I am a student with a passion for playing the piano, writing stories, and photo-shopping pictures.
Listen to Audiomachine's composition "Prologue - Birth", and then write a poem. (Link to the piece can be found in the description tab)
Ended September 9, 2017 • 6 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh in Poetry & Free Verse
In G.K. Chesterton's essay "The Drift from Domesticity" he states that "...the hospitality of a house will always be different from the hospitality of a hotel." Please elaborate on this idea; explain why it is true or false. (Please only standard paragraph(s).)
Ended September 10, 2017 • 4 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh in Philosophy
Write a short story about a video game hero. Here's the catch: write it from the perspective of a "nobody". (A non-player character) Someone who watches the main character be the hero. No poetry, please.
Ended July 7, 2017 • 6 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh in Fiction
I want you to write about a conversation you overhear. You are hiding in a museum after hours and you hear two people talking. Keep it fictitious and make it your own. Please see details tab for the opening line.
"You can't just kill people who make you mad!"
Ended June 28, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh in Fiction
"And then there was one..." A solar-system destroying catastrophe is imminent and all humans have left in the hope that they can make it to a new star, and a new planet. Everyone has left... except you. Write about the last person on earth. (tag me if you want a read) :)
Ended May 15, 2017 • 3 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh in Sci-Fi
You can sit and talk to any one person for one hour. Who would it be, and what would you talk about? (the person can be anyone living or dead, you get one hour)
Ended February 25, 2017 • 0 Entries • Created by Charlton_Ghosh