I walk the earth like a Zombie, risen from the dead, I don’t eat people though, I just eat their words, the tastiest ones are those of validation.
I cling to validation like one of those little hands that you fling onto the wall and it sticks… over time I get fed nasty words and they stick to me until I can no longer cling, but instead of learning my lesson I take a shower and wash the words off and go back for more, until I’m torn to pieces and can no longer work.
#codependent #mentalhealth #toxic #validation
It Comes Again
Depression comes in waves,
in and out like the tide.
It holds me captive,
coming to me when I least expect it.
Uncontrollably, destroying all in it's wake.
It ripples into all parts of my life,
stealing my joy,
my friends,
and my purpose.
Sometimes I am overcome with sadness.
My eyes burn like fire has been set to them.
Just when I start to see light in my dark skies,
it comes again.
So, I wallow in my broken world
and fail to pick up the pieces.