Days and Nights
The bird woke up, with the sun still below the horizon. "Tick-ick-ick-ick." Other birds are shouting, signing the very morning of the day. The sun is about to wake up. This is the time to start looking for the first meal of the day, or, in humanly words, "Breakfast!" Yummy. A morning in the varsity might be interesting.
The bird got out of the nest and started, "Chirps Chirps. Good Morning." Then it flapped the wings. The nights are filled with streetlights here, so the bird gets a bit confused and starts singing out of fear,"Tsit-tsit Che-cheeeeee-che Che-che-eeeee Tsit-sit-itt." The varsity is closed, though the halls are filled up.
Whooh. A middle aged man is also walking for the morning prayers. He might lead to some delicious, grandiose, oh-my-god tasty yum-um--ummmmyyyy foods. The bird followed. A cat, too, trying to find some foods in the roadsides. This is a public varsity campus, and students must be throwing out foods from their late night parties, here and there. Yes, just few half crunched potato chips, Broast Chicken's half chewed bones, and maybe some chocolate strips, who knows! "Hwa-hwa wieuw-wieuw"
The man turned right from the central field, taking the direction towards a student hall. Whooh, some students are still on the rooftop! They might still have some fresh foods. The birds started flapping wings faster. What a morning it is going to be! Perfect start for the day.
"Pass me the cigarette." One of them started, glancing nervously at the middle-aged man below. "Uh oh, is he checking up on the noise from last night? *puffs* Hope he doesn't report us to Student Welfare!"
*more and more puffs*
Yes, there are foods. Some crispy chips, bottles- some even broken (Yes, signs of a tremendous alcoholic night) into several pieces. Some leftover salads. Indeed the month's best breakfast. It is the weekend morning, after all. But the students are there! How to sneak?
"He looked to me for straight five seconds just a bit earlier, and saw me once again now before moving forward. *puffs* Was he trying to be sure to see me with a cigarette in this morning?"
"Think of him! Started his life in the morning with sunrays.That is the life we need, man. His days and his nights! Pass me the cigarette, bro."
"Lol, you saying about days. You don't even get out of the room.*puffs*. Take."
His days, and his nights. How many types of days and nights do human have? The make nice chips though. Bird laughed. Again flapping wings, "Tick-ick-ick-ick, Chirps Chirps, Give me some food."
The sound box continued playing high beat songs. They started dancing around the box, with some food in the middle.
"But the students are there! How to sneak?" The bird's heart hammered in its chest. With a burst of song, the bird swooped down, pretending to attack its reflection in a window. The students yelped and swatted at the empty air, giving the bird the perfect opportunity to snatch a juicy chip, some chicken fry pieces, and flap its wings faster than ever.
Weekend Morning.
Stuck under the hands
"I missed you a lot, honey!"
Okay, that is interesting. I was just walking over the metal purple benches of a park, with foods on my mouth to store it in the central storage. There was metallic ups and downs, some mountains to climb, and still I was walking steadily. But now, that is interesting!
"I missed you, too! Each day literally felt like thousand years, love. And to be honest, my lips were dying without yours. I love you, honey!"
Hi. I am an ant. And, and, and- those few lines were a lot for me. I tried to look towards them. Two 20-ish humans. White. Dressed like the ones with most extreme perfumes which makes my road signals terrible for others. What do they call it? Rich? Yes. And also educated? Yes. My other ants are lining up behind me. "Hey! You dead?" Some of them asked. I nodded my head. Not dead. Just curious. Why are they smiling? Do they already have their foods stored for the coming winter? I think, yes. They are seeming to have lots of free times for romance, even under the daylights!
"Aweeeee. I love you, too!"
Both faces just got red. There was a shiny ray of sun striking onto my eyes, and the boy's head blocked that, by moving forward to the girls'. Eyes clicked, noses came closer, and closer, and even closer. Eyes dimmed, with one hand on other's face, and with one's lips approaching others'. Lips, and lips: ticked. Ticked again. Those ticked again. And again. The boy's hand moved.
Whooh! The boy pushed harder the girl's head towards his with his hands. Ticked. Looooong ticking. The boy is moving his hand to the bench to sit up a bit and tick longer.
Oh no, that- that is a mountainous hand. That is coming, COMING, towards me, OHMYGOSH, on a high high velocity. It's gonna stuck me up. Help! Help!
"I love you, sweetheart"
The hand is really close. Eeeeeeh. Save meee. I am here! Stuck under the hands, don't kill m...