If the way things are is as they say, “ The new norm”, today is stay 6’ away, then what a long long time it will be before I feel the same. I was at my best only a few months ago and now I just don’t know who I am anymore. If It was an event, I’d know, but just because the world ended, it doesn’t mean that I have to die too. Oh don’t get me wrong, I do hope so, and I am looking into it in various ways, it’s just not that simple and I never used to be this brave. I’ve looked into the freedom I was chasing, and it was just my own wagon of tales, circular in decline , it sure looked like a dream and it was loaded with hidden meaning. I think, that as we grow we learn about all the things around us. We become masters at some skill set and with technique, we can become focused on something that our hearts love, being willing, is willing it will become passion. The way we view are happiness is a ratio of time’s peaceful passage and time’s passionate desire per experience. If the desire is unending and we rise, to the highest level. A Level Well above average skill, it gives us individual focal flares, to be used at points for needed attention. It’s the face of one addiction shaping our generation’s lineage line. Popular fortunes become the next thing to crave and the cravings do not go away unless we ignore almost all our emotions and identify the thoughts that our perceptions label with danger’s tape and caution signs. Run away! No one changes lanes and the bravery of our youth is lost on the repetition of education. Hiding in plain site, the fate we pretend is what we are, is yelling and screaming at us. It begs us to look. “Look this way, or look at the world around you” it says, but we don’t.
How is it that we reach out to have another Taste of pain from misplacing ourselves, again too close to the flames of unattainable experience within a previous experiences. We setup situations we desire with meticulous repetition. We can only find what we don’t know one time. Going on what we know is boredom, what was fun is now how we feel burnt and ashamed because the injury’s we sustained on yesterday’s success will keeping us from finishing the game, it’s not the same again, it’s a rut within, until we find a way out and our dreams will become intercepted into someone else’s game. On the couch we revisit it again and again. All ways a memory of cheering within “ Go for it” screaming for the home team, even though our home isn’t inside the dwelling that our fore fathers built. It’s not far from their fortunes of endless power. It’s not because of our last name that we crave fame. The true destiny of us was alive before this life and it’s been the same for us forever. We make it a behavior and name it an emotion. There are not any short straws, and the colors we hold outside are not what our true ability is about. We defined love as our destruction, and we decided to separate our truth with possessions. Collectively coexisting in harmony and natural balance is the meaning of purpose. Our hope is from our passion and lacking drive is where hate takes root to become fear. Angry fear is a fight for survival between the classes and the wise. Living in this life brings us death. Our death is strong enough to take the intention of each breath and drive fear into it like a stake through our hearts, we become pinned down to the sacrifice. Crucified even. We love it too because it is what most people do to each other every time they want their own way. Punishing our failures with a lack of knowledge is giving us up to the enemy of our silence. To get up in the new expectation isn’t popular at first, so we keep it hidden, then we try very hard to change nothing. Until we want to change everything else instead.
This world will not not know what gifts I have because I don’t feel it’s my time to use the vast arsenal of strength I was given. My bullets don’t kill lives, I kill confusion with things that think and feel right. It’s perfected longing, here i sit inside of a huge sphere. The sphere is here to collect power from a need to survive and it derives from the light. It finds the lost dreams and replaces them with inspiration and hope. If it’s God’s will that we survive, then in a chair, behind a desk I will find the letters of linear alphabetical resolution. Problems to solve. Solutions to feel!
Do I keep it real? Not really, I keep it free from the stone cold locked in idealism that is tearing the soul out of our species one selfish act at a time. I can see the way. Illuminated is the path of what I was built to become, I hold on for the ride and the task is written into the words that can flip the switches which heal damaged intentions. Yet, I am afraid of the masses and in a vault like safe place i fail at things that are easy for me. Inside of the failure, I find the comfortable silence of day dreaming death. My work is meant to be read, yet I never can set it free. I never give the gift given to everyone through these parables of some pre-designed metaphysical meaning. My me, is not up to it and I can’t care to share. It’s that global selfishness that will destroy our species, at least in this form. Will we see what we call humanity, or will we sell out to digital calamity?
Maybe “greetings program” wasn’t too far off into the future then. I’d rather be this type of light being than be trapped into an electrical being of impulse that exists on a board in a plastic box of other impulses. Waiting for our soul impulse to beckon call on us for our digital imprint upon my memory which is now located on a stick.
Chip off the old block, indeed!!
I CANNOT TELL IF IM DIFFERENT TODAY Dear Father, Creator of the earth, the Sun, the Moon and all things this universe contains, i am very great full for all of these moments. Every moment I have had, has had such wonderful gifts and I’ve seen such magnificent things. Thank you for the miracles that show me your glory, your compassion and thank you for all the love i have witnessed from all living things. I may not show my appreciation as often as i need too. I don’t do a very good job showing the way i feel. I do believe in the goodness of the world. I find myself so very distracted with pride and all the trivial things that distract my focus. I don’t know how to feel emotions very well. I have become overly comfortable with the uncomfortable pain i feel from my perspective. I wasn’t always this disconnected with the world and the way my choices impact it. If i was stronger or more aware of the moment at hand, I could hope for more fulfillment and peace of mind. I was able to taste the flavor of balanced consciousness a couple times and in those moments i did feel the true connection to what you are. I have done some of the tasks i feel you designed to be part of my destiny. I know i have also failed myself and the world far more often than the world has caused me discomfort.
I am so vey far behind where I feel i belong. I was hoping to ask. If you could please find a way to forgive me for all my selfish behaviors, and for the way I have not respected the familiar relations which i have connected ties to, in this time. I am having a very hard time making the choices that will pull me closer to you, your love, and the love of our society.
I do not have even the smallest understanding about what we are all here to obtain. I have a pure understanding of what is truly beautiful about life. At least I think i do. I have learned that being honest is the most important aspect of this life. I know that being dedicated to helping each other is more than just feeling good about my self, and i do try to have an open enough soul to identify with the trials and tribulations which i know have affected the people around me. I have been totally committed to the love of my life and I have gone too far to try and prove myself for her. i don't understand why I must feel so much desire to be a man that is always helpful to what others want. I find myself all twisted up in the choices i make because what feels like the perfect plan of action to resolve my needs and even help the needs for my close relations, will somehow go very wrong and i feel i have caused there to be far more trouble and stress. Am i truly just unlucky or is it some cognitive flaw within the logical pattern of my problem solving cognitive mental abilities?
I just don’t believe in myself at all anymore and the next moment, will just prove to me that I’m right to not trust my instinct. I cant’ seem to move through the tragedy of the recent past and i feel so much resentment for not having the foresight or awareness during certain moments. Moments that had so much impact on the happiness of myself and so many others. Why was I so distracted and distant? Why did you not just have me go with her? I know if i was there nothing could have turned out the way it did. i am so very lost without her here. I know she is in my heart and i do feel her presence near me. It isn’t the same though. I really need to have her arms around me and I need to hear her voice. i want to know what I’m doing wrong and why i find myself just confused about the most simple things. Why did she have to go and why did she have to leave in such a tragic way? Shilo is the best thing about my life and i really believed that we had to have had so much more time to be in love, and alive together. i wanted her to know that i could be the successful husband. I wanted to be a part of her dreams coming true. It isn't right and I don't think that it’s at all acceptable. I know that I’m being selfish. i have faith that there is a truly beautiful reason why you took her from us. It just doesn’t make any sense to me Right now though. I feel like the hate and pain that i have caused in my past is all stacked up against me. I’ll never be deserving to be happy, Well, If that’s the case why do i have to be so stuck in it?
I cant find my soul and the emptiness inside of me is not getting smaller. I feel almost Hollow inside and what was left of the hope i was clinging onto isn't going to last.`
Father God, I know the truth. I know what real love is about. I know that i can feel it, when their is pain in others eyes and i know i can help so many people understand themselves, if i express your will. I know what gifts you have installed into me. The feeling of my purpose is so strong, and yet, I try and try and try to find the right set of actions that transform me from being this beaten down pitiful thing that’s living in the failure after mistake and panic disorder mentality of this lifestyle that i’m living, to the quiet, observant, dedicated, compassionate and respectful soul i am supposed to be.
It just seems like every time i get the chaotic mess under control, i get hit with another misleading moment full of fear and anxiety; i just wanted to love myself enough to go through life and be better than i am bad. If i had a the chance to erase me, i would do so.
If you can be so kind as to show me why the hell i am still here and maybe show me enough love to have just a small amount of conviction to remember how it feels to be confident enough to hope for love and life to continue into another day. It would really help me.
Father please help heal me and the painful way i am inside. I have a bear trap clasped around my heart and every thing i do is causing my life force to drip out of the wounds that I wont let heal. Amen
God if you can please save me because i can’t beat this thing .. I give up, and I surrender this way to anything different. Amen ........
Here is the final dream. It’s nothing we can remember,
It’s the ashes of our life spreading into the winds of our soul.
Robert William Stewart
Is this my time because I lost the clock on my watch. Is it still five after the moment I woke up in a sea of wishes which became the fishes swimming in my eyes¥
New one
A man stands and as the man again, the man who was a quest, who was within the things he needed to know. This man had his meaning and his dream for the purpose of becoming the energy of his body, his mind, and the Heart he found within the way of the swinging things delivered between the living, and his dream. In the creation his way of balancing his purpose,focus,feelings and truth. Doing the right thing it seams has not been his reward. The hidden moments of escape and the links that ended in missing mistakes, unraveling the core threads of his being. This man was lost again in nothing but the work he trusted was the priority, the future, and the endless river of the way to becoming the one single being. It's all included in peaceful place hidden in what was the gift he became. When the future is present and the reason is real, The reason is true and the reason isn’t something we have or ever walk up too. The reason is the one thing we trust, the thing that has to be concrete between the years.. Why do we find the happiness in single moments that tether us to the climbing rope we set as our safety line in case we forget to hold onto what it means to love someone, something, someplace, some time, or some how. When the rope was tied it was not tied to the river of our intent and the future slipped off corse while we kept working and working to feel secure and free from needing to have things that are all distractions from the ever loving once in a life time being, it is in living with the winds and setting suns. The man became frozen again. The man was not the man he hoped to become because the man he was, was lost, on the way up the wall he forgot about fear and the wall of fear is not to tall nor the danger of the slipping fall. Athens and a wall of fear is the hidden things we do to improve nothing but the way we feel when the things we perceive are important enough to ignore, it's the world we are creating from what we want and what we want it to be. If it is not already a beautiful thing, the man can’t change it, he can only loose his footing and as he forgets to hold the things he holds dear close to his soul, he finds himself in the emptiness of weightless places. The places where we will meet our selves and see all the purpose we protected become the emptiness of not loving. Who we need to be to define the moment of our being. It is a failure of monumental awareness and the gift, the beautiful thing we found through truth will not be the beautiful meaning of what we have and what we keep. It is lost to the darkest dreams and in those dreams we meet the terror and the pain that late at night comes from a place we created in false freedom and false beliefs. In this the man can’t see the trees, the life, the love, or the little things that spark up light. It’s the slowest fade from bright and pure passion to the dull ways we stand the pain. Instead of having a warrior of ourselves fly up from our very souls. The man lost his right to decide his time his life his whole mission of why this is his life and it happened in less than the blink of an eye. He cant see the swing he had, no pond to guide him back to change the thoughts that became the pain this is the punishment that must have hidden within him and slept. Beneith his simple success . His last attempt to be a man that was as it is to have the right to be the man he believed, was man enough to find the way that was paved for him to have and the way was a trap that didn’t catch him. It was the the trap that took everything he had and ripped out his heart through the disgrace of failing to see the signs that had to be taken apart for his mind to finish first placed upon the physical beating of having one single pure thing and never appreciating its once, not in a life time blessing. This is the shattered soul blasted into pieces of what will never become one again. This is the nightmare that drives the silent darkness upon a a track that leads into the oblivion of someone who only wanted to be the friend he needed to have to achieve everything he wanted to be. He can’t have a home without a heart, he cant be alive without his soul and he is in life a dead thing. What is this place? The screaming of trees, the water lost into the polluted stream. Healing is not here for this man and as a whole, he was frozen cold and far from real. The truth is not always the good thing we can rely on and the fantasy is the death we can’t have because we want it so bad. What I am is shrinking into the emptiness of giving it all away and walking off purposeless and unafraid because there isn’t something that I will wish for. I will not wish to be anything more than the space I take and I demand that it is this in darkness and disgrace. Please dont make me see who I am because its too awful to feel my eyes looking at what I cost the world. I looked away when I needed to stay. I can not get enough of it back, its been take by demons and darkness. So in this darkness the man is chained. He wont give in because the man deserves the pain. It's his,
End Game.......
Tall tales of circular decline , it sure looked like a dream and it was loaded with hidden meaning. I think that as we grow we learn about all the things around us. We become masters at some skills and with technique, when we are focused on something that our hearts love, is willing, it will become passion.
The way we view are happiness is a ratio of time’s peaceful passage per time’s passionate desire. If the desire is unending and we rise, to the highest levels. Well above average skill, it gives us individual focal points of attention. It’s the face of one addiction shaping our generation’s lineage line.
Popular fortunes become the next thing to crave and the cravings do not go away, unless we ignore almost all our emotions and identify the thoughts that our perception labels with danger’s tape and caution signs. Run away! No one changes lanes and the bravery of our youth is lost on the repetition of education. Hiding in plain site, the fate we pretend is what we are, is yelling and screaming at us. It begs us to look. Look this way or look at the world around you it says, we don’t though. How is it that we reach out to have another Taste of pain from misplacing ourselves into the flames of unattainable repetition.
Going on, we feel burnt and ashamed because the injury’s we sustained are keeping us out of the game until we find our dreams have become someone else’s fame. On the couch we revisit it again and again. All ways cheering with the home team even though our home isn’t inside the dwelling that our for fathers built.
It’s not from a fortune or endless power because of our last name. The true destiny is alive before this life and it’s been the same for us forever. There are not any short straws and the colors we hold outside our ability to love is what our destruction
has decided to separate our hope from our drive with. It’s where hate takes root to become fear.
Angry fear is a fight for survival between the classes and the wise. Living in this life brings us death. Our death is strong enough to take the intention of each breath and drive it like a stake through our hearts. We love it too because it is what most people do to each other. Punishing our failure with a lack of knowledge is giving us up to the enemy, to get up in the new expectation isn’t popular, so we keep it hidden, then we try very hard to change nothing.
This world will not not know what gifts I have because I don’t feel it’s my time to use the vast arsenal of strength I was given. My bullets don’t kill lives, I kill confusion with things that think and feel right. It’s a perfected longing, here i sit inside of a huge sphere. The sphere is here to collect power from need and it derives from the light. It finds the lost dreams and replace them with inspired hope. If it’s god will that we survive, then in a chair, behind a desk I will find the letters of alphabetical resolve. Problems to solve, Do I keep it real? Not really, I keep it free from the stone cold locked in idealism that is tearing the soul out of our species one selfish act at a time. I can see the way, it’s illuminated, a path of what I was built to become, I hold on for the ride and the task is written into the words that can flip the switches which heal damaged intention.
I am afraid of the masses and in a vault like safe place i fail at things that are easy for me. Inside the failure is the comfortable silence of Death? My work is meant to be read, yet I never can set it free. I never give the gift given to everyone through these parables of metaphysical meaning. My me, is not up to it and I can’t care to share. It’s global selfishness that will destroy our
species in this form. Will we see what we call humanity? or will we sell out to digital calamity?
Maybe “greetings program” wasn’t too far off into the future then. I’d rather be light, than be electrical impulses on a board in a plastic box of other impulses.
Chip off the old block indeed!!
Comes Truth
By Robert Stewart
Winter sleeps,
Spring awakens
Summer lives,
Fall remembers
In the circle of the world
We pass it up
Through this changing,
The course of our fortunate misfortunes
From fear, comes courage.
From humility, Comes laughter.
From forgiveness, Comes love.
From passion, Comes purpose.
From faith. Comes peace.
From you, To me,
Comes Truth
By Robert Stewart
Winter sleeps,
Spring awakens
Summer lives,
Fall remembers
In the circle of the world
We pass it up
Through this changing,
The course of our fortunate misfortunes
From fear, comes courage.
From humility, Comes laughter.
From forgiveness, Comes love.
From passion, Comes purpose.
From faith. Comes peace.
From you, To me,
Inside of this Dream
I get it all, now! True clarity in all the days. I lost my heart one night. I lost the beat of my life, I had to stand between my future and a child in disguise. The smile will haunt me endlessly. inside of this dream.
I sleep alive in the darkness that awakens the single most defining moment of my existence. Time is frozen within me. Inside of this dream I was living a life without will. A distracted death and the pull was an angel trying to tell me I was missing it all.
In the twisted way that evil embeds itself into every thing, a good deed becomes a weed’s seed. An angel screams, the silent cry, disguised in innocent goodness this thing came exactly the same way it came before. Love of life no more, no more, no moments may change.
Thats the day I got it, clarified truth in disinfected clarity of my mistaken priority’s. Heaven’s a wash now, and I fooled myself into a long lie. Life is the time you are in, not the time you might have later. Later is the pointed edge of razor sharp regret.
I reached out for the way and found the usual illusion.
Keep up! Keep up, stay ahead of the parade. The happiness can’t come if you don’t take the wage you make for a spin in a sporty acquisition, take it into the future security of what you can’t have until they say So! Nothing can be waisted, not a single split second of time is extra. Enjoy it later after you have earned the deserving dish of having slaved all your power to convince the youth that life is a true lie.
This class action contract is not in synergetic dividends of equality and reputable returns of compounding interest rates.
The size of your soul shrinks every day that you convince yourself to step off the cliff of forsaking moments to run the race, run, work, sleep eight, and repeat five times, at least, a week. Ok, in two weeks take one for yourself and give the creators remainder one sunny afternoon too.
The gift of God reinvented into a biblical manifestation of mind controlling conditioning pros.
The only thing it redeems, feeds another mans dream. Take head of the needful things, you don’t need, balance is not all about having the future set into a sculpture you mold and cast in order to hold it over your head while cheering for your own self-importance and decree that the distinguished extremes, of your prideful prison cell is real self-esteem. Your energetic growth is not a corner office suite, on the top floor. The office is the face you see instead of, the love of your life. Laughing at little things happening endlessly.
You see, you don’t see.
All of the understood foundational structure of our humanity is designed to manipulate, the many, into tools of the few. and the true value of this life is waisted for nothing other than the true power controlling us with social standing.
The popular celebrity isn’t going to actually make his own coffee.
Inside of this dream I found the one person who never fell for the long lie. She was murdered by technology’s twisted Jesus. The message of an organized institution that is repackaging the meaning of Christ's life into dollars that don’t make sense and sense that can’t change itself into what love really means.
When you see through what is inside of this dream, we all dream, on repeated genealogy, you will cry. They stole the evolution of the your life is, with punch time card manipulations.
Who you came from is your rolling station of racial conception. Forget not your place, your social security number, you’re certifications and degrees, or your time line to true success. Which is having so much you can quit living.
If one day you meet the soul of your own check and mate, make them laughing out loud and inside, the highest of all priority’s, spend every moment you’re together focused into the infusion of the experience. From inside of a weaving dream, linked souls intertwined in between, the other souls of love which you are so blessed to be alive with, are in the true dream, it is awaking a dreams awakening. Look around, our actual ability to define the purpose we become, our creation is chosen inspiration. So live inside of the dream you bring and share your love, as is, for always, and tell them how it feels. Every single day.
The soul
A man stands and as the man again, the man who was a quest, who was within the things he needed to know. This man had his meaning and his dream for the purpose of becoming the energy of his body, his mind, and the Heart he found within the way of the swinging things delivered between the living, and his dream. In the creation his way of balancing his purpose,focus,feelings and truth. Doing the right thing it seams has not been his reward. The hidden moments of escape and the links that ended in missing mistakes, unraveling the core threads of his being. This man was lost again in nothing but the work he trusted was the priority, the future, and the endless river of the way to becoming the one single being. It's all included in peaceful place hidden in what was the gift he became. When the future is present and the reason is real, The reason is true and the reason isn’t something we have or ever walk up too. The reason is the one thing we trust, the thing that has to be concrete between the years.. Why do we find the happiness in single moments that tether us to the climbing rope we set as our safety line in case we forget to hold onto what it means to love someone, something, someplace, some time, or some how. When the rope was tied it was not tied to the river of our intent and the future slipped off corse while we kept working and working to feel secure and free from needing to have things that are all distractions from the ever loving once in a life time being, it is in living with the winds and setting suns. The man became frozen again. The man was not the man he hoped to become because the man he was, was lost, on the way up the wall he forgot about fear and the wall of fear is not to tall nor the danger of the slipping fall. Athens and a wall of fear is the hidden things we do to improve nothing but the way we feel when the things we perceive are important enough to ignore, it's the world we are creating from what we want and what we want it to be. If it is not already a beautiful thing, the man can’t change it, he can only loose his footing and as he forgets to hold the things he holds dear close to his soul, he finds himself in the emptiness of weightless places. The places where we will meet our selves and see all the purpose we protected become the emptiness of not loving. Who we need to be to define the moment of our being. It is a failure of monumental awareness and the gift, the beautiful thing we found through truth will not be the beautiful meaning of what we have and what we keep. It is lost to the darkest dreams and in those dreams we meet the terror and the pain that late at night comes from a place we created in false freedom and false beliefs. In this the man can’t see the trees, the life, the love, or the little things that spark up light. It’s the slowest fade from bright and pure passion to the dull ways we stand the pain. Instead of having a warrior of ourselves fly up from our very souls. The man lost his right to decide his time his life his whole mission of why this is his life and it happened in less than the blink of an eye. He cant see the swing he had, no pond to guide him back to change the thoughts that became the pain this is the punishment that must have hidden within him and slept. Beneith his simple success . His last attempt to be a man that was as it is to have the right to be the man he believed, was man enough to find the way that was paved for him to have and the way was a trap that didn’t catch him. It was the the trap that took everything he had and ripped out his heart through the disgrace of failing to see the signs that had to be taken apart for his mind to finish first placed upon the physical beating of having one single pure thing and never appreciating its once, not in a life time blessing. This is the shattered soul blasted into pieces of what will never become one again. This is the nightmare that drives the silent darkness upon a a track that leads into the oblivion of someone who only wanted to be the friend he needed to have to achieve everything he wanted to be. He can’t have a home without a heart, he cant be alive without his soul and he is in life a dead thing. What is this place? The screaming of trees, the water lost into the polluted stream. Healing is not here for this man and as a whole, he was frozen cold and far from real. The truth is not always the good thing we can rely on and the fantasy is the death we can’t have because we want it so bad. What I am is shrinking into the emptiness of giving it all away and walking off purposeless and unafraid because there isn’t something that I will wish for. I will not wish to be anything more than the space I take and I demand that it is this in darkness and disgrace. Please dont make me see who I am because its too awful to feel my eyes looking at what I cost the world. I looked away when I needed to stay. I can not get enough of it back, its been take by demons and darkness. So in this darkness the man is chained. He wont give in because the man deserves the pain. It's his,
End Game.......
Passion and Desire
As The Whole world sleeps
I can not,
I focus on a calming breath.
Slowly in, and one, two, release.
Less than a minute later,
I forget, it switches back,
Once again, evening scenes,
Reload, rewind, repeat, and pause.
The Routine didn’t change,
Usual places with familiar faces.
Myself and a friend, laughing and chatting,
Then what seemed usual, rearranged.
Senses suddenly aware of a change in the air,
It was almost magnetic in evolution,
a force that overcame will with power,
I closed of my eyes and tried to feel its name,
This vision came, a projected fantasy,
frame by frame.
The man was me, in the dream,
Familiar it seemed although,
Vaguely, I knew this was a new station, Finely tuned to a new musical theme.
As inside me, a desire realizing,
Flint on steel, sparking up, fireflies like lightning.
Instinct rising and upstanding,
The hairs upon my neck, electric.
While Dangerous alarms went suddenly wild.
Clarity is the world of passion,
As passion celebrates an awakening attraction,
Happening truth is the undeniable energy,
Just one step closer toward this friend,
And lightly I brushed a touch.
From that;
Rushing blood heart beats awakening,
Temporal confidence is surging with potential,
Forgotten breath and in this beating chest a skip it did,
Involuntarily Quickening.
Almost nervous, almost afraid,
A Devine taste of something sacred,
A hand slowly shifts,
a string pulls a dream,
Like a light switch click,
harmonic vibrations set free the tone.
Never a word or a thought, this meaning was the silent feeling,
Eye to Eye, faithful hands, so delicately devoted,
Courage was bravely holding fate,
Her clothes mocking, a gesture of layered secrecy
Almost real, the question, shall I seek out this mystery,
Lying Beneath her silky armor,
is her most sacred honor.
As a masculine need takes control,
Her defiance instantly deflates, and a reflex embraces,
A shared sense of glowing growth
She knows her beautiful soul is connected,
So Down this road they both will go.
Upon the wall her shadow stands,
Upon the shadow lays a mans hand,
Softly across her it slides, up her shoulders blade,
Floating without a thought toward
The bare skin upon her neck.
Sudden sensations, true connection.
Lightly fingers trace the shape of each other’s impression,
As one presses the other does follows,
until closer, closure In it soon ensues.
beginning this tingling awakens,
skin on skin,
And at last the frozen breath,
lost and found,
Releases expectation.
From her lips a soft moan pleads pleasure,
The harmonic tone vibrates itself into a symphony,
A sound felt fire of flame.
The taste of desire, resonating within,
The journey begins as her head falls to her left,
The vampires un-resistible temptation,
pulsating in arterial revelation.
He seizes her will in his,
in each other a chill does rise.
Intimacy unfolding.
As his face passes her necklace of golden lace,
He stops ever so close,
her earrings sparkle in his eyes,
And as soft as a humming birds wing,
He whispers.
In this, is my honor
This moment is alone
It’s for me to show you
The exact nature of your power,
The desire you inspire
The attraction of undeniable Passion.
This is a place and it’s well within reach,
As the world ends and time stands still,
All I wish is to know is your soul intertwined around mine.
From Within the depths of the ocean seas,
A breath of creation,
Release yourself to know the way,
The way you feel,
When I be me, and you be you,
Discover this true experience,
Fearless and ferocious
Hold nothing back.
Show me the true beauty of
Your naked soul.
I alone demand to know.
As the whole world sleeps
I can not.