My body thirst for yours the way a sinner does sin.
The fire in you eyes engulfs my world of color into that of one of heat and passion.
The tips of your fingers leave delicate indentations in my ivory skin.
Black and blue stain my legs, each a symbol of our love, rough and loving.
I thirst for your attention, I thirst for your touch, your body, you.
This thirst is overpowering, each time we touch is like an ice cold bead of water running down my parched tongue.
Your body mends with mine, melting and shifting in the rhythm of our silent love song.
Your lips search for mine in a way that makes my skin burn up in sin.
Your hands grasp my wrists, my hips, my hands, my hair, my neck, marking me with your invisible hand prints, making me yours.
Your eyes search mine, whispering all the promises of love.
You burn me in that the thirst of a love I have never know.
It's probably cringe to some of you, but a character I've always found comfort in and related to was Ticci Toby. I have been in the creepypasta fandom since I was 11, And Toby was always the one I saw a lot of aspects of myself in. Even as I've aged, I still see parts of myself in him. We both have Tourettes, are survivors of abusive parents, and have been bullied heavily. We both are very pale and have crazy wavy dark hair and natural dark bags or shadows underneath our eyes. We have many differences, but in many ways, I see the reflection of myself in him.
It's probably cringe to some of you, but a character I've always found comfort in and related to was Ticci Toby. I have been in the creepypasta fandom since I was 11, And Toby was always the one I saw a lot of aspects of myself in. Even as I've aged, I still see parts of myself in him. We both have Tourettes, are survivors of abusive parents, and have been bullied heavily. We both are very pale and have crazy wavy dark hair and natural dark bags or shadows underneath our eyes. We have many differences, but in many ways, I see the reflection of myself in him.
Love is like a beautiful blade, its only dangerous in the wrong hands.
And your hands were drenched with blood.
Yet I stayed.
I stayed for you daggers of abuse and hatred, I watched as you gave your love to everyone..but me.
Not that I cared, it hurt yes but the wound losing of you would kill me. Despite the fact I knew I hadn't truly smiled in months, being with you was draining because I knew your sweet words were as empty and as broken as a shattered cup.
I want you to love me and ill stay here until you do, through all the pain and worry and panic all the anger and hatred i feel, i will stay here for you. For us.
Don't ignore me.
Love me.
I'm begging you.
Just love me....
\\TW: gore//
I have reoccurring nightmares, as I have for the past few years. They are the typical night terrors, drowning, getting lost, being stalked, e.t.c. However, One dream I have is not something I'd wish on any.
It always starts off in a dark room. There is a path of dim light between me and this thing, this creature haunts me. It is tall but hunched over, and it looks starved, sharp bones and bones that look like they were shoved last moment beneath its sickly grey skin jut out. The creature will change every so often; sometimes, it has a torn mouth and other times, it is mouthless. Sometimes, its eyes are wrapped, and other times they aren't. Its eyes are like pits of lifeless energy. I can't explain with words exactly how strange and inhuman its simultaneously human eyes look. Regardless the dream always goes the same.
It creeps towards me. For the longest time, I could never see its hands, but now that I have, I greatly wish I never had. It will slowly walk towards me until its face nearly touches mine, then it will just stare, and all I can see is its haunting eyes. Sometimes it will tear me apart, and other times it will just heavily breathe as it stares. As I said earlier, I couldn't see its hands, but now that I can, I see in its hands, it's holding a heavily mutilated cat. I genuinely don't know how my mind can tell me what that looks like, as I have never seen a cat that is, quite literally, torn apart. It's a sickening thing to see.
I've been having this dream for about a year now, and nothing seems to make it go away, I've gotten used to it almost now, but this dream used to bring me a great amount of mental unrest whenever I had I'd refuse to go back to sleep for fear of coming face to face with it again.
My why.
When I was younger, I had hell at home, abusive mother, oblivious father, and I shut down completely, I didn't feel pain, rarely felt joy I was a bundle of rage and hate and fear. I had gotten so used to this that i forgot what love and happiness felt like. My why came into my life when I saw him sitting alone, I went to see if he was okay and I could see in his eyes he was broken like me. We started talking, about small things, interest we shared, people we both hated, and at some point he brought my joy back, I started smiling more, I was less angry, I started eating the way I need to again, laughing, living as much as I could at this time.. He made me feel human, he gave me feelings of safety, He is the reason I am still here, breathing. He gave me love, he gave me joy. Things haven't always been smooth with us, but we've always come back to each other. I know this is a cliche story but, I love him, he is my why even today, seeing his smile, hearing his problems, helping him heal as hes helping me, its my reason to keep trying, its my smile, its my sky full of stars, its my life.
Fire away.
Where do you get off? What gives you the fucking right to treat me this way then expect that I just forgive you because you were 'in a bad mood'. that dosent excuse your fucking abuses. and YEARS of it. im so tired of having to coddle your emotions. Grow the fuck up. You are supposed to be an adult not someone the same age as me. You act like a spoiled brat when you're mad. im so tried of you expecting to act like nothing happened just because you feel guilty for what youve done.I'm sick of your gas lighting, im so sick to death of you lying to everyone and telling them im crazy. im sorry last time I checked I wasnt the one beating and emotionally abusing a literal child. I need to grow up? look at your fucking self. Its a monkey see, monkey do world, everything I learned that you hate so much I learned it all from you. I don't owe you forgiveness you have to earn that. You try to say everything i suffered through, everything you put me through, didnt happen? Bullshit. You just dont want to admit to what you've done. I can be nice and I can be civil with you, but make no mistake, I fucking hate you. I hate your fucking guts.
(this isn't aimed at you prompter, more so a vent)
Comment je t’adore.
late night talks, car rides, small gestures. Spending time with you, seeing that smile brightens my day. How I adore your laugh. How I adore you.
I adore your touch, I adore your attention.
I adore caring for you, I love seeing that healing smile of a man who was never loved the way he deserved
You make me smile when nothing else can, you are my stone and my ever burning love.
You Enjoy the touch, You enjoy the talks, You enjoy my presents.
You make sure I know i'm loved, You make sure I know how thankful you are for me as I do for you.
Before you I wrote off love and anything that came with it, but you showed me that, Touch, Time, And care are okay to give and to need.
You showed me that love dosent have to be loud and harmful, you showed me the beautiful side of love, and you have for all these years.
Fly on the wall.
They say that most people have an instinct that tell them when they are being watched.
I can personally tell you that isn't true. I've watched many people for days and nights on end, through their cameras, the crack in the wall, the shadow in the corner. Some may get that shiver up their spine or the overwhelming paranoid feeling but many never see me.
Watching is my favorite thing to do. I'm watching you right now. The one reading this text, I can see you, I can see the fear in your eyes.
I know what you did. I've been watching you for a long time. Every shiver up you spine, every random cold chill, I've been there watching you.
For years and years. I've been at your bedside every night, hovering over you every day.
I've been watching you for so long now
That i'm beginning to grow hungry.
Behind bullet proof glass.
I'm so sorry you had to endure that.
You're so strong for keeping strong.
Keep your head up, sweetheart. The accident wasn't your fault.
That's all I hear. They get the comfort because they cry the most, I try not to be heated about it, and I try not to sow that seed of loathing, but it's hard when no one sees how torn I am. Im having to take deep breaths and be the backbone.
Like always.
Why can't they see my pain? Why don't they care? I shrug it off. Every time someone rushes by me to comfort them, it makes me sick. It makes me want to leave.
Leave everything, leave them, leave the situation. Leave this life.
But I want because who would be there to be the never swaying support without me?