How could we have known?
The hits we took
the high we flew so long on,
How could we know
what we would become of us
when the inevitable end
came to claim us?
The nights we huddled
for warmth,
under the freeway,
where we lived.
How could we have known?
That upon the leaving
of our shunned life,
and the arrival
of all our hopes
and dreams,
we would lose each other.
That what kept us together,
we left behind,
somewhere at the intersection
of Venice and La Cienega.
Somewhere Dark I can Exist
Alone now
with my music
So the silence
doesn't deafen me.
Releasing myself
into the wild
Of the unknown,
where my knowledge
has always been aware that this
is where the Hope lives.
The scope of loss
can reveal
that there is so much more
to be found,
it just takes a little adjustment,
a little focus,
a little blur,
to break through illusion,
watch your Soul reappear.
How will we know when we have arrived?
Every time I wake up,
I'm someone new again.
I'm losing myself,
forgetting myself,
letting my
kick in.
Where is my core?
Where is my Soul?
Where is my pain?
My fault,
Didn't stay in touch with myself
Let time pass by,
goes so much faster
than I thought it could.
A stranger to yourself
is a unique kind of loss.
Doing things without meaning,
Still in Life,
but somewhere, stopped living.
I know there was a struggle,
never ending.
Is this the result,
my unidentifiable self,
Out of all the unknown,
for which I was striving?
Removing Things From My Vision
I scowl at the backyard,
tools cluttering up
my view of nature.
I move them out of the way.
I double-take at the mirror,
showing me this tired reflection.
I turn away.
The scenery on my way to work, on the way to the
grocery store, on the purposeful detours
heading the wrong way,
All look the same.
All around me,
the same, same, same.
I focus on stunting my brain,
attempt to trick my memory,
try not to know
that it's never going to change.
I allow the pictures of you
to seep into my mind,
hear your voice
that gave birth to my name.
Letters forming sounds
that ascertain
I can still feel pain.
The darkness looms
blotting out your image,
So happy and carefree.
I backpedal furiously,
can't close my eyes
to what's inside of me.
I must remove
what I don't want to see.
And when I open my eyes
I am blind to everything
in front of me.
A Humble Query for the Divine Oracle
I ask this question in the stupefied amazement of one who believes that such a thought could not have possibly ever existed before...
"Why!?". "Is it so fucking hard?" "Why?!". "Will you solidify my ache, capture my Soul as it breaks?".
Is this a method which takes the place of a blind, fervent grace?
Is this what it takes?!