t h a n k / y o u
i know we aren’t in the best place
right now
and i know
the love gets lost in the yelling and tears
but when you come back
(because you always come back)
you apologize
because i’m too subborn to.
and because this time, words get lost in the regret,
i wrap my arms around you
and we stay like that
for a while.
we dance around those heavy pieces of glass
like how i cut myself
like how i wish to disappear
like how i stare at the knife
but when i came to you that night,
skin bleeding
mind screaming,
you wrapped my wrist in soft bandages
and read me pages from my favorite book
until my mind was calm once again.
your presence
brings more
than i can bring myself right now
and for that,
i kiss you
with not just my lips
but also my heart
because the happiness
you have brought me
for 3 years
cannot be diminished to letters.
you are the stable constant
the dependable structure
to come back to
every night
of the unpredictable days
of brief happiness
or blinding agony.
always, you are here.
the bed is awaiting
the ice cream is calling.
you are the safest place i know.
where to start?
how to express the gratitude
i have for these
pages of ink
that i have devoured my entire life?
worlds of magic
times told backwards
life once lived
and lived once again.
inked pages have it all.
when life fails to be enough
when life decides to be too much,
there will always be a book
waiting to be read.
never touched my heart
i asked you to
take care of me
kiss me
devour me
love me
and you took care of
my body,
devouring it
with kisses,
moaning how you love me.
and that’s when i broke.
right there, intertwined with the love of my life
right there,
my blood grew feet
and furiously fled,
well-aware that the aftermath
of your mistakes
would be fatal.
(i think) i wanted you to
take care of my heart
kiss my mind
devour my words
am i a terrible person
i wonder why i don’t have true friends
but then i realize,
i’m not a true friend.
maybe it’s because i’ve been taught that life is
everyone for themselves,
where only the most cutthroat people
so i’ll be nice if we have to work together.
genuinely nice.
but once that deadline is met,
and sometimes, i wish
i could change that mindset of mine.
but maybe it’s for the best.
after all,
i don’t need friends
when friends get in the way of success
and success
earns money
and money
drives donations
and donations
contribute to a
better world.
a flame and a candle
i am the fire.
you are the candle.
you give birth to my light,
letting it glow and dance and twist.
the wind tried to pull me
but you wouldn’t let it.
i thought you were sweet,
protecting me from my breezy death.
but i realized soon
that i am chained to you.
i try to bend away,
but i can’t fly away to burn
anywhere i please.
my flame dances around your candle,
trapped to your wax stick
conforming my light.
to burn, light and pretty,
i am forever condemned
to your dark candle.
turn off my mind
don’t make a noise.
don’t say a word
as you climb into my heart.
if i hear you,
if i start to see opportunities of self-sabotage,
my mind will wake up.
and then
explore every inch
of my heart
but don’t ever come close
to my mind.
it will say words it doesn’t mean.
it will drive you away.
it will make you
hate me.
i don’t know what i would do if you hated me.
so please, please,
don’t utter a word
as you sleep next to my soul.
i was a yellow sunflower
at the back of the garden.
unnoticed, my bright petals.
disregarded, my long stem.
i was a glass vase
with nothing inside.
empty, i was left.
discarded, i became.
october ninth,
you took the sunflower
and put it in the vase.
you filled my vacant glass of a body
with colorful life.