1) I have three sisters and two brothers.
2) I have two cats and two dogs.
3) I make glasses in an eye doctor's office.
4) I live in Connecticut.
Uhhhhh, 50 words. Let's see- rockyforequality.com, check it out, we're an awesome community theater company who does Rocky Horror Live, and our shows are next week! Woot!
Growing up. Letting go. Reaching out. Learning. Accepting. Moving on. Advancing physically; progressing emotionally. Celebrating our new position in this life, or lamenting the decisions which brought us to this place.
Transformation, by definition, requires that we become something separate from which we began; for most people this is, of course, a daunting prospect- though some may argue the idea of altering that which we are is nothing less than exhilarating. Wherever we stand on the issue, we cannot allow our hesitation about the future to prevent us from becoming the happiest, healthiest, most productive beings we can be. Nor can we fear change which may bring negative consequences; those consequences may ultimately make us better. Change, however uncomfortable, will forever be a necessary part of our human experience. What if the chaos you are feeling right now is meant as an inspiration to make your tomorrow different than your today? How are we to become the people we are meant to be if we are standing still? Every transition, good or bad, brings us one step closer to our ultimate destiny.
To change is to be human; to fear change is to fear ourselves. The fear of one’s true self is both heartbreaking and dangerous. So we go forth into this confusing, thrilling world one step at a time, holding our breath and waiting for the impact of our metamorphosis to become apparent.
Well, hey there...
So, I'm Kelsey, I'm 29 years old and I live in a small (but fun!) town in central Maine. I've been married for almost eight years to a really cool guy, a self-taught musician (primarily a kick-ass drummer) who used to be a hard-core punk, picketing and rallying, all that stuff. Now we're just boring, mostly hang out with our dogs.
I grew up on the coast of Maine- you know, lighthouses, lobsters, seaweed, etc etc- and there is nothing I enjoy more than the smell of salty ocean air. I love to read and find that I gravitate towards fantasy or horror; Gaiman, King, Martin, and Sanderson are among my favorites at the moment. While I read fantasy almost exclusively I can't seem to write it. All my wirting eventually turns to what I would describe as "short literary fiction" with a BIG emphasis on love and/or heartbreak, sometimes some grittier stuff, but I can't seem to write fantasy; my typing fingers won't let me.
When I'm not reading or writing I am involved with local community theater. I have performed in a few things and I also do some backstage stuff, stage managing and whatnot. I currently serve on the board for a group called Rocky for Equality, a very small independent theater company with the goal of getting people talking about equality issues by performing a yearly showing of Rocky Horror Live! It's sooooo much fun, I performed last year in a corset and tutu in front of over 1000 people. It was incredible, I can't even describe how amazing it was. (rockyforequality.com)
Annnnd, I'm excited to be here with you guys! I have already found a lot of inspiration in the challenges and reading other people work. Thanks for having me!
To my dearest Self,
I was just sitting here, thinking about you, and felt like there were some things I should get down on paper. I want to be sure you know how awesome I think you are.
So, of all the people in the world, what makes you so special? Let me share few of my favorites. You are funny and have a fantastic laugh . You are a spectacular optician (get it?) .and you make terrific fried eggs. You are a great dog-mommy (love you Hugo and Penny!), and I love that you just gave them a shout-out even though dogs can't read. I really appreciate that you aren't afraid to sing out loud when a cool song comes on the radio; I get a kick out of some of your dance moves too. No, you aren't perfect, not even close, but you are a good sister, a loving and faithful wife, and you are beautiful (after you fix your hair, your bedhead is pretty "amazing").
Overall, I love being you... or me. Us? Doesn't matter, keep rockin' it girl.
Love, Me
The Red Dock
She had spent the morning on the island- a tiny island boasting no more than a tree in the middle of an outcropping of rock and a sandy beach. She had found six sand-dollars, three hermit crabs, and one round blue piece of sea-glass. She waded across the shoreline, the incoming tide creeping slowly. She sat in the sun and watched the gulls float above her.
After some time she stood, stretching her arms above her head. She walked back to her little boat, pulled the mooring rope out from under the rock which had held it in place, and pushed out off the beach.
Now she was rowing her skiff back across the harbor, the salt air mist cool against her sun-warmed skin. She was moving back towards the red dock she had left from, the red dock jutting out from the red rocks. The float swayed gently in the waves. Seaweed clung to the edge of the waterline.
Her love was there waiting for her to return, for her to show him the treasures she found. They would spread them out and experience each piece individually: marvel at the sand-dollars, name the crabs, and whisper that this could be the last piece of blue glass she ever found. They would stay for a few more hours, lounging on the porch in the old rockers, but as the sun set pink and magnificent over the water, they would leave this place. They’d walk out holding hands and carrying memories of the time spent.