masters!”
“People listened to his wise advice and were finally able to get us!”
“He is so smart. And so sly, too!”
“He’s cool!”
“No!” cried Alice. “I don’t want mouse-friends! Not to speak of the rats! Scram, scram!” with these words, she grabbed one of the still-dancing red shoes, intending to launch it into this being that formed inside her a feeling of deep and sincere disgust.
“Squeak!” a huge black rat squeaked as if being offended, tucking its hind legs and clicking its tail on the mirrored floor, as if annoyed, intending to successfully retreat, but all of a sudden the cat flew into the open door of the boutique from all its hind legs, thus not allowing this tactical retreat to take place.
“M-r-r-r-y-y-a-a-y-y!” Alice was only able to hear a moment before the claws of the newly-born ferocious predator dug into the thick black skin, leaving behind deep bleeding wounds on the body of the Squeak. The rat jumped up, twisted out, and, leaving a piece of his tail in the paws of an unexpectedly appeared cat, retreated like a bullet somewhere in the black darkness of the hall.
“Our poor Squeak…” the dress that had recently danced around the hall began to cry and lowered its sleeves down. “He was so dear to us, and we were close to him!”
“What have you done, silly being?! Who’s going to buy us now? Now we will never find our rich owners!”
“Oh, sure, it’s all about being owned!” the cat purred, sitting on its hind legs, and began diligently licking the wounds inflicted by the Squeak. “They will make anyone they want their slaves. Don’t trust them, girl. I know that. I’ve seen so many of these rats in all my nine lives!”
“The cat! The most real and talking Cheshire Cat! Just like from my children’s fairy tale!” emotional Alice almost cried out with tears.
“Huh, you tell me, Cheshire! I am not from a shire, not that kind of fluffy furry ball with fleas! I wash my face every day in the mornings and evenings as my ancestors purred to me, peace be upon their fur! Yet rubbing is what I like the most. Can you scratch me?” he looked inquiringly at Alice, continuing to lick the rumpled fur. “By the way, my name is Yearr!”
“Of course, I will, my dear cat!” Alice happily agreed to fulfill this simple everyday feline request. “You’re my hero – you defeated such a nasty rat!”
“And scratch behind my ear too, since I’m not scratching myself… for, you know, I have these… paws. P-r-r-r…”
“And why do you have such a strange name, kitty?” Alice asked without stopping caressing the cat. “A cat by the name of… Yearr?”
“I’m a cat-symbol, you know? Year-cat! Is it the year of the cat? And I am the cat-year! It’s been a year!”
“What kind of charade is this?” Alice was puzzled. “Kitty, please don’t talk in riddles!”
“A charade for a masquerade. Kind of riddle, sort of fate,” the cat purred conciliatingly. “Well, you can call me Cheshire if you want to. But I truly don’t have any fleas for you, so don’t even ask!”
“Almost no need for that,” Alice giggled. “And why did you decide to save me from the Squeak?”
“I got hungry. And skinny. And my shagginess has decreased as well. You can even say that I went feral, even though it sounds strange, especially in my case. What kind of year, such is a cat, it turns out. And these rats bred here in enormous quantities! Everyone tries to steal something or teach others their pilfering habits. But I’ll find them all, they won’t escape my gaze, they won’t hide in a hole, m-r-r-r-y-y-a-a-y-y! So I’ve been living here as of lately, catching them and… well, you know what we, cats, do with mice…” he symbolically squinted with his green eye, as if checking her, Alice, general erudition.
“You are very brave!” Alice agreed with him affectionately. “But all these pretty things… they wanted me to buy them all… they wanted to find their new home… and now…”
“Nothing terrible will happen to them!” the cat waved his paw towards the counter. “They’re not humans. Not even cats! They won’t peel off, they won’t get skinny, and… well, what is usually done with you, people, in hardships? They won’t go animalistic, that’s it!”
“People are not things!” Alice smiled. “Especially since I don’t even have anyone to buy these things from. There are no sellers around here either, you see that? So what am I supposed to do now?”
“Do you want me to show you the lord of this place?” the cat winked at her.
“Who, who?”
“Well, he is sort of local head spirit, the caretaker. I do remember how one of the rats, fleeing from me, jumped on his back and started screaming for him to protect her. Well, I tore his gilded paint from the sides for that, too! So now we’re with him… how to put it more precisely… we don’t drink milk from one bowl, yes.”
“All right, lead on!” Alice exclaimed. “But, if anything, I’ll put him in his rightful place first!”
When Alice, out of breath from running through the floors and corridors, finally caught up with her brave fluffy fellow traveler, he was already sitting impressively on the back of a huge gilded bull, standing in the center of an improvised oasis with palm trees on the top floor of the shopping mall, and every now and then arched his cat’s back and flexed his claws, as if intending to gently plunge them into the black-and-gold neck on command.
“Well, here he is! Evil spirit! But he won’t throw me out of here now!” the cat assured her with satisfaction and plunged his claws into the bull’s neck.
The statue, which had seemed lifeless up to that moment, suddenly started shaking, jerked sharply, trying to throw off its new rider, its eyes turned bloodshot in the blink of an eye, and thick acrid smoke poured out of its nostrils.
“See how angry he is? What a waste, we are not to his taste! M-r-r-r-y-y-a-a-y-y!” and with these words, the cat furiously scratched the upper part of one of the sides of the golden bull.
The head of the golden bull with bloodshot eyes suddenly turned towards Alice, and a low guttural rumble, coupled with acrid smoke, swept through the hall for a brief moment.
“You are standing in front of the altar of our temple, human whelp! Behave yourself!”
“Aha, he spoke at last! Last time you weren’t so talkative, as far as I can yell!” the cat mewed, giving the bull a slap with his paw.
“Did you steal all the people from here and replace them with things? Come on, admit it!” Alice looked intently into the bull’s eyes filled with blood and rage. “And don’t you hiss like that, I’m not afraid of you, I have a real Cheshire Cat now. Got it?!”
“This place is a temple of things. You’re a foreigner here. Get lost!” the head of the animated statue was spinning from side to side in rage, but for some unknown reason, the bull could not move.
“Bring the people back immediately!” Alice demanded and stamped her foot. “Just look at yourself, false God!”
“People… came to my domain willingly. They bowed before me… willingly. And then… they disappeared. Everyone who bowed. And only things remained…”
“Well, then stay here all alone as long as you like, thing! Without new adepts, you are nothing! A false temple will once fall to ashes! Mmm!” Alice grimaced at the bull.
“M-r-r-r-y-y-a-a-y-y!” added the battle Cheshire Cat and kicked the animated statue with a paw right between his horns.
“Trespassers! Blasphemers! Get out of my temple!” the bull roared with all his might, trying to break away, but the gilded chains that held him firmly did not allow him to do it. Only the bloodshot eyes with hatred bored into the retreating figures of the girl and the cat walking impressively on two paws until they finally disappeared from sight.
“That’s what I call taking the bull by the horns!” the cat, wandering along the corridor, continued to tell, purring contentedly under his mustache and nose.
“I hope he won’t hurt more people," Alice said, looking back anxiously. “That spirit of yours is so evil, yay! Did you see his red eyes?”
“I would kick them too if I got to them,” the cat shrugged his tail lazily, as if boasting. “But I still have enough battles with all sorts of local rats here waiting for me. Well, where are we going to run now?”
“Oh, it’s probably already very late,” Alice suddenly realized. “I promised the guard to take a walk here for a short time. And we were so busy here that I forgot about it completely. My family is waiting for me at home!”
"So you are not local? And I was already thinking that now you will too start living here day and night long. Bring me some milk, or, say, sausages…” the cat dreamily rolled his tail like a pretzel. “Because the local would-be soldier at the entrance completely forgot about me, it seems, no matter how hard I mewed at him… And here he is. Sleeps on duty like a dead man without a grain of conscience! My very eyes wouldn’t have seen him and my very paws wouldn’t have touched him!” the cat purred cheerfully, carefully creeping up to the guard who was dozing at the table on the first floor. “Although, you know, we can argue about paws…” and with these words, the Cheshire Cat by the name of Yearr deftly jumped on the plump belly of the sleeping guard, that was rising up every now and then, gently curling up on it.
“Goodbye, kitty! I will surely miss you,” Alice said, affectionately stroking the curled-up cat.
“You will be back, won’t you?” he looked back with his emerald-green eyes with hope and devotion. “With milk and sausage?”
“I’ll try to visit you more often!” Alice assured him. “If my parents allow it.”
“Well, then, ciao-cocoa!” he waved goodbye to her with his paw. “...Wait, I almost forgot to tell you!” he suddenly realized.
“What exactly?” Alice turned around, already going out through the glass-mirrored door.
“Follow the white rabbit, of course!” the cat purred and winked with his huge, cunning eyes, green like the most beautiful of emeralds.
* * *
When Alice stepped out of the threshold of this new temple, it was already night outside. The snow swirled in the light of the street lamps, and the stars shone brightly in the sky. The silhouette of the shopping center was gradually fading away as if it had never existed – as if everything that had just transpired there, in this new Looking Glass, was not real, as if the whole life in the endless pursuit of things was somehow unreal, implausible, untrue…
“Well,” Alice sighed sadly, wrapping her winter scarf tighter and tighter against the suddenly rising cold wind. “So I didn’t buy a gift for mom! Eh… just wasted my time…” she became upset.
“Don’t be sad by vain things, child!” a voice rustled in a gust of wind from out of nowhere. “We will lead you to eternity!”
“Who are you?” Alice said in response to her invisible interlocutor, looking around in surprise and not noticing a single passerby.
“The right question is who are you? Lift your gaze skyward!”
“Stars! Wow, what a clear sky! How many distant suns are there on it!” the girl whispered, looking up spellbound.
“Do you see how we shine in this night? Only in the total darkness, we became visible!”
“Stars, you are like someone’s distant bright souls illuminating our earthly path…”
“You can buy thousands of things, but is it possible to buy eternity? You can only get it as a gift, earn it. Earn the fulfillment of your dreams. Stretch out your hands to the sky!” a mysterious voice whispered again.
“Wow, a shooting star! How bright!” enthusiastically exclaimed Alice, lifting up her hands to the sky.
“I am descending into your arms, child. Make a wish!”
"I… I wish that people could become happy. So that… so that they don’t become like things. I want… peace on the whole Earth. And so that Mom gets well!” Alice sobbed, wiping out freezing in the cold tears with her mitt.
“The desire of pure souls will be fulfilled…”
* * *
“Alice… Alice! Did you doze off while studying again? Are you tired, my dear?”
“Mom, I just fell asleep… I had such a wonderful dream…”
“Do you see how dark it is outside the window? You’ve been sleeping for hours, darling. Completely lost with all these lessons and thoughts about gifts, right?”
“I… wow… look, Mom! What a starry sky there is today! Just like in my dream!”
“Yes, honey, the sky is very beautiful today…”
“Look, Mom, a shooting star! How bright! This is the first time I see such a thing!”
“Me too, daughter…”
“I am descending into your arms, child,” a strong, warm, and caressing voice whispered somewhere on the very brink of her consciousness. “The desire of pure souls will be fulfilled…”
We are all law-abiding citizens. State laws – and especially those that concern our health – we execute zealously, carefully. Well, and because the laws we have now are fascist in nature – it’s not our fault, but that of the rulers. And why have they created such laws, we still wonder? Did they truly want a nationwide, meaningful and merciless riot? Did they not believe in our Slavic powers, replacing us with overseas migrants, putting muzzles on our faces like on their obedient slaves, and trying to send us to plague camps?
Yet it was lazy for us to fight for the future and our lives at first, comrades. Our life under the leadership of the false-ours thieves wasn’t comfy, that’s true, but we have already managed to get used to it in our way. Already we started to forget about the feats of the courage of our civil ancestors, hung the yoke of credit around our necks, and plunged headlong into the pool of reckless consumerism, having even frightened for a short duration capitalist devils, who were dwelling there, with our speed of drowning.
Since then, we have lived like this, poor or bad, gurgled in these pools, being put on our knees by the traitors-in-power, listening on TV to their speeches about our indescribable rising. It was a pleasure to listen to the lies that were given out for the truth! Our consciousness was amused by the feeling of national greatness, unprecedented growth, a cosmic take-off, a long-awaited breakthrough! But for sure we scraped the bottom of the pool for a long time and tried to dig it even deeper. And we flopped in it for so long that a new generation of our children managed to grow up in the pool, having taken its dirt in their souls. But a breakthrough, decisive for our fate, happened completely all of a sudden.
And so foreign medics came and sailed to us in their dressing gowns with a sign of the bloody cross on them at the loud call of our authorities. Help us out, they said, our Western friends-enemies, our dear contagious W.H.O., for our Slavic people are sick and ill, still suffering from the cosmic ooze, which we have poured through their veins shortly before the call. And soon those non-Christians arrived in white robes and with eyes as black as the night, and so they began walking around the streets of our cities so pompous, as if this land was already conquered by them, and was not ours, Slavic, with the blood of ancestors who fought with the fascists, stained and watered. Or maybe they weren’t even doctors at all, but enemy soldiers and murderers, dressed up in white robes and called to our Russia by traitors-Koschei? Of that, we don’t know and are even a little bit afraid to think about. Because what if it’s them, foreigners, that have developed this poisonous liquid in their laboratories?
And so, we were starving, friends-enemies, by the time of the arrival of those Varangians, white as a funeral shroud, and so we looked at the rulers of our thoughts and purses with no joy in our eyes. These authorities were maddened, having become incredibly violent, and by that time many of us have been marked with that deplorable digital black stigma already. We, asymptomatically contagious, could not leave our homes without the need which they have approved, or buy products in stores, or speak freely our opinion about them on the Internet in every possible way and pour out the heartache in the terrible comments, and calm down on that. And so that pain and bitterness, unshed, bubbled in our hearts, begging to be unleashed even more than before.
Therefore, when these non-Christians came to our motherland in their false-white clothes, so we came out of our homes to greet them. We had no faith in their kind and selfless intentions, and we didn’t believe in their proclaimed ability to heal us. And so we stood up in a righteous fury from the sofas with our backs and spines spread out, took axes and cudgels in our weary arms, and went to drive those treacherous scoundrels for what the world is worth because there was almost no worth for a human life left in the world!
And so we drove such an abomination far, far away. We drove them through the cities and villages, straight to Moscow and the red Kremlin, until they were all there along with our rulers. And so we almost set out to storm the Kremlin, yet one natural and unexpected event suddenly happened. The earth trembled on the Kremlin Square, and all of a sudden, a thousand-laid tile started shaking. And then the mighty wind came down without a single warning, howling, and the battlements from the walls of the Kremlin were torn apart by the wind, having fallen. And for a few painful minutes, everything was shaking around, spinning and howling, and once the storm came to an end, whoa, a part of the Kremlin collapsed into a huge hole!
Wow, and that turned out to be a huge hellhole – we have never seen such a thing. A breakthrough as it is, the most natural and righteous! And a fierce multitude of our rulers disappeared into that breakthrough, and their overseas henchmen ran away and scattered. And the wind stopped howling and crying, and the thunderclouds dispersed, and the red sun peeked out from behind those clouds and as if smiled at us all at that moment. And so we threw away our codes and fascist certificates, and left poisonous syringes in destroyed hospitals, and smiled in response to the sun. And we started to feel better, and joy descended into our souls once again, and soon enough we all began to build a decent working life and a state of justice.
Just look, what long-awaited breakthroughs happen on our Slavic land, friends-enemies! And if someone comes to us with a sword, a syringe, or his darkest code, he will rest forever in the Russian land by the will of heaven and by the force of nature! And you, who have read this – be healthy, non-QR’e, brave and truthful – and maybe then it will all come true!
“Does it hurt?” Sergey patted his comrade sympathetically on the back, trying not to touch the shoulder muscle recently pierced with a thick needle. “Still?”
“It’s my soul that aches with pain, Serge. What a shame for the state and people!” Vasily reluctantly waved away, diligently rubbing his numb hand once again. “There were so many traitors around!” he added, spitting in frustration into the gutter bordering the roof of the building.
“They are abominations, all of them…” Sergey hastily agreed with him. “They infected so many people, took us with impudence, no matter what. And what for? Where do they need this money now, and where has all their earthly power gone?” and he waved his hand in the direction of the city square, as if its current silent inhabitants could still give him the answer to this uneasy question.
“Natasha’s legs failed yesterday, her whole body ached. Today she feels a little bit better, but she still can’t walk.”
“And the syndrome?”
“You mean the fever?”
“Yeah. They say if, after the initial injection, all this synthetic crap in the brain begins to self-synthesize, then the first few days it fevers wildly, and then the addiction starts to form after one or two months, and that’s when new and new injections will become needed endlessly. Big Pharma, fuck it! Well, what’s it like to get all of us hooked on it, huh?! Drills! Salvation! The fuck-cine!
“No… she wasn’t feverish,” Vasily choked, trying to swallow the lump that appeared in his throat. “It won’t… I hope. My only hope now goes for God, and not for these… traitors in white coats!”
“You know… they’ll probably be hanging on the streetlights soon, too. As well as those aliens,” and Sergey waved his hand towards the square once again.
“We will soon run out of lanterns supply,” Vasily chuckled darkly. “One can only hope on God’s Judgment and the Second Coming.”
“Look, these ones have already rung off by themselves before his arrival,” Sergey confirmed his thoughts, nodding towards the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, clearly visible against the background of the clear evening sky – or what was left of it in the end, anyway.
And the lanterns were indeed shining. Their night lights softly, like a wild cat carefully crossing the road, illuminated rare snowflakes gently falling on the sidewalks, and those, obeying the imperious call of the wind circling around the square, curled into heavenly snakes and earthly snowdrifts, now and then bending into all-new bizarre patterns.
Here, from the roof of this high-rise building, Sergey and Vasily could clearly see the most famous among tourists Red Square, which from now on and forevermore became the last earthly haven for traitors and murderers. A few soldiers – a small night military patrol – kept measuring their pace, slowly marching back and forth alongside it. The wind rocked the bodies of the powerful of this world who had gone to God’s Judgment on the gallows and thus lost all their imaginary strength overnight. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, destroyed by the earthquake, no longer made a single sound, silently glittering with cracked domes in the light of evening street lamps. Somewhere in the distance, a television tower blazed like an unquenchable torch. And only the tank, which had crashed into the mausoleum while moving on all sails, added at least some enthusiasm to this evening picture.
“The evening balls… the e-v-e-n-i-n-g b-a-l-l-s…” Vasily sang out the words of his favorite song, wiping his suddenly for some reason wet eyes with the edge of his jacket. “A pity that they will call upon us soon, too. I don’t want to die like a slave waiting for a new dose… I want to die like a warrior! Well, at least our children will be wiser than us… Not infected with all of this… all this… earth dirt.”
“Have you forgotten, or what? Russians never surrender! We’ll live to see the other day, you’ll see! We’ll live to see the Second Coming!” Sergey slapped his friend on the back once again with all his might.
“Always an optimist…” Vasily smiled timidly. “Well, so be it, I’ll take your word for granted. I don’t feel like sleeping at all today, especially after such events. Well, what are we going to do?”
“Let’s go to look out for constellations?”
“Let’s go!”
Ave, Pandorame!
We welcome all radio listeners of our vast all-planetary Zone! Together with you, we are all waiting for a new day full of unspoken hopes and unjustified deaths in a brave new world that we are building for you!
And this new day brings a new wave of pain for those still living on Earth - scientific luminaries and experts of the “World Burial Organization” announced the beginning of the two hundred and fifty-fourth pandemic wave due to the discovery of a new strain of Pandoravirus. According to their preliminary estimates, several million more innocent lives will be taken away in the next few upcoming months by this terrible planetary epidemic, the plague of our century, which has been raging for many years thanks to high-quality vaccines. According to experts, mostly underage children and adolescents of the black race who did not pass the last monthly vaccination procedure on time with the newest, purest, and totally safe for the health of citizens gamma-vaccine developed by the world “Birth Control Center” will be exposed to this new strain. We grieve together with you, dear inhabitants of the Earth, and bequeath their souls to God, and their bodies to the “World Transplant Concern”. Rest in peace, our children!
And now - let’s look at the bright side of life. The forces of the internal security services in several Western states in the past week have prevented several more escape attempts by the groups of morally feral infected individuals from specially created exclusion zones. These madmen, who previously showed a positive infection result according to the Mengele-Fauci test system, could become new super-distributors of Pandoravirus, extremely dangerous biological terrorists and dissidents of our society. Combat missile drones, patrolling the sky day and night over quarantine zones and concentration camps for the infected, successfully eliminated all dissidents who tried to escape, thereby preventing the impending danger on clean and Pandoravirus-free zones of our megacities. We continue to take care of you, dear law-abiding citizens, and are always ready to assist you!
Cultural news. The cyberpunk rock band “Ave, QRe!”, which is touring the territory of Great Britain and continuing to rapidly gain popularity, plans to deliver several new concerts in the former territories of Italy, France, and Spain. The creativity of these promising young geniuses of the new century is traditionally highly appreciated by the jury of the Satanic Festival, which nominates them for the popular “Pandoramika” world award for the third time in a row. Young talents will once again perform such megahits as “I brought gene-code!” and “Cyborgization”.
Sports world news. The “Sports Union of Mixed Cultures” recently approved the use of genetically modifying cocktails, thus excluding them from the temporary veto. Now all interested athletes can freely use these products to improve their physical performance. As the ancients said, genetics - to the masses!
…And we would like to once again remind all residents of the megacities in the Zone that the use of non-certified software to conceal personal information, as well as the storage of illegal and pirated content from the social services entrusted with monitoring the lawful use of content contradicts the adopted amendment to the World Constitution and is punishable by life imprisonment for a criminal as well as the transfer to the lower “Zeta” caste for all members of his or her family. “Download and verify, double-check before you buy!" - this should be the inner motto of every law-abiding resident of the metropolis!
Switching to social news. Last week, members of “The Last Rubicon” hacker movement breached into a number of government networks and managed to obtain data on the location of underground genetic laboratories, where operations on genetic rejuvenation and cellular recombination continue to be carried out. Photo-avatars of the alleged criminals have already been sent out on the global public neural network. We ask all law-abiding citizens to join in the search and elimination of these info-terrorists!
News of religious nature. The new head of the Vatican, the prince of this world, speaking today in Rome before a multi-million audience of his faithful followers, who were now and then furiously chanting “Ave, prophete!”, loudly proclaimed that the creation of a human clone is not to be considered as a violation of the Third Covenant on the fading of the Holy Spirit, as was previously stated by the former fathers of the Church and the apostles, and therefore does not pose a threat of imminent death to all earthly humanity, and called for the continuation of these experiments in an attempt “…To create an ideal man, equal to God or better than him!"
And now to other news. According to the updated methods of calculating the daily labor ration, all citizens of the “Delta” caste employed in production are now supposed to consume twenty percent less liquefied food and nutrients. These “released” food resources are planned to be sent to the internal security services of megacities engaged in patrolling of territories and exterminating underground members of the Resistance. In the context of the epidemic’s spread, the fight against these dissident heretics remains to be the supranational task of the highest priority. The United World Government asks all citizens of megacities to treat this issue with understanding. Everything for the front, everything for victory!
That was all the main news for today. With hope for a better new world, Pandoranews Channel.
Ave, Pandorame!
“Dear residents of the capital and guests of our city! We invite you to our festive circus show! Devilish cunning, demonic courage, abyssal enthusiasm! A brave new world, full of alluring temptations and unsolved mysteries, is already waiting for you right outside this threshold! Hurry up to see, hurry up to believe, hurry up to hurry! Only here and just now! We are not for an hour, we are forever!”
The tenacious gaze of the herald, clothed in all the colors of the rainbow, suddenly stopped on Artem Sergeyevich, who had barely managed to get out on Red Square and right at that moment was dumbfounded at the view that opened up to him. The entire square, as far as the eye could see, was filled with three dozen different high tents, between which circus actors, acrobats, or clowns, who were calling to “head straight and heedlessly plunge into this unique light show”, were running rapidly now and then. Citizens strolling around the square almost immediately became victims of this aggressive clowning. Small groups of visitors still managed, kicking and refusing, to avoid close contact with these annoying circus performers. No matter where you looked, there was no sign army, no officials, zero reporters, even no guides with tourists, so familiar to the capital at this time of year. Colorful tents covered almost the entire territory of the square, coming close to the walls of the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral.
“Welcome to the show!” a jester with improvised small red horns on his head, who was dressed in a colorful hoodie, red kirza boots, and for some unknown reason a black sweatshirt, jumped up to Artem Sergeyevich and without unnecessary ado grabbed our hero, who was confused by surprise, and, continuing to persistently hold his hand, almost dragged him by force to one of the tents towering on the square.
“The best political acrobats and circus performers from all over the world!”, “thousands of beautiful naked camera-bearing maidens!”, “vaccine-carrying winners of talk show awards!”, “unholy martyrs of false belief!” the jester continued to babble hurriedly as if in a patter, dragging Artem Sergeyevich, who was still stunned by what he had just seen.
“…Completely free of charge for worthy people!” the last words of the circus performer who was expectantly staring at our hero with a smile stretched over his blue-painted lips, pushed through Artem Sergeevich’s clouded consciousness.
“And why… and where… everyone…” Artem Sergeyevich started to come to his senses after a merciless information tirade.
“At the performance, of course!” the clown burst out laughing with a kind of shrill, coughing laugh. “I’ll tell you even more,” he winked maliciously in response to a silent unspoken question, “some of those persons that you just thought of – they will even be in the role of actors! Isn’t that all great?!”
“It’s great… probably… and what is… your performance about?”
“A new brave world, sick humankind, the devil’s chord, and wasted mind!” the jester sang the rhymed lines, dancing slightly from the excitement. The rhythm and sound of his voice, lulling and shaking at the same time, enveloped Artyom Sergeevich’s sleepy consciousness like a dope as if demanding to pay attention, heed, and obey – with zero unnecessary questions, without needless doubts, never listening to his soul…”
“And why… the tents… are you… a touring circus?”
“I’ll say – in no way! We plan to stay here for a very long time!” the circus performer winked slyly in response, and red flames flashed in his eyes for a brief moment.
“You said… notable people take part in the performance?”
“Oh, indeed! Almost all the higher darkn… entire high society! Many of them were invited by us in advance and have already perfectly accepted their new roles after many previous rehearsals of our circus-like end of the world! Doctors, politicians, priests, and the press – everyone is happy to relieve your stress!” the jester sang in rhymes once more.
“And for how long… does this show of yours last?”
“It depends on the circumstances!” the clown said bluntly without another dancing. “The more of you – the longer the hour, the brighter the flame and greater the power! And most importantly…” and the jester bowed his head directly to Artem Sergeyevich’s ear, “for worthy people, the performance will be completely free of charge!”
“Free? This is such a… rare occasion in our times.”
“Exactly! And most often – there is a catch! And we don’t have a catch, as you may have already noticed, not a single one, nope. Our word is as honest as we are,” the clown laughed loudly with his painted blue lips.
“So… can I just come in?”
“Not quite!” the jester abruptly stopped Artem Sergeyevich, who was moving with an uncertain gait towards the entrance to the tent. “First and foremost, you need to measure your current weight on these karmic scales, see?” and he pointed to a strange-looking scale standing next to the entrance to the tent. “Go ahead, don’t be afraid, they won’t bite you!”
Under the massive weight of Artyom Sergeyevich’s heavy body, these scales, which for some reason had two arrows instead of one, started shaking and – or was it just his playful imagination? – as if moaned from someone’s unspoken unspeakable pain, and then one of the arrows stopped near the beginning of the scale, and the second shifted somewhere far away.
“Very good, just fine!” said the clown, shifting from one foot to the other with satisfaction. “The amount of evil you have committed is many times greater than the number of good deeds, and that means that attending to our performance will be completely free of extra charge for you, Artem Sergeevich!”
“And how do you… know my name?” the hero had no time to be surprised, for the jester interrupted him.
“Please, stretch out your hands! It’s not a hard requirement to stretch your legs as of yet. Temperature measurement, you know the new rules,” he explained soothingly in response to a puzzled look.
“Ah… the new rules. Yes, I am aware of them, of course… this is all very correct, no doubt in that,” and Artem Sergeyevich stretched out his hands in a conciliatory manner.
With these words, the jester abruptly pulled something resembling a seal from somewhere in his bosom and pressed it hard against the stretched left palm. For a brief moment, there was a smell of burning in the air, a sharp flash of pain pierced Artem Sergeyevich’s hand, and then some mysterious runic symbol appeared on his palm as if burned by a laser.
“Entrance fee! Such are the rules!” the jester explained.
“But you have just said…”
“Come in already, you fool!” the jester abruptly forcefully pushed Artem Sergeyevich inside, closing the tent floors.
Reality has changed. The hall was completely filled with darkness. The floor had gone missing, it was impossible to see where the ceiling ended. The rows of seats floating in the void as if in weightlessness were fully filled with spectators who were shouting something into the hall. For some reason, Artem Sergeyevich did not hear the sounds of their voices. Waiters in black robes were walking back and forth between the rows, as if floating in the air, offering the audience some unknown cocktails. In the very center of the hall, where the eyes of millions were turned, there was some kind of stage, which was constantly illuminated by blinding lights of flashes that caused a sharp pain in the eyes.
Dressed in a black business suit, Artem Sergeyevich found himself sitting on one of the chairs in the upper-far row. Next to him, as far as the eye could see, in the same row, people in black tuxedos with briefcases in their hands just like him were sitting – some of them were sorting through their papers, others were counting cash. Artyom Sergeyevich stood up slightly, trying to recognize the rest of the visitors in the flashes that were hurting his eyes. Below him, judging by their appearance and pretentious gestures (he still did not hear their voices), there were actors and showmen – Artem Sergeyevich’s gaze, running over their faces, unexpectedly saw the familiar outlines of several famous business personalities and reporters among the distorted grimaces. A little lower down, in this endless darkness, there were chairs with people dressed in white clothes – Artyom Sergeyevich noticed with dread that their mouths were sewn up, and the pupils of their eyes, as if blinded, looked longingly at the stage, never closing for a single moment. In the lower rows closest to the stage, he was stunned to see a myriad of gilded heads with rods and crosses in their arms – from these crosses, depicting the tortured Christ, red blood was slowly dripping into the unknown blackness of the absent floor. Close to the stage, queens, and kings in spiked crowns were sitting impressively on gilded pillows – some kind of muddy liquid was constantly oozing from their crowns, and they eagerly gathered it in their hands, blackened by the marks that were imprinted on them, and drank, greedily sucking every sip, and then raising their empty hands to the black height as if in a sign of thanksgiving.
Lights were dancing on the stage. The fiery streams encircling it were lighting up and then extinguishing again. The light of the red spotlights was almost blinding. The music, thundering with deafening rhythms, made the seats in the lower rows vibrate and shudder in unison with it. The shadows, cast from the searchlights, stretched out and started looking like monsters from horror movies.
“At last!” an unfamiliar voice thundered from the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, we declare our performance open! Meet our king! Face him!”
Practically blinded by the flashes and deafened by the heart-rending music, Artem Sergeyevich rushed from his chair with the only all-consuming desire to run away, although he already had nowhere to run, but the shackles that appeared on the chair from out of nowhere suddenly closed on his hands and feet, condemning him to be an eternal spectator of this unearthly end of the world.
“Meet our king!” were the last sounds he heard moments before the whole scene was drowned in the roar of raging flames. And then his silent outcry came in their place…
* * *
“Dear residents of the capital and guests of our city! We invite you to our festive circus show! Devilish cunning, demonic courage, abyssal enthusiasm!” the jester continued to shout out on the street of the capital as if nothing had ever transpired.
“And what do you need me to do to attend your amazing event?” asked Pyotr Ivanovich, walking along the square with interest.
“Oh!” the jester, who had carefully looked into his eyes, replied with enthusiasm. “Just a small thing! You simply need to betray God!”
Animal planet
“Another fine day in the eternity! I am glad to welcome everyone here in the seventh heaven today within the walls of our domain. Welcome to the angelic scientific and practical conference dedicated to the evolution of consciousnesses and bodies in the visible worlds created by the All-Maker!” said a young angel (although it was difficult to say with any degree of certainty from the appearance of these beings how many heavenly aeons his created by the almighty Maker soul had managed to come through), who came out on the stage woven from soaring mother-of-pearl clouds, continuing to smoothly flap his snow-white wings in rhythm with the soft, gentle music that was filling the room. Having once again looked with a radiant gaze of his almond-shaped eyes at all those who have gathered, the number of which was so large that some of the angels did not even have enough seats in this improvised heavenly temple, so they were forced to float smoothly at a low altitude, carefully crossing their wings behind their backs, he abruptly waved his right wing, calling everyone to keep mental silence, so that after a couple of otherworldly seconds he could continue his speech.
“As the respected masters, scientific luminaries and light-bringers in the field of evolutionology, bio-spirituality and bioengineering who are present here today should be aware, during the recent observations of several young newly-settled civilizations, indisputable evidence of the reversal of what is considered in our circle to be the evolution of the Divine Spirit has been discovered. In particular, we are talking about the planet in the Milky Way galaxy, referred to by its current inhabitants as the “Earth”. During his last expedition to this planet under the guise of its original inhabitant, our famous and respected researcher Joan Christo personally witnessed the aforementioned process, which will undoubtedly interest everyone present today in this scientific and spiritual hall. Joan, please tell the audience about the results of your last spiritual-research expedition to this planet.”
The angel, who had been standing calmly not far from the central cloud pedestal, gently flapped his wings and smoothly swooped down next to the host. He was well known to the celestials gathered here today – an elderly, albeit immortal, the angel who had been on many expeditions to the visible worlds with a bright golden sun-colored symbol of the cross on his heart – a gift for faithful service to the Maker. His curly hair that fell to his shoulders had long been covered with silver, a couple of scars crossed his face, wrinkles lurked at the corners of his almond-shaped blue eyes, and he was looking at the audience with a slight hint of sadness in memory of what he had seen in other worlds. His voice sounded calm and melodious as if in a coordinated beat with the music spread across the room.
“My greetings go to all the scientific researchers gathered today in this hall!” the angel who flew onto the pedestal answered with enthusiasm, throwing aside his external sadness for a while. “As our mutual friend Ravael has already rightly noted, I and my fellow comrades and researchers who had accompanied me on the expedition had the opportunity to recently visit the planet that is now known as the “Earth”. The chronicles of our joint expedition have already been transferred to the Archives, and everyone present in this hall will easily be able to get acquainted with them in the nearest future. And now, in order not to take up unnecessary time even from the immortals, I would like to briefly testify to you the observations and conclusions that we came to during our expedition to this visible world.”
Having that said, Joan inhaled the heavenly ether into his chest, made a spectacular pause, spread widely his wings behind his back, and, circling the audience in the hall with his warm mental gaze, continued speaking.
“So, the conclusions. The consciousness of the intelligent beings of this world is indeed changing – but not in the way that we initially assumed, in the course of primary research and the construction of evolutionary forecasts. My colleagues and I have witnessed an amazing process of merging between the evolution of an animal and the involution of human consciousnesses. May I be forgiven for these simple analogies, but the inhabitants of this world who keep calling themselves humans are increasingly beginning to remind us of wild animals possessed and driven by primitive instincts, while the representatives of the fauna traditionally called animals are showing an increasing number of new characteristics, traditionally associated only with soul-endowed beings.
Let’s start with the so-called animals. My colleagues and I have witnessed how previously hostile classes of animals started to lose their centuries-old antagonistic instincts, becoming closer and closer to each other, which was especially obvious in cases when representatives of these groups grew and evolved together.
Female representatives of some animal species are showing their increasingly more innate maternal instincts towards children of other species, including a willingness to protect them from the external danger that threatens their life and well-being. Before my own eyes, the cat performed a feat of courage, carrying out her newborn kittens together with a small puppy of a dog that was absent for a while straight from a burning house! I detailed this amazing case in my daily travel note left in the Archives.
In addition, the so-called domestic animals began to actively adapt to the human-created environment of their habitat, sometimes showing remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness in using the objects of this environment to achieve their own goals. Many serious and at the same time curious cases of such behavior were captured by us on the ether tape, with the contents of which you will all soon be able to get acquainted.
We have also witnessed how genuine art created by the most spiritually gifted representatives of humans – and I am talking primarily about music – can influence the psyche and behavior of mammals that are becoming increasingly sensitive to it. The music that flowed in the waves of the ether caused them to rejoice or even shed tears! Isn’t this the direct evidence of how the representatives of the animal world who aren’t gifted with spirit are increasingly showing the qualities of spiritualized beings? We are on the verge of an amazing future transformation of these thinking creatures – mark my words, colleagues!
And what about those who call themselves humans, those beings who have sole control over the mind, you ask me? Unfortunately, the numerous pieces of evidence collected by our research team only confirm the tendencies you have previously noticed towards the degradation of their consciousness and spirit to the level of the former representatives of the animal world. We have observed numerous manifestations of the most primitive animal passions – anger, rage, fear, hatred, dominating in their relations with each other. They are increasingly losing the ability to perform constructive interaction, more and more often thoughtlessly succumb to primitive instincts – whether it is the desire to fill their empty stomach at any cost or to satisfy their sudden sexual surge. The unprecedented scale of the wars unleashed by them clearly demonstrates how far they have walked away from the understanding of the essence of the original plan of the All-Maker, having lost the ability to feel and be guided by the spiritual core given to them. It was not without an inner shudder that we looked at the pictures unfolding before our spiritual eyes of how parents not only do not save, like the named cat but they only torment and slowly kill the spirit of the children that were entrusted to them. If they are not willing and have no desire to protect not only others, but even their children from the omnipresent in their society evolutionary degeneration – what kind of intelligence could we talk about that they ascribe to themselves? Gradually, in the course of our lives in human bodies, we became more and more convinced of the degree of degradation which their so-called science that has become the best creator of the most powerful tools of destruction, and their so-called religion that has destroyed the teachings of light and beauty previously given by our fellow prophets, had reached.
Dear colleagues and brothers in the heavenly spirit! I am also forced to inform all of you that representatives of this civilization, like representatives of several dead past ones who once inhabited this planet, have started to carry out deadly experiments with the cells of living beings in the hope of correcting the “mistake” of the All-Maker, in which the majority of them – including many followers of various religions – do not believe at all, and thus raise a generation of beings with the bodily and emotional qualities that they desire. These experiments, if they are not stopped in time, will return their bodies back to the very animal world from which they once came from, and which, in the face of a number of its representatives, has already surpassed in its quality many of the humans currently living in this world. In our travel notes, we described in detail the types of Earth experiments that we have observed in the field of genetics and virology. I ask you, together with the representatives of the Fate Control Department, to pay the closest possible attention to them. It may well happen that many of those who are engaged in such experiments or impose them on others will have to be taken away from their world ahead of schedule.
At the same time, I am glad to inform you that not all of the previously predicted negative involution scenarios have been realized in their world, which, in general, gives a certain number of the most morally noble people a chance to preserve their spiritual core. Also, my colleagues and I are waiting with interest and anticipation for new evolutional scenarios of the flora and fauna to be implemented in their world. Thanks to all of you for your time and thoughts attention!”
After taking another deep breath and enduring another spectacular pause, Joan slowly, smoothly soaring in the waves of the heavenly ether, flew away from the central pedestal, giving way to his colleagues and gifting them with the sacred right to answer a lot of clarifying questions, elaborations, and suggestions that started pouring like rain on their wings from inside the hall.
The exchange of opinions and the construction of further plans went on for a very long time on this heavenly day, and when they finally came to an end, the Earth met the angels with the most beautiful ever created by the hand of the Maker, a pure and innocent, lilac-pink sunny dawn…
Plandemica 2020
1. We spread an artificially created virus through several groups of infected subjects in different parts of the world.
2. Through previously bribed and controlled by us members of governments and heads of power structures in a number of states, we organize media hysteria about the “new plague”, as well as further promotion of necessary laws in these states. The consistent promotion of the required laws in several states at once allows the governments of other countries to refer to the “world experience”.
3. We gradually increase the degree of media hysteria for several months in a row, making the topic of the virus our main agenda. We use media setups to convince people that this is really a “plague”.
4. We subject to strict censorship and block as many questions and doubts that arise in social medias as possible, as well as audio, video materials and articles that contradict the “only true one” position. We mock and marginalize people who do not support this media agenda, exposing them as socially dangerous elements. We kill serious unbribed scientists and researchers of the virus.
5. We use fake tests to detect infection, which gives a significant number of false positive results. This makes it easier to intimidate the population.
6. We manipulate medical statistics to artificially increase the number of cases of infection.
7. We train the population of countries with absurd requirements and decrees, forming obedience and readiness to fulfill the instructions of their governments without unnecessary hesitation.
8. We force people to social separation through fear of infection, self-isolation, remote interaction. Being separated, they do not pose a threat to the plan.
9. We provide our agents of influence in the states with means of protection against infection.
10. We offer vaccines created according to pre-developed formulas as a means of salvation for intimidated fools. Vaccines contain elements of the virus (pathogenic spike protein) and act bypassing the body's immune system, thereby facilitating the infection process. We convince these fools that this is the only possible, no-alternative way of cure. We perform vaccination of these frightened idiots on a voluntary basis. Now they are beginning to infect others, thus gradually spreading the disease.
11. We impose smoothly transformed into requirements recommendations for getting vaccinated every N months. This increases the number of mutations of the virus, the speed and strength of the spread of infection around the globe.
12. We use the increase in the number of infected people as a media reason to convince those who still doubt that vaccination is necessary.
13. We thoroughly hide, downplay and deny cases of side effects of vaccines.
14. We forcibly force opponents of vaccination to undergo this procedure by depriving them of many basic social rights and means of subsistence. In accordance with the altered laws, we place those who still resist in prisons and psychiatric hospitals.
15. We provide each fuckcinated person first with a digital mark and then with a biochip. We teach the population of countries to the fact that without participation in our medical genetic experiments, they will be unable to get a new code and lead a normal, by their standards, life. We are finally depriving those who refuse to receive it of their social rights, declaring them as spreaders of new strains of the virus.
16. We create genetic passports and force people to undergo genetic screening under the guise of various infection tests. We preselect the individuals we are interested in for future experiments.
17. When the required high level of infection is reached in the selected population, we declare a state of emergency and begin mass dispersal of most of the “socially useless” surviving population to temporary accommodation camps. We separate adults and children, as well as family members among themselves, deprive them of means of communication with each other.
18. We turn temporary accommodation camps into concentration camps and reservations by the forces of the infected themselves. The planet is gradually becoming a conglomeration of “quarantine zones”.
19. We use the labor of prisoners in camps and cities for the purposes we need through the governments of the states that we control. Human loses are not to be taken into account.
20. We carry out the search and liquidation of groups of “awakened” people who have fled the cities and quarantine zones.
21. Fascism has prevailed. Welcome to the brave new world!