Or not.
We can be
happy or
maybe not.
We can do
things we would
not have thought
of, or not.
You can be
yourself, or
else. He can
switch genders,
or stay male.
She can wear
trousers or
frilly skirts.
They can do
they want, and
we cannot
forbid them,
Just like they
can't forbid
anyone from
doing the
Sunday - that girl in shorts and a tank top, lounging around the house all day and doing nothing but poking at her phone.
Monday - that boy that enjoys watching other people suffer; he revels at dumping ice water on people's heads or placing pins on one's couch.
Tuesday - that sweet girl that hardly speaks and mostly likes to sit in the back of the class, away from everyone.
Wednesday - that peppy girl who's never still and always talking; she likes to wear bright colors to stand out from everyone else.
Thursday - that intelligent boy who speaks in complicated terms; he gets ignored most of the time because of Friday always hogging the spotlight.
Friday - that jock that loves being the center of attention. He has two girls on one side, two on the other, one on top and one under, just to keep things even. Everyone loves him.
Saturday - that girl that likes to hang out the mall or go out with friends; she's hardly ever home, and when she is, her attitude keeps her from actually enjoying time with her family.
″...fucked up...”
She wanted me to break it, but how could I? I wasn't cruel, despite popular belief.
"No," I replied firmly. "I won't help you. This is your mess, you figure it out."
"But Alex..." she whined, reaching out to squeeze my bicep lightly, but I backed away before she could touch me.
"No, Andrea, it's not my fault you played with his feelings. To say that you liked him even though you didn't in the first place was fucked up, now you want me to pretend to have sex with you so you can break his heart? No." I shook my head.
He was my best friend, I would never do something like that to him. What was that saying, again? Bros before hoes? Yeah, it seemed to fit quite nicely to this situation.