Voices like spindly spiders weave webs in your mind
They're trying to catch the fly that's making all this noise
But you can barely see it buzz by
So you have little faith in their contraption
This photograph captures the moment so perfectly
“Horrible” is the caption
And now it's ingrained in your mind for eternity
Your flesh is a fireball
Warmed by the alcohol
Burning up from the embarrassment
See you just told him you loved him
But you didn't mean it
Only you did
You just don't want him knowing
Because then he'll be the one leaving
So you must
This effort
Play hooky
Not like hard to get
But buried so deep
You can't be found ever again
Because the what if
The possibility
The hope
Is causing a rift
Its too much
To think
Maybe he loves you too
But that's dangerous
Not the dangerous you enjoy
Where you teeter on the edge of too much
Far from coy
Dangerous like too close
To be safe
But maybe if you pause for just a moment
You'll see the rush you've been running after
Is right in front of you
With all your might
Hope with all your being
See what i am seeing
My eyes were bleary by now, when even was now? The room was dark but my tiredness must have been an illusion because all I did today was sleep. I blinked. I laid in my bed– only it wasn’t really my bed. I didn’t consider my dorm room home– it was just a temporary space I filled with my belongings. It wasn’t a bad place; I just refused to let myself get comfortable, but I was tired now and the bed was comfortable enough to tempt me to sleep. I closed my eyes. Swirling colors blotted my vision. The back of my eyelids expanded into an abyss before me. The green and pink morphed into a red blob. The blob grew feathers and a beak as though I had adjusted the focus of a camera to reveal a magnificent parrot. Spindly spider figures came crawling from the corners, chasing each other across my field of view. More animals and colors merged from one another, overrunning my mind. I flung my eyes open to see the light blue paint of the room, the string lights twinkling, and my cluttered desk. The walls felt closer together now. I took a deep breath; the air felt warm in my lungs, which didn't ease my shakiness. Thoughts raced through my head. Maybe I was crazy. I wondered if there was an escape. Soon enough my worries dissipated into the trenches of sleep.