You came and said you weren't going to change me
You lied
You took over my DNA made it 69 when my 46 was just fine
Why did you take my identity & tell me it was to teach me something my body already knew
Now I shake with trembles
My limbs sometimes turn blue
My skin falls from my bones
I am weaker than ever before
And you can change this with your electromagnetic spectrum and energy grid
you claim to be looking for ETs with it
Who told you you were good
Who lied to you
Is this why you lied to me
Take my money
Work me like a dog
Raise my taxes
Send my money overseas
No pleasing me
But you got a new car and look at that house
Sadly your date with destiny is what keeps me going
I am you
You are me
Destiny can't evade us
But it brings the one to save us
Glad I didn't buy your lies
silence the majority scared to speak
But beware
Recompense is here
what they call psychotic
Funny how people of the world want so badly to fit in a box. One that steals their sovereign rights, commands you to live the way they want you to live, and conditions you to forget who you are before the third grade. Why do they not notice? How come they do not care? Is the fear of losing life greater than losing the love of life? Who can perceive the truth? Who knows what I'm saying? Do they not have children? Are they all so close-minded because they've been taken over by something from within? Who can say they know what I'm saying? When I talk about these things they claim I'm crazy. But, they repeat the same lines the newscasters do on all the stations. To look, and to see, to perceive not to acheive, to die just to find freedom from oppression the oppressors wish so dearly to force. What will they do when A.i takes over? Oh, you saying that's a movie script that wouldn't dare come to pass? Why then does it feel so real? Have you not seen the new semi-s that drive themselves?
You say they need a delivery driver? You ever seen Sophia? What about those they hide behind lock and key just to say its a new discovery after they desensitize you and input all the thoughts in your head? You ever notice how the Jetsons is no longer a script and the Star wars team that now seems to have UFO's popping up all over the globe in massive sightings by the Navy? Oh, it's gravy. I'd rather be called crazy than to live in a false bubble of hope awaiting the day they're done with you and string you up on the rope. Maybe CoCo Chanells guilotean will be impression enough to make the impact not so rough, after all, ObamaCare appears to be the way they can say I'm crazy and take my rights to choose my own healthcare. And since they're taking babies in New York for a fake virus this appears to be in the works.
a note to self that I walked the wrong way.
I didn't pay attention to keep my kids out of harms way.
Now, their adults and injecting poison into their bodies because I'm psychotic and their not.... Nuff said...
Cutting off my tail
As the shadows of our forefathers linger in the air;
destiny only seems fair,
For the truth is hard to bare when you simply just don't care.
Even harder to share when your being hushed and told;
"Don't go there!"
Our truths are as one with us
To silence your mind doesn't mean you can't hear;
That illusion is what they want us all to share
Complex history accounts and what is now unfolding before our eyes;
Can be demystified if you unplug
Lacking consciousness and outer awareness of this realm
Running from being overwhelm
Plastered in front of a screen;
Reading one meme at a time.
Feeling like it's time to rewind and find that time lost; for submitting
without thinking there's a cost.
Who's to blame then you or them?
For turning society into a gremlin?
There is only one reason I write and that is because it was meant to be this way. Not everyone is blessed with the unique ability to capture moments in words. Not even I could've done so if it hadn't of been for my spiritual development. As a child I wrote to get a grade and sometimes a laugh or smile. As a young mother writing helped me vent all of my pains and desires. Hoping that as ink stamped away on paper all my problems would disappear. But, never did I feel like I did the moment I read a letter I wrote ten years prior. Which read "I will dedicate my book to my children and my mother. A book that needs to be written and heard by all people and one that could not be written without this spirit that possess me." It was a weird reminder of a moment that went unremembered but was really something I had wanted in the back of my head. Life kept me in a bind. Controlled by society and the wake of everyday life. Ten years later, as an addict, learning how to pull myself out of the trenches by expressing my feelings and findings on paper. Because there really wasn't anyone there to vent to. Papers and pens started becoming my friends. Carrying them with me everywhere I went and when a thought came to mind; of course it was written. My hopes are to one day have a book that gets published. My only source of venting is now a computer with keys. It makes melodies for me and helps to keep me from doing things which have a negative impact on my life. Clean and ready to share my testimony my writings are just fragments of me and people met along the way and its my belief that my life was meant to be expressed in words to hopefully touch hearts of those in need; and in the meanwhile continue to vent through expressive writing. My spirituality says that's written in my destiny. Maybe one will feel what's said.
Momma’s Girl
Your talks were not always tender. But, the love you gave will always be remembered. Something special about this particular one. It was a beautiful day because you were unusually gentle with your words. Asking, "Carmen, what is it you fear most?"
It hit me like a brick. The words to my answer thick in my throat. Instead tears began to flow. All I've ever known began to flow freely from me. As if releasing a weight too heavy to bare. Yet, I'd never known it was there. Not until I let go.
"You, I began to say as I wiped my tears back, "Not living up to your expectations. Yeah, it's always been you Mom. I want to make you proud."
Moms been gone now a little over a year and I've found I have another fear.
Will I see Mom again once It's my time to leave here?