Dear Friend,
I understand your pain. I understand the hurt.
But, I want you to know that there are people in the world who love you and care about you. There are folks who pray for you every day. There are beings who are always available- lending an ear to hear you out; offering kind words of confort and encouragement.
How do I know this?
Because I'm one of those people.
I'm one of those folks who love you and care about you; who pray for you every day even though I know hardly anything about you.
We never met in person, but we didn't need to.
I am your friend despite this fact.
I am your friend no matter how far appart we are.
And, if you think my love for you is so deep and powerful and strong, imagine a love even stronger than that.
A love that- unlike me- knows you personally, closely, and intricately.
A love that hears your every thought, prayer, and cry.
A love that longs to comfort you and cherish you.
Al love that valued you enough to die for you.
This love exists. His name is Jesus.
Through God, you'll find the greatest love and comfort there is.
We cannot find true happiness in the lusts of this world- these temporary highs that bring a false sense of pleasure as it slowly kills us from the inside.
Genuine joy lies in Christ. In God. In friends. In truth.
So, my friend, remember that I will be here for you whenever you need me as long as I roam this earth (and have access to the internet ;) ).
And, remember that God is there for you no matter what. Whenever you need Him.
I love you.
God bless you.
You're here for a reason.
You do have a purpose.
Your journey has just begun<3