Yes, Master
X. 1
Darkened lightening helped the cries of pleasure ricochet from wall to wall. The music pumped out loudly, Audrey Belamoure's heart skips a beat as she watched after her fiance. What was she thinking, did her curiosity have to spike so inconveniently. Though in her defence she'd always wonder why James had left her lonely every Friday evening. Looking up in dread she realised she shouldn't have allowed the beautiful blond to convince her to come here. Her large brown eyes widened as she took in a woman whipping a muscular man roped to a cross. Moving her gaze towards the slightly illuminated area she sucked in a breath. A dark tall man clad in jeans served another man— with a smaller woman around his arm— his drink. Suddenly the ankle length skirt and halter top seemed far to nun-like. And here I thought this was being too daring! Poor girl didn't know whether to be appalled at James or the scenes playing out in front of her. Barefooted she cursed subconsciously, the no-nonsense guard out front had told her to remove her shoes... she didn't know it was dominant and sub protocol.
Hell, this was definitely the most accurate title Audrey had ever seen. Her small feet rushed after James and she reached out to grab the back of his shirt, the blonde spun to face her. "What do you think?" James questioned, completely familiar with everything around the couple. Well, she definitely thought one thing, she'd sunken low. James was literally rock bottom.
"I don't know what to think, you come here every week... Far out James!" She whispered harshly. "We were going to get married!" She gritted out.
The blonde man, averagely heightened, seemed to be a giant against little Audrey and yet if you'd saw them in this moment you'd think she was dominant in this relationship... but nevertheless, Audrey did not have a dominant nerve in her body. This, however, didn't mean she couldn't throw it down like the whips currently pelting a woman's ass across the room. Her brown eyes lit up and fire bit at the back of her throat. James went to pull her close, but the once comforting touch was now cringe-worth. Audrey was out of her comfort zone, she was beyond confused and could seriously do with a beer any minute now, unfortunately, the guy at the bar seemed far too damn intimidating. "Don't be so dramatic." James laughed not realising just how deep of a hole he'd dug for his own bloody grave.
Appalled at what her life had come to she tugged the ring branding her finger off and whipped it in her ex-fiances direction. "Fuck you." She smiled sickly sweet. They only way he'd managed to drag Audrey's arse here was by convincing her that if they were to be married then she would need to be a submissive. At first, Audrey had been confused with the term but after extensive hours of surfing the internet, she decided to give it a go.
A young red-haired woman approached the duo and came to a stop kneeling at James' feet. "You're here, Master." Her words were subdued.
Gagging on her own spit she glared at her cheating fiance. Audrey may be an innocent bookstore owner but she had the wrath of an army.
Stubborn yet innocent. The perfect combination when it came to his tastes. Xavier rested on the balcony looking down at the first floor of his club. He watched a small woman shout at one of the new dominants and decided he'd better stop the eruption of violence before it began to scare his club members. Even though he did enjoy the little firecracker shout at the suspicious new guy. Walking down the stairs he nodded at Jason one of his closest friends and trainer of new subs. The club monitors stepped forward but Xavier shook his head, he'd deal with this little fireball, personally. "Is there a problem here?"
The woman in front of him turned so fast he had to catch his breath as two innocent irises glared up at him furiously, now all he could do was imagine her delectable body naked. "I'm sorry, but you are?" the mid-twenties black haired beauty snapped.
"Audrey!" The new Dom grabbed the smaller woman's arm and pulled her back harshly, a little too harshly. "He owns this place, lower your head!"
Xavier's jaw tightened. That would leave quite the bruise. "Is she your sub?" He questioned the damn man who continued to hold the clearly uncomfortable woman, tightly.
The Dom said in sync with the woman's stubborn growl, "no!"
With a raised eyebrow the club owner gently held his hand out to the small woman.
Stay with a cheating fiance or accept the handsome man's hand. Audrey would certainly be stupid if she didn't accept the welcoming grip of the brutish man before her. A small devilish part of her was angry at the man she thought she loved and she wanted him to know she wasn't one to be played with. So to punish James, she placed her small hand in the owners much larger one. With one quick tug, she's captured between two large arms.
She tried to struggle out of the hold, but the attempt was futile, unknown to Audrey, the man was ex-military. James opened his mouth in defiance but with an annoyed expression, he whispered into the kneeling woman's ear. The two then disappeared without so much as a word. It'd be a lie to say, she wasn't hurt by James' actions. Left alone, Audrey immediately felt her choice to punish James had put her in a much more dangerous situation.
"What's your name, little one?" Audrey looked down at the strong forearms banded around her and blushed.
"I think I'd like to go home now..." she whispered out flushed, feeling like a little school girl in the principles office.
But Xavier wasn't about to allow her to leave just yet, it had been far too long since his cold heart found a sub worth the night. "Are you alright, sweetheart?"
"Yes. I'm fine... thank you." Startled by the question, Audrey looked up a little vulnerability seeped through her lifeless eyes. Her friend had warned her about James, but she told them they were all wrong. She couldn't believe just how stupid she'd become, much less, looked.
He released her but not fully, one arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her towards the direction of the bar. "Would you like something to drink?"
"No, thank you." She replied politely rubbing her clammy hands on her skirt, her prior parched state remaining a blaring concern in the back of her throat.
Without any effort, the large man lifted her up and placed her on a bar stool. "Two usual's, Master Dave." Xavier held up two fingers. Master Dave?
Audrey bit her lip in annoyance, the urge to yell at the man is shunned but the intimidation radiating off his body. Mumma would be furious to find her in such a club, hell, her priest of a father would probably staple a Bible to her lower regions. Fortunately, her parents did not know of her non-virgin state and she planned to keep it that way. Dave placed two cups in front of them. "Enjoy, Master Xavier," Dave smirked, looking down at Audrey and she knew he wasn't referring to the drinks.
"What's your name, kitten?" Master Xavier questioned once more.
"Audrey..." her mouth slipped open before she could snap it close.
He leant in closer, "such a beautiful name... And, what brings you here?"
A cheating fiance. "Curiosity."
"Will curiosity be keeping you here, then?" The black-eyed man gazed down at her expectantly. With the cock of his head he continued, "after all this is the last beginners night for new members this year."
Audrey didn't know what to do, honestly, she felt overwhelmed. She wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what kind of place this was the second she had made it past the large security standing at the entrance. Her decision was made the second she'd looked up and saw James stroking the kneeling woman's back. Lifting the glass, she took a sip, only then easing the dryness in her throat. "You own this place?"
He ignored her question and spoke, "come, let us find a more comfortable seat." Xavier stood and the smaller woman was left to follow.
The arm of steel once more banded around her and led her across the room, shivers crawled down her spine, her eyes caught and her feet matched the motion. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked through a glassed wall. A naked woman cried out as another placed clips on her nipples, the other woman wore a small skirt her large breasts swinging from side to side. The lady on the table, hand's were cuffed to its metal legs with her privates on full display, she didn't seem at all embarrassed. The skirt wearing woman leant down and Audrey shifted her gaze to look at the other end of the room... where she was shocked to find a masked man sitting comfortably with his legs crossed. "He's the Dominant in the room." The man beside her explained. She could only nod and continue behind the tall owner. He's broad shoulders covered the rest of the club from view, and almost absently her mind wondered to darker places.
God, what she'd give to run her hand through his slightly salty and more so peppery hair...
They stopped at a plush, maroon lounge. Xavier dropped down onto the couch, his frame covered more than half of the space. Audrey went to take a seat on the other end of the couch but before she could, he guided her and gently yanked her down onto his lap. "Hey!" She breathed out harshly.
"Stop, sweetheart." He purred out.
Audrey's betraying body instantly heeded to his commands. She crossed her arms. "I'm perfectly capable of sitting on my own bottom." The woman huffed.
"You're in my club, pet..."
"Excuse me."
"You will call me Master or Sir."
"You're crazy!" Audrey exclaimed.
The club owner frowned at her tone, "new as it may be, I will still punish you, sweetheart."
"Punish me!" The notion seemed absurd to Audrey.
The man tightened his hold on her smaller body, "yes punish you. There are only a few simple rules I ask you to follow, Audrey. Firstly, do not interrupt another couple when they are in the glassed scene areas. Do not speak to a Dom or Master unless given permission to do so. Dominant Monitors are located all around the club if anyone is giving you trouble or you do not feel safe then make sure to go to them. Masters will be wearing gold bands, Dominants will be in red bands and DM's (Dominant Monitors) will be in green bands."
Audrey's head spun with all the information. Bands, she looked down at the white one tied around her wrist. "What does this mean?" She questioned.
"Off limits." His deep voice brushed down the side of her ear and neck. "All newbies wear them until they are comfortable with the scene or have a Dominant."
This made Audrey think, "if I am off limits, why do I need to call you Master or Sir?"
"You are a submissive am I mistaken?" Xavier assessed the young woman in his arms.
Audrey fumbled around with answers, she didn't know what she was, however, flashing back to when the only man who'd ever given her a decent orgasm, she knew she liked not being in control... being dominated was a real turn on but maybe she was way out of her league here. Looking around again she knew she most definitely was. "I don't know..." is her final response.
"Look at me, sub!" His rough authoritative voice caused her head to snap up. "Little submissive..." His eyes darken as he hummed the words. Audrey looked away embarrassed, did she really want a man to slap her around and heed to every little one of his desires. "It's not just about pain, sweetheart..." His warm callused fingers trailed down between her breasts, guessing her track of thoughts. Honestly, the little store owner knew she should head home and rest her feet up whilst waiting for her cookies to finish baking, however, one look from Xavier's mesmerising eyes had her rooted.
"I will give you a lesson tonight and if you wish to continue then you can sign the papers and be back next week, I'm sure you'll find the perfect dominant for yourself." He stroked her thigh while circling her nipple with his free hand.
Not you? Audrey realised that the damn owner probably had submissive's around every corner, in fact, she's most likely just a little distraction standing in his way. Instead of voicing her foolish thoughts she allowed the man to give her this one night. Maybe then, she'll be able to forget her pathetic fiance.
Xavier knew the moment she gave into him. Although he did want this little sub for more than one night, he knew he couldn't. He hadn't had anyone since his wife... but this curvaceous raven haired beauty seemed to be quite the surprise. Her hips wide and soft, perfect to cradle his body. Her breasts the ideal handful and her arse perfect. God the things he wanted to do to this little sub, the things he needed to do... Before she could reject the idea he snapped her halter open and her breasts fell out.
Cool air washed over Audrey's upper body and she instantly went to cover her exposed upper region. She'd always hated the way they jiggle that extra bit and the way her stomach wasn't flat. She hated the way Xavier's eyes prowled over her tanned skin. The first person she'd had sex with laughed at her, told her to lose weight or hit the road. After that, well, she slummed it out and finally met James, but even he was ashamed of her. Not blond, not tall, not perfect... yeah it hurt. Xavier used a hand to capture both of hers, he held them tightly in her lap. Shaking his head he used the other hand to tease her nipples. "Don't hide, kitten. Never." Xavier dropped his head and captured one of her peaking buds between his glistening white rows of teeth.
Arching her back, Audrey found herself unable to keep her moans at bay, as the stranger sucked on her hard tips. She clenched her hands as her nails continued to bite into her soft skin, closing her eyes she allowed the man to take her to a pleasurable, new kind of erotic bliss. The hand holding hers moved down and before she knew it, it was under her cream skirt. Unfortunately, neither of them could do anything as a sudden uproar disturbed the cries of pleasure.
"What the fuck!"
Oh no! Poor little Audrey's fiance had once again entered the scene...
Title: Yes, Master
Genre: Romance/ Erotica
Age range: 18+
Word count: 2,516 words in chapter
Author name: Joelle Rayne (JaysArmy)
Why your project is a good fit: It is a sensual erotica with a dark theme, based for a mature audience but can sit on the edge of young adult. The book isn't conventional or typical and gained interest when first posted. It would be a good fit because it still remains true to classic romances, whilst also adding dimensions of complexities.
Synopsis: Audrey Belmoures, finds herself thrust into a world of pain, pleasure and dark fantasies, brought at the hands of one dominant man. Xavier. The club owner had guarded off his heart after a disturbing marriage that left him a shell of a man, then enters a fireball of a woman, unable to resist the charm of the innocent bookstore owner, Xavier finds himself becoming obsessed...
But, with danger lurking on the horizon and shadows hiding in every dark corner, it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Audrey becomes prey to a sadistic tormenter, one that will stop at nothing to break the woman.
Target audience: A mature audience above the age of eighteen, as the content includes: sexual references, drugs and violence.
Your bio: I've always had a passion for reading and five years ago decided to test my luck with writing on an online platform (Wattpad), since then I've fallen in love with writing. It's become a passion.
Platform: Wattpad, Radish (for a year), Prose
Education: I've completed my schooling in Australia and am now in University studying a Bachelors in Nursing.
Experience: In paying terms, aside from RadishFiction, none.
Personality/ writing style: I'm a bit of a crude girl with a sharp tongue, which tends to come off in my books and in the manner I write. I prefer third person, past tense as I feel it emphasises a darkish theme I like to run through my stories.
Likes/hobbies: I don't have many hobbies, I enjoy music and socialising but that seems a bit mundane these days.
Hometown: Australia, Brisbane.
The Enemy | #4
Her slender neck juts out at him, he could easily wrap his hand around the base, the thought remains a pleasing barrier that cages in his anger. Kai grabs her wrist and pulls her flush against his chest, giving no thought to the amount of attention they’d just drawn by the encounter. “Keep that mouth running and I’ll shove something hard down it,” his touch burns across her skin.
Twisting her wrist, she pulls free. “We’re in public.”
“You think that will stop me from bending you over and ramming into you from behind.” It isn’t a question. Little did she know, Kai would never expose her to a crowd simply because she is his little prey, a little treat for his eyes only to feast on.
Fourth book in the 'Dangerously Erotic' series.
Naked | preview
A dark look flashes through his eyes and Emilia feels liquid heat leak from the junction between her thighs. "Gabriel Calváni." The man introduces himself.
Emilia scoffs, "nice name, Romeo."
"Charming, sweetheart. Do you have a name or do you go by; Juliet?" A smirk forms on the tall mans face, it'd been a while since such an expression had been welcomed.
The woman holds back her surprise at his teasing banter, "Emilia O'Niell."
* *
"Prepare yourself for an explosion of pleasurably, erotic destruction." — Jay