The Beyman Method™️
Who needs talent
When you have friends
That will vote for you
To make sure you win!
Who cares about the contest prompt
Just go ahead and post any old shit
So what if it's not “autobiographical”
Your bois are gonna make it a hit!
Before you know it
The cash prize you'll wrest
After you turn this into
Your little popularity contest
Who needs talent
When you have friends
That will vote for you
To make sure you win!
With Heartfelt Thanks (I wish I could make you a greeting card with this poem)
I just wanted to say ‘thank you’
Because without you
I'd never know
What love
Was meant to be
Or how passion
Could be reciprocated
So ardently
Or how incredibly
Satisfyingly mindblowing
Sex can be
With the right person
With a beautifully dark
And creative spirit
So I just wanted to say ‘thank you’
None of this would
Be possible
Without you
Thank you
For introducing me to him
He is amazing
my checking account needs a safe word because she’s getting wrecked
I don't give a shit
Which political party
You have
A hard-on for
This economy
Is fucked up
I just spent $20
On two items
At the grocery store
My splurge, you ask?
One bag of cherries… $12.99
And four nectarines… $6.99
*on sale*
(and not organic, mind you, and not from some pretentious store, either)
Fuck this economy
Where produce
Is becoming
a luxury item