Make Me Smile
I'm going through a period of depression and I just need some positive messages in my life right now. Try to keep it short and sweet.
Ended June 10, 2019 • 8 Entries • Created by theunknownloser
Take out the 7th book on your bookshelf, go to the 7th page, then the 7th line of that page. Write a story starting with that line. (Before the prompt, give the name of your book) You have 7 minutes to wirte your story. Go!
Ended November 17, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by theunknownloser
Write a short horror story about Mickey Mouse and Barney
Ended November 17, 2017 • 0 Entries • Created by theunknownloser in Flash Fiction
Write a flash fiction story in the horror genre.
Try to make the last line stand out the most. Let's start off the Halloween season with a BANG! (Also tag me in your post @theunknownloser)
Ended October 1, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by theunknownloser