Helpless wife...
It was a Sunday morning when a couple was having their breakfast at 7 AM at roof as there was no electricity. After a funny conversation and quite productive about the men being emotional and women being a follower of her father or brother and then her husband and son no matter how practical, mature or financially stable she is but she will be a follower, she too shared her little stories of her father and brother and so the husband. Well, they went to do some groceries. Soon at 12 they were home while husband went to take bath wife settled all the stuff. Then wife went to laundry while husband went to sleep. Once the laundry is done she had a bath and done her prayer and went to sleep too. Both woke up at 6:30 as they didn’t had a night sleep due to husband’s friends night stay. They had their meal with mother and started a general conversation. Soon wife went upstairs to order a cake as it was mother’s birthday, she messaged her husband to select the cake and he replied with a single message “don’t order”. She went back to the room and heard that her husband is complaining about his wife that she is not happy and he will be leaving her to her parents’ home and leave for a vacation to relax his mind. As soon as she enter the husband left the room and went to his brothers’ room, wife tried to talked but he was not ready to talk about anything. Now the night was quite restless they were together but still there was a huge gap. The husband is no more talking to his wife but the wife is performing all her duties. She talked to her mother in law and she said that it is because of the AC in your room is not working and may be it is disturbing your married life (husband do the night shift and the morning both the couple’s sleep in the mother’s room as their room is too hot after 9AM). He is blaming his wife that she is not satisfied and is restless in our house.
Now the wife don’t know how long it is going to take to have a normal life.
Jan 2020 - What’s that? Where am I? Is this going to be the start? Hanging by a cliff, I am going to fall. HELP ME!!!
People are passing by, few try to pull him up, few stab him and others are just sight seeing. And like this 2020 starts living his life hanging by a cliff as he can fall anytime. He starved, bear the heat, heavy rainfall, ahh the earthquake was worst then ever and last but not the least the pain of surviving and hanging by the cliff.
Then he heard something, people whispering near by about the Jan 2021, he heard that he will be the one who might can takeover Jan 2020 but what if 2021 will too born like 2020? Then and only then 2020 tried to put his effort to climb up himself to make sure that 2021 won’t suffer the way Jan 2020 did.
People near when saw 2020 doing this effort himself, many of them tried to bash him but the others helped him getting out of it and yes like every other stories here is the happy ending too.
Finally December 2020 handover his responsibilities to January 2021 happily and then the life goes happy ever after.
That One Person
God gave me a full package whom I call Abbu Jee...
The package includes:
A care taker
A mind reader
A philosopher
A psychiatrist
A fortune teller
A cook
A story teller
A guide
A secret sharer
A well wisher
A forgiver
A protector
Many more small uncountable features....
And I truly love this gift....
The darkness is insane. The only thing I can feel is fear, the only thing I can hear is fear, the only thing I can smell is fear, the only thing I can say is that I am afraid. And then I thank my Creator that He gave me vision.
Now, when I think about the people having no vision, living an aimless life, it terrifies me. Be aware of those people as they can affect your vision too.
What is life?
What is LIFE
A threatening light, a battle, a fight or a sharpen knife.
Should I live or should I utilize
What is life who can define???
From the time of cradle till the time I'll die.
I'll live different stages in different style.
A daughter, a sister, a mother and a wife
The few were made, time to time.
How to manage, how to a-line
The problems, challenges running around my sight.
Should I fight or should I hide
accept or ignore the things I dislike
I was shy, I was weak, I was always so pleased
Between life and time it freaked with me
I am choking and sinking and can not breath
I am done with it please let me free
Before All This Please Brief One Thing To Me...
Is what the time is lived or a life, Please