the combined forces of time and gravity will take us all down someday, but until then-
Write a love story in less than 20 words.
Ended June 30, 2018 • 3 Entries • Created by what_if in Poetry & Free Verse
What a masquerade
Masquerade. Write down whatever that means to you.
Ended June 14, 2018 • 2 Entries • Created by what_if
Tell me a story.
Tell me a story. It can be about whatever you want. Sad, happy, scary, anything, as long as it's special. Write a story that will leave a lasting image on all who read it.
Ended June 20, 2018 • 2 Entries • Created by what_if
Write down your favorite song, then tell me in 30 words or less why.
Ended June 12, 2018 • 1 Entry • Created by what_if
Choose your quote from a famous book series. Put the series under it.
If you can't make 15 words, just put another quote beneath it, or write something random.
Ended February 28, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by what_if
Write a love poem to someone you love, but don't put their name directly. Put it in the poem as a phrase, or a hidden message.
Ended February 14, 2018 • 1 Entry • Created by what_if
In 30 words or less, write a poem about heartbreak
Ended November 30, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by what_if