Heaven And Hell
*Anyone can get in
*You have to be good in your human life
*Angels live there
*You are there for eternity
(but I guess that there are things called fallen angels that if you do something bad you get kicked out....which is so not right)
*It is the most amazing place that has ever existed
*God runs this place
(so I mean, it's sort of like a big, fancy hotel that most people never check out of)
*Anyone can get in
*You have to do something bad in your human life
(or get sent down from Heaven like Satan did)
*Demons live here
*Satan runs this place
*Made of fire
*The worst place that ever existed
*You suffer for all eternity
(I have never heard of anyways to get out, but that's good after what these people do to get there)
So I dressed in rainbow again today
For the anniversary of
The Stonewall Raids
But the people whom I thought do
Do not actually support me
I wore another rainbow outfit
But my dad flipped
He said it was not a pride day
I said that it was
He asked why no one else
Was dressed in rainbow
I said straight up
"Because not everyone is gay!"
That ticked him off
He doesn't get it
He doesn't understand the struggles
That I go through everyday
I don't understand
Why the world
Still isn't as accepting
As they should be
But I can handle the bullies
No matter their words
No matter how mean
Cuz I know
That what I am doing
Might just help
To make a change
And hopefully people will be
More accepting
Some day
Thank you to everyone that is not going to reject some one due to their sexuality. Thank you to everyone who is there to lend a helping hand, even when everyone else walks away. You are the people that will make the world happy and united again.
I Wish...
I wish the world
Would learn to accept
And embrace
I wish people would understand
That I am ME
And I will not change
Because of some one else
It does not matter
What sexuality you are
Because you
You are human
Whether you be straight
Or gay
Or bi
We are all equal
No one is
Above anyone else
No one is
Better than anyone else
Love is love
The heart should be
Free to choose
What it wants
I just wish
That the world
Could understand
And accept this
If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now...
I would be better now
I would have been more accomplished and successful
I would not have made all the mistakes that I had
I would have been a better sister
I would have been a better daughter
I would have been a better friend
I would have been a better girlfriend
I wouldn't have spent all those days in my room
I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep
I wouldn't have tried to take my life
I wouldn't have cut and scratch and bruise myself
If I only knew then what I know now
I would be a better person today
I would be a better person tomorrow
But I would never learn what I need to learn
So I am glad that I
Did not know then
What I know now
Why Do I Usually Rhyme??
I started writing poetry in about second grade. Everyone knows how that is taught: rhyme as much as you can. I did a pretty good job off of it as well. My brain was just sort of wired to rhyme as times, I guess. On top of that, I am not the best at breaking habits, so that is still how I write-only less childish I hope. I also used to write songs, and even though they didn't HAVE to rhyme, they sounded catchier. Same goes with poetry. Think about it; when you are trying to remember something, what do you do? Most of the time, we make up rhymes. I want people to remember my words, so that is why I rhyme.
Life is so unfair
I will not lie to you
People get broken
People get used
From love lost
Hearts shatter
It feels like
Nothing else matters
The world has been
So unfair to you
Leaving you down
All sad and blue
Now you've given up
You let yourself get hurt
But I care
For what it's worth
I have to say
You deserve better
Both yesterday and today
Don't let them
Bring you down
Put on a smile
Lose that frown
Who is in control of my life?
Well, it is not me
That's for sure
I am not free
I'm pulled left
I'm pulled right
I'm pulled up and down
No end in sight
I'm like a forming kingdom
I am being fought over
I may not rule myself
But the war is not over
Someone else is always ruling me
My life is hardly mine
At the moments it's the courts
I truly wish I were lying
I wait for the day
I will own myself
The day I am free
And full of wealth
But for now I am not
For now I am controlled
Left to dream of the day
In which I will not be owned
Sad Truth Of Life (100th Post)
Life is rough
This I know
But you gotta be tough
You can't let the pain show
It's hard not to cry
In the middle if the day
When all you want is to die
To just fade away
The end could not come fast enough
It's too long a wait
You bear so much stuff
It's been hard since you were eight
Your life used to be great
It was so perfect
Your parents were saints
Everything was worth it
Then your parents split up
And your father left you
Now you're never enough
And you are only used
Your mom became a drunk
And you're hit by your stepdad
They call you "Junk"
Everything you do is bad
But I know that you're strong
You'll get through it
You feel that all you do is wrong
But it's too soon to quit
So just sleep tight
Have good dreams
Make it through the night
It may be better than it seems