Report by: Daniel Mateo
Date: March 3, 1996
As the superior of the Blue Jay sector of the I.S.A.I.A, I have personally been put in charge of the threat of a double agent working in our agency, which I just found out that one of them is the Agent Martial Lannie. Ever since January 5 of 1990 the I.S.A.I.A have been battling against the terror group that is known as the Midnight Star, some of our agents being said to be doubles, working for the mysterious leader of the Midnight Star. Our jobs as superiors are to look out for the I.S.A.I.A agents, but also to weed out these double agents. Martial Lannie had a clearance level of four, and as we have now seen, had been using the database to unlock all of the lab reports and strategies to help the Midnight Star always be two-steps ahead of us in our silent war. Marital Lannie accessed these files to help the Midnight Star, and we are trying to use the knowledge in them to find out what their next way of retaliation against us will be:
Agent Waterfall
Midnight Star observations
Midnight Star Leader
Retaliation Plans Against M.S
Check out my profile for a link to this book! You do want to see what happens next right?
The Fire
I rushed in after her, my daughter.
My friend Callus had just gotten Harper out of her friend's flaming house, and yet my daughter just rushed right back in there! I looked to the other firefighter who was working the fire hose, James. My hands lifted from the rough leather surrounding the water-house I was holding, my back resting from carrying its great weight.
"James, have Brody man the hose, my daughter just ran back in there."
"But River, You could get yourself killed!" I grunted and ignored his worried look as I shoved through the crowd of civilians and rushed into the blazing house. Me dying is the last of my worries, I thought, remembering the men who had cornered me an hour ago, trying to blackmail me into working in their agency... the agency that had left me for dead.
I shook my head, scattering those thoughts, my goal was to rescue Harper, I would deal with my other problems later. I threw open the charred-black door, fear wrenching in my heart, but I pushed on. I couldn't lose Harper.
I saw a glimpse of her jet-black hair, which was similar to mine. She tripped over the wall and I tried to reach out for her as she tumbled towards the yellow flames that licked her arms, but I myself tripped on the rug. I tried to open my mouth to call her to me, tell her to get to safety, but the smoke in the room robbed me of my breath.
I hunched over, coughing, and stumbled in the direction of the stairs. I leaned against the wall and pulled my vest up over my nose, trying to get the grey smoke out of my lungs. I allowed myself only a moment before rushing back up the stairs. I stopped before a room with pink walls, the flames hadn't yet clawed their way up the stairs.
I watched my daughter smile as she grabbed a tiny little kitty off of her friends, bed, then yank off the white bedsheets and tie them together. She then swung them out the already-open window and climbed down it. I ran to the window and saw her safely step to the ground, then run into my wife's arms.
I smiled and was about to follow her path, but then I saw the men from my old agency. I catch my brother John's eye, he opens his mouth to let on that he saw me, but then I pointed to the men in black looking for me. He jerked his head in their direction, then closed his eyes and gave me a small nod of understanding.
I darted away from the window and down the stairs towards the back door, but stopped. Why should I keep running from them? They'll always find me. The roof above me creaked, and I knew that if I didn't run right now it would come crashing down on me, but I couldn't bring myself to. It seems this was my fate, and I must embrace it.
I closed my eyes and kneeled to the floor, then the flaming roof came crashing down on me and sealed my fate...
Little did River Medley know, that his choice would haunt his daughters Stacy, Harper, and Caroline. After he died, Stacy blamed his death on Harper and tore her down repeatedly. Then one day Harper kicked Stacy out of the house, and she was never to be seen again... until now...
"Hello mon Amie," Beau said, his french Accent becoming rugged. He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his mouth, leaving a soft, slow kiss, before drawing back, still holding my hand. My mind went into a crazy fit as I pulled my hand from his.
"Beau I can't think when you do that." I growled frustratedly, trying to remember what I came over to talk to him about...
Love is like a war...
"Love is like a war,
easy to start,
hard to end,
impossible to forget."
I was inspired by this quote, and it helped me to write my novel Rogue in Paris, which you can read here for free: https://www.wattpad.com/877188930-rogue-in-paris-author%27s-note
This quote is very true, just remember it before you start something you don't intend to finish.
Camille Aguste- The 2nd Spell
If you have been reading Rogue in Paris then this will spoil some of it... but it will also hook you if you haven’t, and show you what the big deal about this book is. Chose wisely please! ;)
“What is the hold-up?” I growled, pointing a finger at Jack.
Jack rolled his eyes, making me even angrier. Gosh, you would think holding his brother hostage would give this kid some fear. “Look, Aguste, it’s hard to earn someone’s trust… especially when they’ve been let down so many times.” I grew amused when I saw the empathetic spark in his eye… and was that a hint of love as well?
I threw back my head and laughed. “You’re falling in love with her, aren’t you?” My stomach clenched, as I doubled over cackling. She’s done it! She made this boy fall in love with her and forget his brother!
I stopped laughing and studied the boy. His curly-brown wig shimmering in the dim lights of the Serpent’s Circle’s underground base. I looked into his hazel-colored eyes, processing all the emotions I saw within them. The black dress shirt he wore really showed off his muscles, with his little red tie hanging over it. I grabbed him by the chin.
“You forget your brother,” I growled, digging my red nails into his cheek until I saw little drops of blood.
Jack looked away, and I grinned. “Ah, we need a little reminder huh?” I turned my head towards my two most trusted guards. “Boys, go get Jack’s little brother please.”
Jack looked back at me, desperation in his eyes. “No Camille, please,” he begged. But my grin just grew bigger as I shook my head.
“Oh my Jack... or should I call you Beau. Do you not remember the deal we struck? The deal you broke? Anyways, it seems my sister has cast her little spell on you, now it’s time to cast mine.”
I shoved Jack back, into the waiting arms of the assassins behind him. They held him back as more assassins brought in Jack’s little brother Morgan.
Morgan was about fifteen, his hair was blonde like his father’s. It was long and curly from not being cut in the last three months, and it ironically looked like the wig Jack was wearing now. Poor little Morgan was dressed in a ratty T-shirt and dirty jeans, but it added to the effect of how helpless he looked to Jack. He would’ve been a handsome little fellow, if not for all the scars that obscured those attractive features. “Why hello, Morgan. I see you’ve come to join the party?” Morgan looked away, fear written across his face. I gestured for the guards to bring him closer. I stroked his cheek, laughing when he winced. “Oh Morgan, could you please talk some sense into your brother?” I grabbed him by his blonde curls and yanked him forward, closer to Jack.
“Stop it Camille!” Jack pleaded, desperately trying to get to his brother. I flicked out my knife and gently pressed it to Morgan’s cheek, but not pressing hard enough to draw blood.
“So Morgan, your brother has decided he doesn’t care about you anymore.” Morgan’s pale blue eyes flicked up from the ground and now stared into Jack’s eyes.
“No M, she’s lying. I promise you.”
“Oh… so your not delaying the completion of your task because you’re falling in love?” I asked, now pointing the blade at Jack.
“No!” he gasped as I touched the sharpned blade to his cheek and pressed the tip into the skin just above his chin.
“So what your saying is that you’re close to completing your mission? Which is to gain my sister’s trust and affection, and learn of where all the S.A.I.A Sectors are located?”
Jack looked stubbornly into my eyes, raising his chin in defiance. I sighed, and pulled the tip of the knife away from his face, then pressed it just below Morgan’s eye.
“Alright then, sorry Morgan, but it seems you’re losing an eye today.” Morgan cried out as I pressed harder, but I stopped when Jack slumped against the assassins holding him... defeated.
“Fine, you win. She’s taking me to America with her. I was planning on getting a job at the agency since she’s now the acting-in superior. I was going to tell you what I saw on the inside.”
I pulled my blade away and set it in my pocket. Ah, now we’re getting started.
“Really? But how will we get her back to Paris after you retrieve all the intel?”
Jack wouldn’t meet my gaze. “Her superior is flying out in a couple of hours. Once I have all the information, if you kidnap him I can guarantee she will fly back and attempt to save him.” I smiled and patted Jack on the chin.
“You smart boy.” I gestured to the boys. “You may release them. I feel they deserve a moment together.” the guards released Jack and Morgan as I stepped away. The two hugged, then Jack held his brother by the shoulders.
“This will all be over soon M, okay?” Morgan quickly nodded his head, then I snapped, deciding that their little reunion was over. The guards came and pulled Morgan away.
“Go, and finish your job.” Jack nodded and walked out of the room. I smiled and pressed the tips of my fingers together. Things were all finally coming together.
Beau- The Night of the Dance
I touched my fingers to the gel that held back my sand-colored curls. My fingers came away slightly sticky, but thankful none of those curls have decided to go rogue tonight.
I was straightening my tie as I leaned against Harper’s hotel door, joking with myself about how I’d try and get the lovely Cherie to kiss me tonight.
As if on cue, the door opened and revealed the heavenly angel herself.
Harper was dressed in a gorgeous crimson dress that had little gold pearls dabbling the skirt, contrasting fantastically against her midnight-black hair. She also had gold rose earrings in, which would go perfectly with the little gold Eiffel Tower necklace I had in my pocket.
“Hello, beautiful,” I said, trying to shake myself from her stunning beauty. She looked up startled, as I took a step toward her and set my hands on her well-defined waist. She was leaning half of her weight on one of the crutches under her arm. I leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips but decided to tease her instead and plant one on her soft cheek. A bit of her makeup stuck to my lips, but I didn’t mind.
She stood there, shocked for a second as she took me in, before grabbing my tie and twirling it between her fingers, leaning in closer to me.
I licked my lips... this is it, this is the moment when I finally get to kiss those pink soft lips that are always edged into a grin.
But just as I parted my lips she tugged my tie and sent me stumbling forward.
What the hell? This has never happened before...
“You got the wrong red for your tie,” she said with a smirk, then pivoted on her crutch and walked in the other direction.
I tried to collect my thoughts as I stumbled after her.
“You're not going to tell me I look handsome-or kiss me? Come on!” Her smirk turned into a devilish grin, as she poked me in the chest.
“And let you outshine me? Oh no.”
I rolled my eyes, “One of these days you're going to kiss me... I guarantee it!”
She laughed and stepped into the elevator in front of us.
“The chances of that are... 1-100!”
Want to read the book and see where the story goes from there? Check it out in Wattpad! https://www.wattpad.com/877188930-rogue-in-paris-author%27s-note
Rogue in Paris- Teaser
"You are so consumed with emotions that you bury down. You try and listen to your head,” he pauses and points a finger at his chest, “But sometimes you have to listen to your heart. Tell me, what does it say now.”
I leaned away. “Beau, I-”
“I’ll walk out that door right now and promise to never see you again, only if that’s what your heart tells you.”
Sighing I nod my head. “Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”
Beau smiles. “Good, now close your eyes.”
“Close them!” he sings, then winks at me and closes his own.
I growl, but silently obey.
“Ok, now I will ask you a few questions and you tell me what your heart’s response is. If it hammers in your chest, it means you really want it, and if it says silent it doesn’t care for the question. Got it?”
“This is dumb,” I mutter and open my eyes. I stare at Beau’s handsome face, before he opens his hazel eyes. He lifted up his hand and showed me his palm which had a large, nasty scar that ran straight across it.
“You see this? This is because I didn’t listen to my heart.”
I feel my eyes widen in surprise.
“And I am a guy that lives in the city of love, I know a thing or two about the heart okay?”
I can’t help the tiny grin that lights up my face.
“Now close your eyes again, and stop interrupting me!”
I laugh a little, but obey and close my eyes.
“Alright. I want you to think of all that you’ve been through. Now, I ask, do you want to stay here? Do you want to complete… whatever your purpose is here?”
I felt my heart jump a little in my chest. I love the thrill here, but what if I get killed?
“I-I want to stay.” I hear myself answer, though the outside world seems to fade away, and all I feel is just Beau’s presence.
“Ok, now one more question. Think of the night we met. Think of all the little times we’ve been around each other. Do you… do you feel anything?”
I imagine that night, standing and gazing at the Eiffel tower. Seeing Beau for the first time, and him asking me if I liked the Detroit Red Wings. I also think of what happened in the alleyway, and how he saved me. But what got a little flutter in my heart, was remembering him on the ground in the Louvre, those men punching and kicking him. How I had felt his pain.
“I-I do.” I open my eyes, feeling a little heat on my cheeks. Beau opens his eyes too, and I expect him to grin at me, but he doesn’t. He takes my hand, and kisses it.
“That’s all I wanted to know, Cherie."
HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoyed this excerpt of my new book Rogue in Paris... want to read the book and not just an excerpt? Here's a link to it: https://www.wattpad.com/877188930-rogue-in-paris-author%27s-note
Chapter 1
“Nonna, what does polvere di luna mean?” my grandmother smiled down upon me, a touch of sorrow and anger reflecting within her grey-tinted iris’.
“It means moonlight my little Stella. It is the magic that makes our world float in the sky. The almighty God blessed us with the beauty that comes with the celestial moon, which is what our race is named after. Without the celestial orb, we wouldn't be able to do this…” she trailed off, touching her pointer finger to the floor of our stone house. Little specks of silver bounced along the floor, as a white-tinted light shined from Nonna’s finger.
“You see? I call upon the celestial’s glow to create polvere di luna. You can too, you just have to call upon the magic within your heart.” she pointed to my heart, and gave me an expectant look.
“Have you been practicing? Show me your polvere, my child.” I glanced about the room nervously, I could only call out a tiny silvery fleck.
“Come on Aylin, show me polvere. Call upon the emotion within your heart…” she paused, her eyebrows knitting together in pure fury. “Remember your parents, and their deaths because of those unworthy Inferni. Call upon your revengeful spirit!”
“But Nonna, you told me polvere di luna was suppose to be created out of beauty and contempt.”
My grandmother growled, and slammed her hand against the floor. “That was before your parents, my famiglia was murdered! That was before our world was taken from us, and joined together with the Inferni’s hellish one, now call upon your power… now!” then she struck me across the cheek, my head lashing to the side as I fell to the floor.
I still remember the sting of her hand on my face, the redness growing from the imprint of her hand.
I touched a hand to my cheek, feeling it as if it happened seconds ago.
“Aylin? Aylin, are you alright?” I looked over to see my friend Cato staring at me worried. His hazel eyes skipping around my face, searching for an answer.
I finally shook myself out of my daze and nodded. “Sorry Cato, I just… got a little distracted. What were you saying?” Guilt tore through my heart for getting so distracted so easily, and I knew that now Cato was worrying about me, he wouldn’t stop.
The sapphire curls of grass tickled my feet, before being blown away by the wind. Plum colored trees with ivory white trunks swayed in the wind. Fourth Winter must be coming, and soon after that, First Spring, my favorite season.
“I was just talking about the exams we had last Fourth Winter, and how the ones coming up will be ten times harder.”
I growled, shaking my head, my silver curls bouncing along with the movement. “Ugh, you know how bad I am at magic tests,” I said, my mind going back to the memory of my Nonna…
“Letter for Ms. Aylin Scelta?”
I looked behind me to see a Luna messenger bird floating in the air above my head with a cream-white envelope in its beak.
“Yes?” I replied, my eyes still on the letter. Who could it be from, Nonna maybe?
“Letter from the Lontana Region?”
Cato gasped and looked at me. “The distant region, Aylin, do you know how close that land is to the Luna-Blaze Border? Who could it possibly be from? What-”
I held up my hand, silencing him. Cato may be my best friend, but he can sure ask a lot of questions… more than he should.
I took the letter from the cerulean-colored bird, “Thank you.” I said and opened the letter. It was didn’t say exactly who it was from but had an initial instead.
Dear Aylin Scelta,
The fire may be hot, but the cold can still burn. An opportunity will arise, and you must take it, no matter how dangerous it seems. We must become one, remember this before you strike the enemy, for there are secrets that lie within, and must be told.
Be careful, and destroy this letter after your done. You will find me when the time is right,
“Who’s it from?” Cato asked, trying to look over my shoulder to read it.
“Probably some povelvere harvest plant in need of youthful laborers.” I lied, sliding the mysterious letter in my pocket. I’d look at it later when Cato’s curious eyes aren’t around.
Cato gave me an annoyed look, his grey hair with streaks of sapphire falling across his face, getting me to realize how handsome he really is. He has a lilac button-down shirt, that outlines his muscles, tucked into silver pants.
He squinted at me, “What are you looking at?”
How handsome you are- “Just taking in your outfit, silvery-blue pants would probably go better with you button-down.” I said bashfully, my cheeks turning pink.
Cato looked down at his pants, “You think? I thought silver went well with lilac.”
A bell rang in the distance. “Time for Polvere Creare class, you better change your pants quick if you want to look nice for Layla,” I said, and lightly punched him on the shoulder, an amused smile began to grow on my face, as I walked away. Cato hinted to me that he liked this girl named Layla in his class, and he always acts so stupidly around her, forgetting words and sounding like an idiot. I find it absolutely hilarious.
“Wait, Aylin! Do you really think I need to change, is it really that bad? Aylin, please help me!” he called, and I chuckled, turning back to face him.
“I was kidding Cato, you look great!” I admitted, a scowl grew on his face, but he couldn’t hide the hint of a smile in his eyes.
Instead of walking to magic class, I decided to examine the mysterious letter, since Cato wouldn’t let me earlier. Nonna knows how much I lack in Polvere di Luna, so it wouldn't be a surprise to her if I skipped class. I know I’d still get chastened by her, but this letter is so mysterious, that I know it’s worth it.
The first thing my eyes went to was the first line, ‘The fire may be hot, but the cold can still burn,’ what does that mean?
I looked up into the leaves of a mint-colored tree, its viney-like branches blowing in the wind. The Fourth Winter’s chill breeze crept up my spine, sending me shivering. Cold… Ethereal winter cold…
“It’s talking about Ethereal!” I observed, “But what does the fire represent?”
I look closer at the letter, Fire, as in Inferni fire?
The next line also puzzled me, ‘An opportunity will arise, and you must take it, no matter how dangerous it seems,’ An opportunity? I haven’t experienced one of those since Nonna began dictating my life. I understand where her stern and anger comes from, the Inferni, but she is overly-protective. She always tells me of a horrid story about the Inferni, and how the mercilessly kill any Celeste they come across in the Lontana Regional Luna-Blaze Border.
I can just imagine what she’d say about this letter; “How dare you even read such a letter, let alone think about the concepts within a possible Inferni-written letter! Do you not recall what they did to your parents, how they ripped the skin off their bones and tormented them in unimaginable ways, all for no reason?” Nonna would probably slap me for my insolence, and throw the letter in the lunar-hearth, watching in wrath as the blue flame tore apart the cursed letter.
Sighing, I tucked the letter back into my pocket. She’s right, I shouldn’t even consider the lines in this possibly written-by-Inferni-scum. I must keep my eyes on the main goal, and that is to take my revenge in the most terrifying way to the Inferni, whatever that may be, but I will find out what it is.
I walked in the direction of magic class, “Maybe if I make it to class at least twenty ticks before it ends, I can tell Nonna I had a project with Cato for Lunar-History class and had to finish it, she’ll believe me.” Cato would definitely go along with whatever I say.
“So, that’s your planned-excuse for skipping class.”
I whirled around, seeing Cato staring down expectantly at me, a smile playing on his lips.
“Wha-how did you know I was skipping class?” I glanced down at his pants, which had now changed to the silvery-blue slacks I had recommended.
I smiled, “Did you really change your pants just because I told you to?”
Cato laughed, but it came out as a nervous choking sound, as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I...um… went home to change pants, because I spilled polvere on them... and saw you here.”
I snorted, “You spilled polvere on your pants?” Well isn’t that the worst excuse I’ve ever heard in my life.
Cato shrugged, “Hey, you're not exactly the best Polvere di Luna caller either.”
Suddenly, frustration prickled up within my heart. “Cato, you know how I feel about my calling upon Polvere di Luna magic,” I whispered angrily and looked away. He knows how much I hate it when my weakness in Lunar magic is revealed. My Nonna always pushes me too hard when it comes to magic practice.
Cato must’ve seen my anger, and reached out his hand to hold mine. “I’m sorry Aylin, I shouldn’t have said that. I know you’ll get better at your magic, it just hasn’t happened yet.”
Cato’s thumb trailed across the back of my hand.
I sighed, squeezing Cato’s hand. “Sorry for the sudden anger Cato, you know how hard it is for me and my Nonna when I can’t call upon my Polvere di Luna.”
He nodded, taking a step closer and enveloping me in a hug. “I know, Aylin, I know.”
The blare of a Luna alarm screeched in the distance. I ripped out of Cato’s arms, my eyes wide as Polvere dishes. “It’s a- an Inferni attack alarm!” I stuttered in surprise. We hadn’t had an attack since First Winter, which was a long time ago.
Cato looked around at the small school meadow we were standing in, equally surprised. He looked down at me, his arms hovering over my waist. “Do you think it’s an accident?” I shook my head, In Ethereal, accidents were second to none.
Cato anxiously rubbed his forehead. “If it’s a real alarm, then that means I need to go to the Luna-Blaze border to-”
“Fight!” I exclaimed. I put a hand on his arm. “Cato, you can’t go! You’ll be killed!”
Cato growled, shrugging off my touch. “I would not!” His chin jutted up. “I guess I do have to go.”
“Aw Cato, please don’t go!” I pleaded, grabbing his arm again. I don’t want to lose him.
“I do, Aylin,” he said and walked away. He looked at me over his shoulder. “Maybe if I come back, you can see how I didn’t get killed. But don’t be too sure, since you obviously don’t believe in me.”
“No Cato, that’s not what I meant!” I cried out, but he didn’t hear me.
I sat on the curly bluegrass, and put my head in my hands.
“This is a disaster.” I sighed.