Be real. How many times have I been fake?
I'm always fake, I tell everyone, does that somehow make me less fake?
I say one story to one person and a different thing to another. And then I go back to the person I spoke about and say it's not true.
I'm a mess. And I want a clean start. But now he's gone, and I know I messed up. It was my idea, for him to be gone.
I told my friends he pressured me when if I didn't say anything, was that really pressure? I could've stopped it. But I believed the lies I conceived.
I told one person I did truly love him, and my closest friends I didn't. Am I just scared of their judgment?
How many times has he told me not to care what other people think?
At times, I know he was good for me.
But in my head, I'm a mess, knowing and believing that he is bad.
He waved at me. Yesterday, when I fully thought he was done with me, after all, it was me that blocked him and didn't respond. I turned around. And looking at the other people in the room Why do you always care what other people think?
I turn back, and see his playful shock what? not gonna wave back?
I smile and wave back.
Today, I didn't see him. I tell my friends, yesterday was traumatizing. But was it?
Truth be told, I was ashamed of being with him. I do care what other people think. But while at the same time, I do truly know that he wasn't all that good, neither am I.
But have my deceits made me believe I'm not in love with him anymore?
Because now I look at him and don't feel a thing.
I'm fake.
Unjust Deserts
New Mexico was so beautiful.
When I went last, it wore a cloak of dry sand and a crown of turquoise. Call it austere, but I find loveliness when life is stripped to its essentials, when the little disagreements between humans are forced to melt before the blazing sun.
A philosopher would say that humans are always forced to face the looming presence of death. But what nice distractions we have! And no one believes that they will die. The concept of death is so antithetical to life. Some say that the briefness of life gives it meaning, but I was never one to stop eating chocolate cake just because my stomach hurt.
So with my final words, I curse death. This desert was never meant for me.
Means move
Means make
Change that makes sense
Don't just roll over
for sake of a Movement
Expect actual activity.
Standing around with a sign
Posing around with the police
is not progress
Clear roads, process debris
Clean your gottamn plastic before
recycling. Thanks
Innovate, teach, build, debate
We do not obliterate. We do not
cause property damage or injury
The opposite of our objective is
Mass destruction/Mass casualty
Being active means having integrity
Look in the mirror, laugh in the face
of dishonesty. Honestly,
shaking up the status quo costs you nothing
but status. Do not disintegrate from chaos
to madness. It's not about who gets to lead us.
Lead yourself
for once. It's about freedom, if not
self-love, then at least self-trust
Behold all you can create
when you set your mind to activate
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash
#life #lifelessons #wisdom #activism #environmentalism #objectivism
I always take it too far.
I either never romanticize my life
or overdo it.
Sometimes people will talk to me,
strike up a conversation
and I don't think anything of it.
And other times
people will accidentally make eye contact with me
and I think that this could be my great love story.
I can't just be normal,
I'm either all in or all out.
vindicate me of myself
after i've explained to you
lengthily how i am unlovable
every bit of evidence i've created
nailed to the walls of my brain
tell me how wrong i am
indulge me with the reasons you like me
name all my best qualities
end your presentation with proof
slide a hand across my chest
don't expect me to believe it though
all love can be explained away by the liar in my head
you're too lovely
Down in it (Nine inch Nails)
Please please please let me get what I want (The Smiths)
I cry for you (Marilyn Manson)
Never Let Me Down Again (Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode)
I Remember (Deadmau5 &Kaskade)
The Long Journey Home (Catching Flies)
How you Remind Me (Nickelback)
I put a Spell on You (Jeff Beck & Joss Stone)
Freak Like Me (Nightclub)
First Day of my Life (Bright Eyes)
blood & bits
I wondered what would leak out of my head if those cracks were a little larger, repeated blunt force trauma, spraying, blood, words and spilling from this fractured skull.
The crimson words spread across the cold floor, splashing words across that broken wall of a broken home, inside my head.
high school
ok bestie
you had a rough day? no time? hanging with them?
sure, girl. i totally believe that
i almost came to school today
through red eyes and fever
only to ensure that you wouldn't abandon me
i don't even like you that much, to be honest
but my closest friend is in italy
and i can't bear to eat lunch alone
she warns me, from rome
that you manipulated her
i knew this, have seen the havoc you've wreaked
after claiming to "not like drama"
i ask myself if i should reject you first
to save myself the trouble
but i am too nice, i think
at least that quality has never hampered you
take that fire with you
glass temple and weathervain kind of lies and mysterious cracks built on earthen leaves rainwater crawling through empty vine snaking like smoke up and down and through the walls
give in and free yourself or dont or give up or in out through
through the walls lit by candle light or whip lash trembling lightning laughing spilling though your mouth and out and over the terrible hilltops dragon laughter dragon wings flapping and generating the most horrible gust of air enough to knock them all over and extinguish all the flames
no more light just dark just a wind filled sky and blinking eyes in the sky
fall to the ground and pick up a handful of earth worm like fingers and tentacle arms tear through the skin and bone unlawful sins gush roses ragged breath
someday some one will find this, remains and remains and plentiful skin shells littered empty open weaved through each other like sick lovers too lost too soon too broken and misshaped to identify cracks in the line through the earth through the sky
when the clouds crack in half and the moon crash lands and glittering gold the blinking eyes align like firestorm wicked planets gone
touch the sky and forget to do anything but extend a fingertip peel the flames away from the sun and wear them like a crown
take that fire with you underground