House of cards
Held together by edges so small
Yet standing so grand and tall
A house of cards a metaphor for life
Dreams stacked so high
Yet so fragile and brittle
All it takes is a little
Gust of wind
To cause the cards to cave in
It exists in a constant state of “what if”
As little as a single draft or drift
Could cause the structure to fell
Just as it takes one decision for a dream to just become a story you tell
Wishing maybe it wasn’t fiction
Life held together like cards by friction
A string of choices placed together like the cards that make up this house
One choice leads to another and a million choices to get to now
It’s a delicate balancing act to make life obey your will
Possible but with every decision harder still
Maybe your king placed next to a queen
Or maybe it was all a dream
Maybe you slipped up and found a joker in your queen’s place
All it takes is one bad day
If you try to put your fate in your hands
You are the only thing allowing your house of cards to stand
But if give up this control you’ve been clinging to
You might find your dreams come true
Maybe in ways unexpected
But now held together by more than edges
If you let your dreams rest on the foundation
Instead of building your grandiose card nation
You’ll find life so much more fulfilling
You won’t be the master of your destiny and you’ll have time to be killing
Because the foundation is all that matters
Hard as you may try, you can’t write your next chapter
Not alone, it’s too much for you
Making your own house of cards is far too difficult to do
Best to leave it to trust
Enjoy the moments you have and invest in love
These are the things that matter
Because eventually your house of cards will shatter
Found forever
You know that feeling of connection
Between you and the universe
Like no matter where you go or in what direction
Your fate can’t be reversed
Well I’m thinking about that now
Like somehow
I feel emotion
Like I feel peace
When I see
That one special cosmic being
I feel tingles go down my spine
It’s like momentary bliss inside
A love laced galaxy
Enchanting me
The hope
The lovely splendor of poems dancing on crystal seas
A rope
Tying it to me
By fate bound together
We have found forever