Don’t fall for a writer
Stay away; Far, far away. You really should listen to me. No, I haven't recently been dumped by a writer*snort/smirk*. You'll find that a lot aren't generally able to express themselves frankly by speaking.. Fights are the worst! They might take part or even instigate them but are seldom able to get their point across--coherently, that is. Luckily, roaring needs no translation, or not much. This incoherency tends to escalate in heated moments. The reason for it is that they have a million different voices battling to be heard. You'll find that writing is the only means to convey whatever they're thinking and feeling.. mostly coherently, hopefully. Then there's the ever-looming silence that somehow manages to scorch; not like fire. Do you know how frigid cold has to be to burn? It diminishes any fear of fire. You'll find that during these times they are often impossibly distant, stubbornly refusing to let you in their lonesome worlds.. Even if that's what they want, more than anything else. Did I mention the contradiction? It comes with the package; or maybe it is the package. If you search between their writing, you'll find exposed the depths of their heart.. Or you might find riddles impossible to solve. Ones they're not even sure they themselves fully understand but desperately yearn for you to figure out. The one who stares into a writer's eyes will find a soul engulfed in uninhibited intensity.. When writers write(or readers read; as I don't think there's a writer who's not a reader, the words are synonymous to me), it is with complete and utter reverence and becomes their world, their reason for being. They'll continue reading and writing even if it kills them or rather, until.
That should give you an idea of how they love. You'll find that they don't care for casualty. They have to give their all in order to feel and can only give themselves over by feeling every emotion. In essence, writing is feeling; in order to write, writers need to feel; feeling causes them to write. They want when you're with them, to leave every inch of your heart and mind exposed. You are their world. Like luscious words--blissful unread ones and glorious old favourites! They need details, every dirty little detail and still more, always more. No matter how tremendously hurtful words sometimes are to write, writer's can never give up on it without killing a part of themselves in the process. It is their world. It is essential to their existence. Writers are willing to be utterly destroyed by their worlds before they let go. And even then, they might not. Reading forces you to look for the secrets hidden between the words and writing forces you to leave secrets between the words.
So they'll see more than they're supposed to, be attuned to your every mood, know your every heartbeat from when you're happy to feeling blue and feel it all with you, too..
You'll be equally awed and astounded by their endless mysteries and elusive realms you'll find they can't help but hide at first or forever.. They'll inscribe you between every word they read, every word they speak, every word they hear. For long after you've gone. So they'll imprint their words deep within your soul, before any thought of endings, while you're still willing to be marked, even eager. If it has to end, you'll stay scarred by them for life. As they know they inevitably will be by you. You'll find them in every word you read, every word you speak, every word you hear. For long after they're gone. And remember when I said to stay away, far, far away..? That's just poetic melodrama. In writer's speak, that means: go ahead, obliterate me; I dare you. I beg you..