Bibliophile, Cinephile, lover of all things Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Give me taffy and play LOTR/The Hobbit and I'll be dandy.
A Christmas Challenge ... As we know, Christmas has been here and gone. But as tradition has been held, the 12 days of Christmas is the period that marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi—the three wise men. It begins on December 25th (Christmas) and runs through January 6th. And this challenge ends January 6th See the instructions and don’t forget to tag me in the comment section this way: @Danceinsilence.
Pick any of the 12 Days of Christmas and write EXACTLY 12 words, hence, this will be a couplet (two lines). Your title must be: On the (Pick a number day 1 to 12 and please write it out) Day of Christmas … and here are the days in order: A partridge in a pear tree—Two turtle doves—Three French hens—Four calling birds—Five gold rings—Six geese a-laying—Seven swans a-swimming—Eight maids a-milking—Nine ladies dancing—Ten lords a-leaping—Eleven pipers piping—Twelve drummers drumming. One line must include one of these! To fit the 15-words allotted, type any three words below it using a hashtag. Spin a thought to one of these days for the holidays. If still unsure, I shall start it off for you to get an idea … and may your days ahead be merry and bright!