Gratitude Journal For The Week of 2/12/2024
A Church I follow has an app (Crossroads Anywhere) where we journal together as a community, and one of the things we journal about are things we are thankful for. I wrote these for last week's prompts from the app....
"What are you looking forward to this week?"
- Basketball and hockey to follow.
- Celebrating with my family and students on Valentine's Day.
- Taking Chuck Mingo's message to heart and keeping my "eyes up" on God when worldly things and anxious feelings distract.
"What are you grateful for today?"
- Being just about ready for Valentine's Day at work and at home.
- My family that I will return home to tonight.
- The coffee that is currently brewing.
"How did someone help you this week?"
- Aerobics instructors making workouts available easily online.
- My friend and daughter making a delicious chocolate pie to celebrate Valentine's Day with.
- Generosity with treats being given out at work.
Affirmation: "I have been uniquely designed for a purpose."
"Is there anything you would like to thank God for this week?"
Thank You God for all Your support this week, especially with Valentine's Day in my classroom, beginning the Relentless 2800 with my men's group, and with life in general. Thank You for some downtime this weekend, and lots of exciting things to look forward to.